Fark Wiki

This page is the main page for the nicknames for the impeached 45th* President of the United States, Donald J. T****. There have been so many that they have been separated into 12 pages.

Numbers - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Not all nicknames have been included in this page.

If you know of one that is not listed, please post the nickname and link for the first usage of it in the main talk page for review.


An attempt was made to credit the first use of the nickname. If a link can be found showing an earlier use of the nickname, it will be corrected. Post suggestions--with links--for corrections in the main talk page for review.

FARKer's usernames are hidden in an attempt to follow FARK's policy of "not calling out other FARKers".


Typos and FARK filters have been corrected. Pretentious Capitalization Was Added For Many.


For nicknames marked ❓ (uncertain), the editor may not have gotten the joke. If you know the joke or reference and can recommend the proper category, please post suggestions and explanations--with links--in the main talk page for review.

If you disagree about a category in which a nickname was placed, we can argue about it in the main talk page too.

All other comments

Please post any suggestions for improvements, compliments or critiques on the main talk page.


Emoji Source
🏴 Al Qaeda
American-based, Christian man of the cloth
🖋 author, journalist, writer
👿 bastard
🖌 cartoonist, visual artist
celebrity, TV show
🗳️ citizen, voter, activists
🤡 Donald himself (including depictions of) or one of his supporters (includes family members and employees)
🎓 educator, historian, lexicographer
🏆 Emmy-award winner
🥓 FARKer
🌽 farmer
🃏 former MAGAt
👂 #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant acknowledged on air by Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA
🔎 January 6th Committee member, witness
🗽 judge, lawyer, court or official court documents
🇰🇿 Kazakh journalist
🛐 MAGAt, rabid supporter, current Trump lawyer
🩺 medical professional
🙈 former member of the Trump administration, or Trump lawyer, especially one who only reveals what they knew in a book which gets published long after they have left their job
👮‍♂️ military or law enforcement, former or current
🐱 misc internet (incl. blogs, Twitter, Imgur, Amazon reviews, YouTube, etc)
👷 municipal department
🗞 news outlet, publisher, editor
🇰🇵 North Korean official
🎩 politician, candidate or other dignitary
🎙 pundit or other political commentator
🥼 scientist
🛡 Scottish Twitter
or any Scot
NOTE: this emoji is temporary and will be changed to the Scottish flag emoji once it becomes available to everyone
💼 spokesperson, campaign operative, political staff
📣 unknown protester
📯 whistleblower, former government employee/DoD official, former Trump employee, unnamed person "familiar with ..."
Emoji Category
🚽 10-15 flushes; document flushing
💊 addict, includes drunk, gambler
🎠 administration
🔠 anagram
🔫 America/America's, Founding Fathers', Our Nation, National, Our, Your (humanity's)
🇬🇧 American version of Boris Johnson; British insult
🦍 animal; semi-, sub-, or not quite human; humanoid; monster, ghoul; mutant; mascot; semi-sentient; creature
💩 ass-, taint-, poop-, or fart(gas)-related, hemorrhoid, incontinent, diaper, skidmark, queef, bile
👑 authoritarian, autocrat, tyrant, despot, dictator, monarch, emperor, imperial, anything undemocratic (abuses power/authority), plutocrat
🐡 blowhard, braggart, gasbag, smug, panderer, egotist, narcissist, disloyal, pompous, vain, megalomaniac, diva, TV star, attention whore, arrogant, loud, interrupter
🏭 body or any other body part that is not hands, feet, penis/testicles or ass
📉 broke, bankrupt, imaginary wealth, tacky, gauche, trashy, classless, cheap, pathetic, junk food, deadbeat
🧀 Cheeto or cheese (including cheese-like foods)
child cager
🍼 childish, needy, infantile, immature, manbaby, manchild, crybaby, mewling, inexperienced, impulsive, petty, spiteful, whiner, stubborn, belligerent, obstinate, willful, spoiled, irresponsible, tantrum-thrower, petulant
👽 conspiracy theorist, superstitious, Sovereign Citizen, denier, impervious to logic (and reason, history, facts, etc), factually wrong, solipsistic, illiterate, strange, weird, goofy, freak, rube, incurious, ignorant, misinformed, uninformed, fear-monger, plotter
⚰️ COVID-19, coronavirus, the 'rona, plague, pandemic, pestilence, superspreader, angel of death, contagious
🐤 coward, craven, frightened, panic-stricken, scared, pseudonym, troll, rapscallion, weasel
crime-related (excluding traitor, sexual predator, child-cager); corrupt (swamp), lawless, thief, usurper, war criminal, murderer
🛐 cult, fanboy, MAGA, sedition inciter, demagogue, savior, champion, infallible, power of positive thinking, idol
💀 cures for COVID-19, especially ill-advised, misinformed snake-oil
💪 daddy, uncle, avuncular, self-proclaimed hero/alpha male
🔨 destructive, instigator, war-monger, murderous, genocidal, violent, abusive, inhumane, impolite, undiplomatic, terrorist, uncouth, obnoxious, reckless, inconsiderate, menace, malicious, vindictive
🔥 disaster, dystopian, disasterous administration, dumpster/trashcan fire, problematic, nightmare, hellish, apocalyptic, scorched earth
🏆 draft dodger
📜 document thief
🤦 embarrassment, fool, goofball, boob, clown, gullible, distraction, cartoonish, buffoon, schmuck, turkey, oaf, disgrace, ass-kisser, laughingstock, chump, laughable, ridiculous, joke, tiresome, low expectations
💣 emotionally unstable, angry, mean, heartless, Cluster B, unhinged, disturbed, ruthless, manic, maniac, mad/madman, chaotic, capricious, unpredictable, thin-skinned, triggered, dangerous, ASPD, pathological, psychopathic/sociopathic, evil, cruel, lunatic, venegful, vicious, insecure, reckless, sadistic, malevolent, malignant
🎖 entitled, pampered, out of touch, teflon, frat-boy, Dunning-Kruger stupid (know-it-all, contrarian), exceptional, unsophisticated, scavenger, squatter, privileged, shameless, ingrate, dandy, pompous, prima dona, celebrity, unrepentant
♾️ eternal; everlasting; ever; epic; serial; historic; trans-dimensional, life-long, classic, ultimate
🗑 failure, loser, sore loser, lame, tragedy, tragic, weak, frail, feeble, tired, bitch, cuck, soft, dandy, ineffectual, impotent, wimp, insecure, has-been, washed-up, disappointment
🛑 fascism, fascist, anti-democratic, UnAmerican
🍔 fat, glutton, slob, slovenly, sloppy, sweaty, frumpy, lumpy, bloated
🍗 former President, Ex-President
🇨🇳 friend of Li "Cindy" Yang, proprietor of Orchid Day Spa; Chinese taxpayer
🏝 friendless, humorless, forgetable, mediocre, forgotten, ostrasized, former, disliked, unpopular, low ratings, unwanted, unpleasant, unloved, unwelcome, nameless, pathetic, Schroedinger's Douchbag, grump, salty, bored, boring, desperate, jealous, poisonous, toxic, little to no influence, irrelevant, insignificant, extraneous
🖕 fuckup, incompetent, unqualified, inept, useless, worthless, hot mess, trainwreck, "Florida Man", deplorable, delinquent, whack, undependable, hypocrite, mistake, negligent, neglectful, unsuccessful, dysfunctional
🌈 future nickname
🍯 gold, golden, midas, winner (especially sarcastic)
🌎 grab bag; many, many, many things
🐷 greedy, selfish, shallow
💸 grifter; conman; con-, scam artist; money-launderer; cheat; tax-dodger; huckster; thief; mooch; exploiter; everything's a transaction; parasite; whorish; sell-out; shill; reality show/game show host (current or former), TV "star" (current or former), social media "influencer (current or former); lousy businessman/negotiator
🐿 hair, combover, balding, toupee
🎺 impeached (waa, waa); a horn for each impeachment
🌂 impersonator; fraud; Drumpf; poser; populist; alias; dandy; makeup-, wig-wearer; gilded; gaudy; cheap imitation; inferior substitute, imposter; clumsy, awkward, two-bit; second-rate; wannabe; charlatan; imaginary hero/warrior, leader, military and/or playboy; pretend mobster or tough-guy; effeminate; empty suit
🥗 incoherent, delusional, deranged, demented, feeble-minded, senile, confused, brain-damaged, sundowning, paranoid, covfefe, nonsensical
🦹‍♂️ inspiration for 1980's pop fiction villainy; wrestling heel/villain; cartoonish villain
jerk; asshole; jackass; bully; cunt; punk; dick; prick; scumbag; twat; twit; bastard; annoying, pest, irritating, offensive, horrible, pendejo; douche/douchebag/douche canoe; POS; twatwaffle; wanker; motherfucker; cocksucker; bitch; pain-in-the-ass/neck; insufferable
🦆 lame duck
🗯 liar, deceitful, two-faced, disingenuous, insincere, gaslighter, propagandist, Orwellian, untrustworthy
🛢 misc. bodily fluid/excretion (not poop or urine) human or otherwise; incl. burp
misogynist, incel, macho, MRA, homophobic, mansplainer, stalker-ish, creep, philander
🍄 mushroom penis, toad, dildo
🌿 non-orange plant or food related
👃 obvious, famous, notorious
👴 old, retired, dinosaur, dotard, Boomer
one term
🍊 orange-colored, orange food (fruit, vegetable, etc), poorly tanned skin, bad makeup job, neon, florescent
💡 out of touch; especially his fixation with household appliances and how to use them; lightbulbs, dishwashers, etc; except toilets
🚑 physically deformed/diseased (except COVID-19), clumsy, uncoordinated, syphilitic, festering, smelly, filthy, itchy, vulgar, vile, rotted, rancid, garbage, expired, grotesque, toxic, gruesome, malignancy, wretched, odious, repulsive, loathsome, nasty
🦃 President
📽 projecting
🐢 Republican, GOP, right wing, Donnie's lawyers/legal team, employees (cultists who "get paid"); conservative
🚨 sarcastic
🍒 scrotum, balls
sexual predator, rapist, pedophile, pussygrabber, creep
🐍 sinner, degenerate, obscenity, unholy, evil, abomination, malevolent, ethically challenged, unethical, morally bankrupt, amoral, unscrupulous, scandalous, abhorrent, repugnant, soulless, irredeemable, damned, accursed, wicked, heretical, demon, demonic, depraved, dirty or unclean, profane, disgusting, lacks integrity, irreligious, unChristian, anti-Christ
❄️ snowflake, fragile, victim, delicate, weak, feckless, wimpy
🦨 stinky, smelly, bad odor
🥔 stupid, primitive, clueless, imbecile, mindless, dull, uncreative, unimaginative, dolt, mook, buffoon, moron
🔬 tiny hands, fingers, feet, penis; petite, little, small
🍎 Tim Apple sundowning incident
("First name"+"Company or job as last name")
🔧 tool, passive, used, useful idiot, bot, venal, easily manipulated, Manchurian
🇷🇺 traitor, seditious, spy, puppet, compromised, sychophant, ass-kisser, lap dog, Putin's, Soviet, National Security threat/risk/liability
🤡 Trump (Drumpf) family-related (shitty husband, shitty father, nepotism), includes: deplorable, illegitimate, infidelity, immorality, infamous, genetically inferior, inadequate, misogynist, sexist, sleazy, creepy, philandering, lecherous and most important: impotent
📱 Twittering idiot, especially typos; not limited to Twittet, incl: Gab, Parler or any other right wing internet safe space
🚫 unattractive physically, unfashionable, ugly, fugly, fugugly, frightening
🛏 urine, incontinence
🏛️ White House
🏳️‍ White Supremist, Nazi, Nazi Sympathizer, hateful, polarizing, divisive, bigot, racist, miserable, nationalist, unpatriotic, jingoist, xenophobic, terrorist


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