Fark Wiki


Numbers - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Not all nicknames have been included in this page.

If you know of one that is not listed, please post the nickname and link for the first usage of it in the main talk page for review.


An attempt was made to credit the first use of the nickname. If a link can be found showing an earlier use of the nickname, it will be corrected. Post suggestions--with links--for corrections in the main talk page for review.

FARKer's usernames are hidden in an attempt to follow FARK's policy of "not calling out other FARKers".


Typos and FARK filters have been corrected. Pretentious Capitalization Was Added For Many.


For nicknames marked ❓ (uncertain), the editor may not have gotten the joke. If you know the joke or reference and can recommend the proper category, please post suggestions and explanations--with links--in the main talk page for review.

If you disagree about a category in which a nickname was placed, we can argue about it in the main talk page too.

All other comments

Please post any suggestions for improvements, compliments or critiques on the main talk page.


Emoji Source
🏴 Al Qaeda
American-based, Christian man of the cloth
🖋 author, journalist, writer
👿 bastard
🖌 cartoonist, visual artist
celebrity, TV show
🗳️ citizen, voter, activists
🤡 Donald himself (including depictions of) or one of his supporters (includes family members and employees)
🎓 educator, historian, lexicographer
🏆 Emmy-award winner
🥓 FARKer
🌽 farmer
🃏 former MAGAt
👂 #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant acknowledged on air by Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA
🔎 January 6th Committee member, witness
🗽 judge, lawyer, court or official court documents
🇰🇿 Kazakh journalist
🛐 MAGAt, rabid supporter, current Trump lawyer
🩺 medical professional
🙈 former member of the Trump administration, or Trump lawyer, especially one who only reveals what they knew in a book which gets published long after they have left their job
👮‍♂️ military or law enforcement, former or current
🐱 misc internet (incl. blogs, Twitter, Imgur, Amazon reviews, YouTube, etc)
👷 municipal department
🗞 news outlet, publisher, editor
🇰🇵 North Korean official
🎩 politician, candidate or other dignitary
🎙 pundit or other political commentator
🥼 scientist
🛡 Scottish Twitter
or any Scot
NOTE: this emoji is temporary and will be changed to the Scottish flag emoji once it becomes available to everyone
💼 spokesperson, campaign operative, political staff
📣 unknown protester
📯 whistleblower, former government employee/DoD official, former Trump employee, unnamed person "familiar with ..."
Emoji Category
🚽 10-15 flushes; document flushing
💊 addict, includes drunk, gambler
🎠 administration
🔠 anagram
🔫 America/America's, Founding Fathers', Our Nation, National, Our, Your (humanity's)
🇬🇧 American version of Boris Johnson; British insult
🦍 animal; semi-, sub-, or not quite human; humanoid; monster, ghoul; mutant; mascot; semi-sentient; creature
💩 ass-, taint-, poop-, or fart(gas)-related, hemorrhoid, incontinent, diaper, skidmark, queef, bile
👑 authoritarian, autocrat, tyrant, despot, dictator, monarch, emperor, imperial, anything undemocratic (abuses power/authority), plutocrat
🐡 blowhard, braggart, gasbag, smug, panderer, egotist, narcissist, disloyal, pompous, vain, megalomaniac, diva, TV star, attention whore, arrogant, loud, interrupter
🏭 body or any other body part that is not hands, feet, penis/testicles or ass
📉 broke, bankrupt, imaginary wealth, tacky, gauche, trashy, classless, cheap, pathetic, junk food, deadbeat
🧀 Cheeto or cheese (including cheese-like foods)
child cager
🍼 childish, needy, infantile, immature, manbaby, manchild, crybaby, mewling, inexperienced, impulsive, petty, spiteful, whiner, stubborn, belligerent, obstinate, willful, spoiled, irresponsible, tantrum-thrower, petulant
👽 conspiracy theorist, superstitious, Sovereign Citizen, denier, impervious to logic (and reason, history, facts, etc), factually wrong, solipsistic, illiterate, strange, weird, goofy, freak, rube, incurious, ignorant, misinformed, uninformed, fear-monger, plotter
⚰️ COVID-19, coronavirus, the 'rona, plague, pandemic, pestilence, superspreader, angel of death, contagious
🐤 coward, craven, frightened, panic-stricken, scared, pseudonym, troll, rapscallion, weasel
crime-related (excluding traitor, sexual predator, child-cager); corrupt (swamp), lawless, thief, usurper, war criminal, murderer
🛐 cult, fanboy, MAGA, sedition inciter, demagogue, savior, champion, infallible, power of positive thinking, idol
💀 cures for COVID-19, especially ill-advised, misinformed snake-oil
💪 daddy, uncle, avuncular, self-proclaimed hero/alpha male
🔨 destructive, instigator, war-monger, murderous, genocidal, violent, abusive, inhumane, impolite, undiplomatic, terrorist, uncouth, obnoxious, reckless, inconsiderate, menace, malicious, vindictive
🔥 disaster, dystopian, disasterous administration, dumpster/trashcan fire, problematic, nightmare, hellish, apocalyptic, scorched earth
🏆 draft dodger
📜 document thief
🤦 embarrassment, fool, goofball, boob, clown, gullible, distraction, cartoonish, buffoon, schmuck, turkey, oaf, disgrace, ass-kisser, laughingstock, chump, laughable, ridiculous, joke, tiresome, low expectations
💣 emotionally unstable, angry, mean, heartless, Cluster B, unhinged, disturbed, ruthless, manic, maniac, mad/madman, chaotic, capricious, unpredictable, thin-skinned, triggered, dangerous, ASPD, pathological, psychopathic/sociopathic, evil, cruel, lunatic, venegful, vicious, insecure, reckless, sadistic, malevolent, malignant
🎖 entitled, pampered, out of touch, teflon, frat-boy, Dunning-Kruger stupid (know-it-all, contrarian), exceptional, unsophisticated, scavenger, squatter, privileged, shameless, ingrate, dandy, pompous, prima dona, celebrity, unrepentant
♾️ eternal; everlasting; ever; epic; serial; historic; trans-dimensional, life-long, classic, ultimate
🗑 failure, loser, sore loser, lame, tragedy, tragic, weak, frail, feeble, tired, bitch, cuck, soft, dandy, ineffectual, impotent, wimp, insecure, has-been, washed-up, disappointment
🛑 fascism, fascist, anti-democratic, UnAmerican
🍔 fat, glutton, slob, slovenly, sloppy, sweaty, frumpy, lumpy, bloated
🍗 former President, Ex-President
🇨🇳 friend of Li "Cindy" Yang, proprietor of Orchid Day Spa; Chinese taxpayer
🏝 friendless, humorless, forgetable, mediocre, forgotten, ostrasized, former, disliked, unpopular, low ratings, unwanted, unpleasant, unloved, unwelcome, nameless, pathetic, Schroedinger's Douchbag, grump, salty, bored, boring, desperate, jealous, poisonous, toxic, little to no influence, irrelevant, insignificant, extraneous
🖕 fuckup, incompetent, unqualified, inept, useless, worthless, hot mess, trainwreck, "Florida Man", deplorable, delinquent, whack, undependable, hypocrite, mistake, negligent, neglectful, unsuccessful, dysfunctional
🌈 future nickname
🍯 gold, golden, midas, winner (especially sarcastic)
🌎 grab bag; many, many, many things
🐷 greedy, selfish, shallow
💸 grifter; conman; con-, scam artist; money-launderer; cheat; tax-dodger; huckster; thief; mooch; exploiter; everything's a transaction; parasite; whorish; sell-out; shill; reality show/game show host (current or former), TV "star" (current or former), social media "influencer (current or former); lousy businessman/negotiator
🐿 hair, combover, balding, toupee
🎺 impeached (waa, waa); a horn for each impeachment
🌂 impersonator; fraud; Drumpf; poser; populist; alias; dandy; makeup-, wig-wearer; gilded; gaudy; cheap imitation; inferior substitute, imposter; clumsy, awkward, two-bit; second-rate; wannabe; charlatan; imaginary hero/warrior, leader, military and/or playboy; pretend mobster or tough-guy; effeminate; empty suit
🥗 incoherent, delusional, deranged, demented, feeble-minded, senile, confused, brain-damaged, sundowning, paranoid, covfefe, nonsensical
🦹‍♂️ inspiration for 1980's pop fiction villainy; wrestling heel/villain; cartoonish villain
jerk; asshole; jackass; bully; cunt; punk; dick; prick; scumbag; twat; twit; bastard; annoying, pest, irritating, offensive, horrible, pendejo; douche/douchebag/douche canoe; POS; twatwaffle; wanker; motherfucker; cocksucker; bitch; pain-in-the-ass/neck; insufferable
🦆 lame duck
🗯 liar, deceitful, two-faced, disingenuous, insincere, gaslighter, propagandist, Orwellian, untrustworthy
🛢 misc. bodily fluid/excretion (not poop or urine) human or otherwise; incl. burp
misogynist, incel, macho, MRA, homophobic, mansplainer, stalker-ish, creep, philander
🍄 mushroom penis, toad, dildo
🌿 non-orange plant or food related
👃 obvious, famous, notorious
👴 old, retired, dinosaur, dotard, Boomer
one term
🍊 orange-colored, orange food (fruit, vegetable, etc), poorly tanned skin, bad makeup job, neon, florescent
💡 out of touch; especially his fixation with household appliances and how to use them; lightbulbs, dishwashers, etc; except toilets
🚑 physically deformed/diseased (except COVID-19), clumsy, uncoordinated, syphilitic, festering, smelly, filthy, itchy, vulgar, vile, rotted, rancid, garbage, expired, grotesque, toxic, gruesome, malignancy, wretched, odious, repulsive, loathsome, nasty
🦃 President
📽 projecting
🐢 Republican, GOP, right wing, Donnie's lawyers/legal team, employees (cultists who "get paid"); conservative
🚨 sarcastic
🍒 scrotum, balls
sexual predator, rapist, pedophile, pussygrabber, creep
🐍 sinner, degenerate, obscenity, unholy, evil, abomination, malevolent, ethically challenged, unethical, morally bankrupt, amoral, unscrupulous, scandalous, abhorrent, repugnant, soulless, irredeemable, damned, accursed, wicked, heretical, demon, demonic, depraved, dirty or unclean, profane, disgusting, lacks integrity, irreligious, unChristian, anti-Christ
❄️ snowflake, fragile, victim, delicate, weak, feckless, wimpy
🦨 stinky, smelly, bad odor
🥔 stupid, primitive, clueless, imbecile, mindless, dull, uncreative, unimaginative, dolt, mook, buffoon, moron
🔬 tiny hands, fingers, feet, penis; petite, little, small
🍎 Tim Apple sundowning incident
("First name"+"Company or job as last name")
🔧 tool, passive, used, useful idiot, bot, venal, easily manipulated, Manchurian
🇷🇺 traitor, seditious, spy, puppet, compromised, sychophant, ass-kisser, lap dog, Putin's, Soviet, National Security threat/risk/liability
🤡 Trump (Drumpf) family-related (shitty husband, shitty father, nepotism), includes: deplorable, illegitimate, infidelity, immorality, infamous, genetically inferior, inadequate, misogynist, sexist, sleazy, creepy, philandering, lecherous and most important: impotent
📱 Twittering idiot, especially typos; not limited to Twittet, incl: Gab, Parler or any other right wing internet safe space
🚫 unattractive physically, unfashionable, ugly, fugly, fugugly, frightening
🛏 urine, incontinence
🏛️ White House
🏳️‍ White Supremist, Nazi, Nazi Sympathizer, hateful, polarizing, divisive, bigot, racist, miserable, nationalist, unpatriotic, jingoist, xenophobic, terrorist


s 1-500

# Nickname Source Note Category
0001 So-called President 🥓❓ 🦃🇷🇺or 🦃🌂
0002 Seagal's President 🥓FARKer 🦃❓
0003 Squatting President 🥓FARKer 🦃❓
0004 Skrumpf 🥓FARKer
0005 Skrumpfy Boy 🥓FARKer
0006 Sherlock Donnie 🍻FARK 🚨🥔 or 🎖
0007 Simp 🥓FARKer 🤦
0008 Simpering Child 🥓FARKer 🤦🍼
0009 Simpering Doll-Fingered Fart Goblin 🥓FARKer 🤦🔬💩🦍
0010 Semprini 🥓FARKer 🚑
0011 Spraytanchurian Candidate, The 🥓FARKer 🍊🔧
0012 Small Handed Talking Yam of Evil & Chaos 🥓FARKer 🍊🔬🏳️‍💣
0013 Stopped-Up Toilet in the White House, The 🥓FARKer 🦃🗑🖕
0014 Smirking Puddle of Circus Peanut Vomit, The 🥓FARKer 🍊🎖🛢
0015 Scrotum Face 🥓FARKer 🍒
0016 Shut The Fuck Up Donnie 🥓FARKer ☣🗑
0017 STFU Donny 🥓FARKer ☣🗑
0018 Sentient Smegma Pile 🥓FARKer 🛢
0019 Shartin' Freud 🥓FARKer 💩
0020 Shithole Cheetolini 🥓FARKer 💩🧀👑
0021 Skintag in America's Buttcrack 🥓FARKer 🏭💩
0022 Smallus Dickus 🥓FARKer 🔬
0023 Sack of Presidential Waste 🥓FARKer 🦃🛢
0024 Shrieking Void in the White House, The 🥓FARKer 🦃💣🐡
0025 Shrieking Void, The 🥓FARKer 💣🐡
0026 Small Donny 🥓FARKer 🔬
0027 Sad Little Baby 🥓FARKer 🤦🍼
0028 Screaming Shitgibbon 🥓FARKer 💣💩🦍
0029 So-Called Ruler of the United States 🐱UrbanDictionary.com inspired by SCROTUS 🦃👑🍒
0030 Self-Congratulating, Make-up-Wearing Turd 🥓FARKer 🐡💩
0031 Self-Described Billionaire 🥓FARKer 📉
0032 Semi-Sentient Merkin 🥓FARKer 🦍🐿
0033 Shit Midas 🥓FARKer 💩🍯
0034 Shit Wizard of OZ 🥓FARKer 💩🎖
0035 Shithole-In-ChiefTM 🥓FARKer 🦃💩
0036 Shitstick fuckface 🛡Scottish Twitter 🛡
0037 Shitty Real Estate Con Man 🥓FARKer 💩💸
0038 Short-Fingered Vulgarian 🖋former Spy magazine writers Graydon Carter and Kurt Andersen 🔬🚑
0039 Sideshow Don 🍻FARK 💸
0040 Sir Sissypants 🥓FARKer 🎖🌂
0041 SnakeOilSalesman-in-Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃💸
0042 Somewhat More Successful Version Of Kevin Trudeau 🥓FARKer 💸
0043 Soulless Ginger Orangutan 📯Reality Leigh Winner 🍊💣🦍
0044 Sphincter-in-Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃💩
0045 Spongebrained Tangerine 🥓FARKer 🍊🥗
0046 Spray Tan Enthusiast 🥓FARKer 🍊
0047 Stable Genius, The 🍻FARK 🚨🥔💣
0048 Stigginit President 🥓FARKer 🦃🤦🗑🖕
0049 Stochastic Terrorist in Chief 🥓FARKer Stochastic Terrorist 🦃💣
0050 Stopped Clock of Assholes, The John Oliver 🗑🖕☣
0051 Stormy McShithole On-The-Golf-Course 🥓FARKer 💣💩⛳
0052 Strangler of Peace 🇰🇵North Korea 💣
0053 St. Trump 🥓FARKer 🚨🤡
0054 Stupid, Ignorant, Execrable, Flailing, Shrunken-Scalp Sack Of Shit 🥓FARKer 🥔💩💣🏭
0055 Subhuman Torch, The 🥓FARKer 🦍🏳️‍
0056 Super Callous Fragile Racist Sexist Nazi POTUS 🐱Unknown Protester also a Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@extro_introvert" 🦃💣❄️☠🏳️‍
0057 Super Trumpski 🥓FARKer 🚨🇷🇺🤡
0058 Surrogate President Trump 🥓FARKer 🦃🇷🇺🤡
0059 syphilenteia don trumpidouche 🥓FARKer 🚑🤡
0060 Seven Deadly Sins Poster Child 🥓FARKer 💣
0061 Self Proclaimed King Of Debt 🥓FARKer 👑💸
0062 Scumbag John Oliver
0063 Shitweasel John Oliver 💩🦍
0064 Sunkist Sack of Shit 🥓FARKer 🍊💩
0065 Sickweed 🥓FARKer "typo, still works" 💣🐡
0066 Scoopy 🥓FARKer 🍔🐷
0067 Shameful Grief Pimp 🥓FARKer 🤦💣
0069 Sack Of Decaying Lunch Meat 🥓FARKer 🚑
0070 Sad, Tired Old Man 🥓FARKer 👴🗑
0071 Shart of the Deal, The 🥓FARKer 💩💸
0072 Shit-Snivelling Cowardly Fear-Monger 🥓FARKer 💩🐤💣
0073 Shitler 🥓FARKer 💩👑
0074 Shuckster 🍻FARK 💸
0075 Sir Waddlesworth of Flatulence 🥓FARKer 🍔💩
0076 Shit For Brains in Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃💩🥔
0077 Shithole J. "Biggie Fries" Shithole 🥓FARKer 💩🍔
0078 Shithole von Shithole 🥓FARKer 💩🎖
0079 Siberian Candidate, The Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🇷🇺🔧
0080 Slo-Mo Nixon 🥓FARKer 👑🖕
0081 Spanky Two Strokes 🥓FARKer 🤡🍔🐷
0082 Spare Parts 🥓FARKer 🔧
0083 Spongebrained Moron 🥓FARKer 🥗🥔
0084 Sir Trumpy 🍻FARK 🎖🤡
0085 Soft Pumpkin Colored Draft Dodger 🍻FARK 🍊🍔🏆
0086 Saint Donald 🥓FARKer 🛐
0087 Scheissenfuhrer 🥓FARKer 💩👑
0088 Schmuck a l'Orange 🥓FARKer 🍊☣🗑
0089 Schrodinger's President 🥓FARKer 🦃🖕
0090 Sentient Dollop of Coppertone 🥓FARKer 🍊
0091 Señor Trade War 🥓FARKer 💸🖕
0092 Shit-Weasel Fuck-Head America-Destroyer 🥓FARKer 💩🦍🛑
0093 Shriveled Orange Peel Packed Beneath a Jersey Gangster's Ballsack 🥓FARKer 🍊🌂🍒
0094 SiC 🥓FARKer Snowflake in Chief 🦃❄️
0095 Simple Don 🥓FARKer 🥔
0096 Sir Donald Bonespurs 🥓FARKer 🎖🏆🐤
0097 Sleazy Donald Trump 🥓FARKer or Sleazy Donald 🤡💸
0098 Small-Handed Buttblossom 🥓FARKer 🔬💩
0099 Spanky J McDump 🥓FARKer 🤡🍔
0100 Spanky Two Scoops 🥓FARKer or Spanky 2 Scoops 🤡🍔🐷
0101 Super Chicken 🥓FARKer 🐤
0102 Syphilis Don 🥓FARKer 🚑
0103 Syphilis-Addled, Demented Narcissist 🥓FARKer 🚑🥗🐡
0104 Soggy Cheeto Formerly Known As Donald Trump, The 🥓FARKer 🧀🤡
0105 Señor Donnie Dipshiat 🥓FARKer 🥔
0106 Shit Salesman With A Mouthful Of Samples 🥓FARKer 💩💸
0107 Shitty Bear 🥓FARKer 💩🦍 or 💩🇷🇺
0108 Spanky 🥓FARKer 🤡
0109 Spanky McBonespurs 🥓FARKer 🤡🏆🐤
0110 Small-Hand Sloth 🥓FARKer 🔬
0112 Shroomwang 🥓FARKer 🍄
0113 Sir Toadstoolpecker 🥓FARKer 🎖🍄
0114 Spork-Handed Circus Peanut 🥓FARKer 🍊🔬
0115 Supposed Billionaire 🥓FARKer 📉
0116 Super Callous Fragile Racist Extra Braggadocios Randy Rainbow 💣❄️🏳️‍
0117 Scrooge McDonald's Colin Jost, SNL 📉
0118 Shitbag 🥓FARKer 💩
0119 Sir Donald of Orange 🥓FARKer 🍊🎖
0120 Skid Mark 🥓FARKer 💩
0121 Smallhander 'n Thief 🥓FARKer 🦃🔬⚖
0122 Sniffles 🥓FARKer 💊
0123 Stay-Trump Marshmallow Man 🥓FARKer 🍔🤡
0124 Stupid Caligula 🥓FARKer 🥔👑🐍
0125 Stupid Every Time! 🥓FARKer 🥔♾️
0126 Stupid Fucker 🥓FARKer 🥔🖕
0127 Stupid Pig 🥓FARKer 🥔🐷 or 🥔🍔
0128 Super Intelligent Expert In Business God-King 🥓FARKer 🚨💸🛐👑
0129 Sorry Excuse For A Human, The 🥓FARKer 🏝🤦
0130 Shithole 🥓FARKer 💩
0131 Sh*theel McBoneSpurs 🥓FARKer 💩🏆🐤
0132 Smallhands 🥓FARKer fictional movie title for Trump's presidency 🔬
0133 Sorriest Old Sadfat Possible 🥓FARKer 🏝👴🍔
0134 Small-hander in Grief 🎙Cody Johnston, Cracked Some News 🦃🔬
0135 Sir Smellypants 🥓FARKer 💩 or 🚑
0136 Shit God 🥓FARKer 💩🛐
0137 St. Don Shitstorm 🥓FARKer (guesed correction of possible typo) 🛐🔥
0138 Snowflake President 🥓FARKer 🦃❄️
0139 Silver Tongued Devil 🍻FARK 🚨🥗
0140 Scumbucket 🥓FARKer 🚑
0141 Spanky 2 Scoops 🥓FARKer 🤡🍔🐷
0142 Spoiled Frightened Man-child Who Soils Everything 🥓FARKer 🎖🍼
0143 Sub-literate Reality Show Host 🥓FARKer 👽💸
0144 Señor Spankypants Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🤡
0145 Shitstain in Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃💩
0146 Shithole Savior 🥓FARKer 💩🛐
0147 Super-Genius Trump 🥓FARKer 🚨🥔
0148 [S]editious, Syphilitic, Treasonous, Tiny-handed Tyrant, The 🥓FARKer from screengrab of tweet 🇷🇺🚑🔬👑
0149 Spray Tan Icarus 🥓FARKer 🍊🐡
0150 Shroomcocked 🥓FARKer 🍄
0151 Sitting Bullshit 🥓FARKer 💩
0152 Shitting Bull 🥓FARKer 💩
0153 Schrodinger's Trump 🥓FARKer 💸🗯🖕🤡
0154 Self-inflicting Tweetstradamus 🥓FARKer 🖕📱
0155 Shit King Midas 🥓FARKer 💩👑🍯
0156 Spraytan Bozo 🥓FARKer 🍊🤦
0157 Shedinja Pokémon 🥓FARKer 🦍❓
0158 Scrofulous Rabid Mongrel 🥓FARKer 🚑🦍
0159 Senile Brain-Damaged Four-Year-Old 🥓FARKer 🥗🚑🍼
0160 Skeevy Two-bit Criminal And Inept Tinpot Fascist Waddling Around In A Shapeless Suit And Looking Like He Got His Big Dumb Pumpkin Head Caught In A Cotton Fucking Candy Machine 🖋Jeff Tiedrich 🤡⚖🛑🍔🐿
0161 Sack Of Angry Human Excrement, A 🥓FARKer 💣💩
0162 Shitmouth Donald 🥓FARKer 💩
0163 Skinless Wiener 🥓FARKer 🚑
0164 Screaming Infant Throwing A Tantrum, Spit And Sweat Glistening Over The Puckered Anus Of His Lips Like A Coating Of Chicken Grease As He Spews Out Offended Barks Like A Fucking Harbor Seal, A 🥓FARKer 🍼💣🏳️‍
0165 Senile, Racist, Nationalistic, Economically Illiterate Criminal Being Used As A Puppet To Make Other Rich Assholes Richer, A 🥓FARKer 🥗🏳️‍📉⚖🔧
0166 Squandering Squinto, the High Chief of Gitchyblewmebillions 🥓FARKer 💸📉
0167 'Sleepy' DT 🥓FARKer 👴🤡
0168 Sad, tired, low energy, orange ball of goop 🥓FARKer 🍊👴🛢
0169 Stupid, Wheezing Gargoyle 🎓Trump UK protesters as reported by Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best ChristianTM 🥔🍔🏝
0170 Sexist oinker, tax dodger, draft dodger, pal of Putin, racist, serial liar ANNNND...Republican candidate for president! 🖋Stephen King 🌎🐢
0171 Sgt. Bone Spurs 🥓FARKer 🎖🏆🐤
0172 Shitgift That Keeps Shitgiving, The 🥓FARKer 💩♾️
0173 Smarmy Jackass 🥓FARKer 🚑🥔
0174 Slouching Oaf 🥓FARKer 🍔⛳
0175 Scamp 🥓FARKer 🚨🍼
0176 Stupidest, Most Worthless White Male Asshole On Earth 🥓FARKer 🥔🖕☣
0177 Scalpatine 🥓FARKer 🐿👑
0178 Sink Pooper Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 💩📉
0179 Small, Insecure Money-Grubber 🎩Senator Elizabeth Warren (D MA) 🤡🌂💸📉
0180 Shitstained Toilet Paper, The 🥓FARKer 💩
0181 Sleazy, Lying, Low IQ 🥓FARKer 🤡🗯🥔
0182 Snifflepiggy 🥓FARKer 💊🍔
0183 Schmuck 🥓FARKer
0184 senile old D-list insult comic 🍻FARK 👴🥗🗑
0185 Short Bus Seat Warmer President, The 🥓FARKer 🦃🖕🥔
0186 Steamy Hairy Shit Pile 🥓FARKer 💩🚑
0187 Spendthrift Simpleton 🥓FARKer 🥔📉
0188 Self Described King of Debt, The 🥓FARKer 💸
0189 Smartest, Best, Most Beautiful Big-dicked Politician, Like You've Never Seen Before, The 🥓FARKer 🚨🌂 or 🚨☠
0190 Special Snowflake 🥓FARKer ❄️
0191 Siena Mushroom Dick 🥓FARKer 🍊🍄
0192 Stupid, Spoiled, Vulgar, Racist Bully Suffering From Profound Delusions Of Competence 🥓FARKer 🥔🏳️‍🤡☣🐡
0193 Second Coming Of Jesus, The 🥓FARKer 🛐
0194 Shitheil 🥓FARKer 💩
0195 Spraytan the Vulgarian 🥓FARKer 🍊🚑
0196 Stalking Donald 🥓FARKer
0197 Stupid Blob Of Grease, The 🥓FARKer 🥔🚑
0198 Sweaty Trump Seth Meyers one of the personalities which make up the "many people", of "many people are saying" fame 🍔🤡
0199 Strongest, Most Powerful Victimbaby In The Universe, The 🥓FARKer ❄️
0200 Schrodinger's Classless Antichrist 🥓FARKer 📉💣
0201 Subliterate Clown John Oliver 🥔🤦
0202 Syphillitic Suckmaestro, The 🥓FARKer 🚑🗑
0203 Small Overweight Incontinent Dog 🥓FARKer 🍔🛏🦍
0204 Stand In For Baron Harkonen 🥓FARKer 🌂🍔👑
0205 Shit Cart, The 🥓FARKer 💩
0206 Stable Genius Don "Big Fists" Trump 🥓FARKer character suggestion for A-Team remake 🚨🥔💣🔬
0207 Snowflake, The 🥓FARKer ❄️
0208 Spongebrained, Dipshiatted, Syphilitic Dementia Suffering, Sundowning Little Child In A Very Old Man's Body 🥓FARKer 🥗🥔🚑🍼👴
0209 Semi-sentient Pile Of Vomit 🥓FARKer 🛢
0210 Stupid, Wrapped In Dumbness, Inside A Moron 🥓FARKer 🥔
0211 Studumron 🥓FARKer based on Stupid, Wrapped In Dumbness, Inside A Moron 🥔
0212 Sundowning Joffrey 🥓FARKer 🥗👑
0213 Syphilis-addled Cunt 🥓FARKer 🚑☣
0214 Syphilitic Idiot 🥓FARKer 🚑🥔
0215 Sentient Fecal Matter 🥓FARKer 💩
0216 Shallow, Self-absorbed Cunt 🥓FARKer 🐡☣
0217 SIR DON-GOLOID OF WATERHEADGATE 🥓FARKer from a fake tweet 🚨🎖
0218 Spunkwad, The 🥓FARKer 🛢
0219 Sweaty Weirdo Seth Meyers 🛢👽
0220 Sobbing Two-year-old 🥓FARKer 🍼🗑
0221 Sharpie Man 🥓FARKer from a macro, "with a single stroke of his genetically superior pen, Sharpie Man! can make anything disappear!" 🎖🌂
0222 Schlong 🥓FARKer 🔬
0223 Shining Beacon Of Integrity 🥓FARKer 🚨🗯💸
0224 Sad Manchild 🥓FARKer 📉🍼
0225 Solipsist 🥓FARKer "He thinks he is the only real person in the world." 🐡
0226 [S]ociopath occupant Andy Ostroy 🦃🐡
0227 Sudafed slob 🐱Jacquelyn Rene 💊🍔
0228 "Strong" Michael Che, SNL 🥔
0229 Stupid Childish Asshole 🥓FARKer 🥔🍼☣
0230 Self-obsessed Idiot Seth Meyers 🐡🥔
0231 Stable Genius wagon of '🇺🇸 Serves My Family Corporation First' 🐱Jason Wang the MAGA movement, administration or he could be considered a "wagon" 🚨💣🥔💸
0232 Strong Donnie 🥓FARKer inspired by "Strong" 🥔
0233 Simple Jack 🥓FARKer 🥔
0234 Senile Old Fart 🥓FARKer 🥗👴
0235 simplistic, racist moron 🖋David Simon 🥔🏳️‍
0236 Slimy, Greasy 🛡unidentified Scot, Full Frontal 🛡
0237 Scalpatine 🥓FARKer 🐿👑
0238 Spoiled Baby 🛡unidentified Scot, Full Frontal 🛡
0239 Squealing Hog 🥓FARKer 🍼🍔 or 🍼🦍
0240 Shits With Twitter 🥓FARKer 💩📱
0241 Sits On A Golf Cart 🥓FARKer
0242 Shit Hog 🥓FARKer 💩🍔
0243 Screaming, Sobbing, Howling, Feces-smeared Three-year-old 🥓FARKer 🍼💩
0244 Snivelling Coward Trump 🥓FARKer 🍼🐤
0245 Shakespeare of shit, [A] 🖋Nate White 💩
0246 Stage-managed Fraud 🥓FARKer 🌂
0247 Sad, Pathetic, Bigoted, Self-centered, Clueless Asshole 🥓FARKer 🏝🐡💣☣
0248 Simpering Skidmark 🥓FARKer 🍼💩
0249 Shit Flinging Orange Turd 🥓FARKer 🍊💩
0250 Shitstain 🥓FARKer 💩
0251 Smarmy of One, A 🥓FARKer 🏝🤡☢
0252 Slow Moving Blob In The White House, The 🥓FARKer 🦃🍔
0253 Snake-handling, Jibberish-spewing, Information Black Hole 🥓FARKer 👽🥗
0254 Syphilitic Manchild 🥓FARKer 🥗🚑🍼
0255 [Republicans'] Stupid Orange Shitlord 🥓FARKer 🍊🥔💩🛐
0256 Semi-sentient Orange Diarrhea-filled Suit 🥓FARKer 🍊🦍💩🌂
0257 Stowaway Who Spent Three Months Hiding In A Crate In The Bowel Of A Ship Seth Meyers (12.19.2019) "who got bit by a plague rat and a Dracula" 🌂⚰️
0258 Scrooge McTrump Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🐡🤡
0259 shortstack 🐱Andrew Goss 🔬
0260 Scorched girth 🍻FARK 🔨🍔
0261 Sniffles the Clown 🥓FARKer 💊🤦
0262 Stinky Orange Pussbag 🥓FARKer 🍊🚑🛢
0263 Sir Orange Of Fuckupville 🥓FARKer 🍊🎖🖕
0264 ShiteCoont McGhee 🥓FARKer 💩☣
0266 Sweet Potato Hitler 🥓FARKer 🍊🛑👑
0267 #SniffyMcAdderall 🐱Twitter account "@politicallands1" 💊
0268 Serial Sexual Assaulting, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Illiterate, Adulterer 🥓FARKer "that has to pay porn stars hundreds of thousands of dollars to not tell the world how bad the sex was" ☢🏆⚖👽🤡
0269 Sorry, Senile, Two-bit, B-grade Method Actor 🥓FARKer 📉🥗🌂
0270 Second-rate Reality TV Host 🎙Brian Tyler Cohen "... who couldn't manage to stop committing crimes long enough to not get himself impeached." 🌂
0271 Short, Fat Embodiment Of All Of The Worst Traits Of Humanity 🥓FARKer "... ass cancer would feel Dirty touching [him]" 🍔🗑🖕🏝🐍
0272 "Successful" Businessman, "Elected" POTUS*, "Mature" Adult, National Disgrace 🥓FARKer 🚨🌂🍼🤦
0273 Syphilitic One, The 🥓FARKer 🚑🥗
0274 Stupidly Implausible President, The 🥓FARKer 🦃🥔🗯
0275 "self-serving, dishonest,morally bankrupt ego maniac ..." Ron Howard "... who doesn't care about anything or anyone but his Fame & bank account & is hustling the US" 🐡🗯🐍💸
0276 Snake Oil Salesman 🥓FARKer 💸
0277 Stupid F*ckbag 🥓FARKer 🥔🖕
0278 Shitty Resident 🥓FARKer 🦃💩
0279 Semi-sentient Squash In The WH 🥓FARKer 🦃🍊
0280 Senile Sudafed Junkie, The 🥓FARKer 🥗💊
0281 Stupid Nero 🥓FARKer 🥔👑
0282 Simp Ass Beta Cuck 🥓FARKer 🗑
0283 Strongest, Most Virile Manly Man Any Republican Has Ever Seen, The 🥓FARKer 🚨🌂
0284 Sniffy Drugs-alot 🥓FARKer 💊
0285 Sniffy Swiffy Bullshitty 🥓FARKer 💊🗯
0286 Sunset McAdderallbrains 🥓FARKer 🥗💊
0287 Serpi-Dope Seth Meyers rhymes with Serpico 👑🥔
0288 Small-minded, Petty, Vindictive POS 🥓FARKer 🥔🍼☣
0289 Scaredy Scaredy Titty Baby 🥓FARKer 🐤🍼
0290 Some GOP Stooge Spouting Russian Talking Points 🥓FARKer 🐢🇷🇺
0291 Spoiled Child Who Never Grew Up, Literally A 🥓FARKer 🍼
0292 Spray-tanned Buffoon 🥓FARKer 🍊🥔🤦
0293 Serial Philanderer, Epic Non-payer Of Debt, Multiple Bankruptcies, Cowardice 🥓FARKer 🤡💸📉🐤
0294 Spray-tan Caligula 🥓FARKer 🍊👑🐍
0295 Supra-asshole 🥓FARKer
0296 Sorry Excuse For A Human Being 🥓FARKer 🏝🤦
0297 Soulless Loser 🥓FARKer 🐍🗑
0298 Sharpie Bandit 🐱Twitter account "@David52556" 🎖🌂💸
0299 Screeching Baboon In The White house, The 🥓FARKer 🦃🐡🦍
0300 Straight Up Whiny Buffoon 🥓FARKer 🍼🤦
0301 Sad Man 🥓FARKer 📉
0302 Shit Sandwich, The 🥓FARKer 💩
0303 Spoiled, Self-absorbed, Vicious Little Child Throwing Matches At The Drapes And Giggling 🥓FARKer 🍼🔨
0304 Spoiled, Self-absorbed, Vicious Little Child 🥓FARKer 🍼🔨
0305 Sociopathic Narcissist 🥓FARKer 💣🐡
0306 Susan 🙈Mike Pompeo as noted by a FARKer
0307 Sad, Orange Bitch 🥓FARKer 🍊📉🗑
0308 Sure Tweets-a-lot 🖌Keiron Dwyer 📱
0309 Stable Genius-In-Chief Trevor Noah 🔬
0310 Scientifically And Historically Illiterate Con Man 🥓FARKer 🥔💸
0311 Scrooge McFuck 🥓FARKer 🐷🖕
0312 [S]hitprez 🐱Twitter account "@SarahThyre" 🦃💩
0313 [S]niffles-in-chief 🍻FARK 🦃💊
0314 Slow Kid Reading A Book Report Someone Else Wrote For Him, The 🥓FARKer 🥔🌂
0315 Señor Trumpo Trevor Noah
0316 Stupid Orange Child, The 🥓FARKer 🍊🥔🍼
0317 Something Something Tiny Fingered Piece Of Shit 🥓FARKer 🔬💩
0318 Small, Petty Man 🥓FARKer 🗑🍼
0319 Spectacular Monkey-fool Dave Matthews 🦍🤦
0320 Schadentrump 🍻FARK
0321 Snake Covfefe 🥓FARKer
0322 [S]tupidest fucking recklessly-impulsive pig-ignorant science-denying toady-hiring government-defunding incompetent dipshit on the planet 🖋Jeff Tiedrich 🥔🔨🏝🎖🖕
0323 Sultan of Sloth 🥓FARKer
0324 Sad Pathetic Aggrieved Orange 🥓FARKer 🍊🏝❄️
0325 Shortfinger 🥓FARKer with his "flying monkeys" (members of his administration, especially hand-picked appointees) 🔬
0326 Stupidest Sociopath In Human History 🥓FARKer 🥔💣
0327 Self-aggrandizing Grifter 🥓FARKer 🐡🌂🎖💸
0328 Soggy Cheeto In A Toupee 🐱Imgur account "EZBzzzzzz" 🧀🐿
0329 Silly Trump Seth Meyers yet another of the personalities which make up the "many people", of "many people are saying" fame 🏝🤡
0330 Senile Family Patriarch Whose Kids Are Fighting Over His Will Seth Meyers 🥗💪📉
0331 Slowdumb9/11 🥓FARKer ❓🥔
0332 Sir Donald of the Disinfectant 🍻FARK 🎖💀
0333 Shit Smeared Toddler 🥓FARKer 💩🍼
0335 Scared Con Man Who Sees The Con Ending 🍻FARK 🐤💸
0336 Stupid Malicious Grifting And Grafting Incompetent Russian Mole 🥓FARKer 🥔💣💸🖕🇷🇺
0337 Shitsucker 🥓FARKer 💩
0338 Screaming Carrot Demon Samantha Bee 🍊🐡🐍
0339 Sulky Seth Meyers title character in the movie parody of "Sully" ❄️
0340 Sullen Seth Meyers title character in the movie parody of "Sully" ❄️
0341 Senile, Demented, Willfully Ignorant, And Just Plain Stupid Mass Murderer Republican President* Donald Trump 🥓FARKer 🦃🐢🥗🥔⚖
0342 Special, Handsome Big Boy 🎙Cody Johnston, Cracked Some News 🚨🚫🍼
0343 Shit Flinging Chaos Goblin Flinging Shit Filled Chaos Grenades 🥓FARKer 💩💣
0344 Syphilitic Toddler In Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃🚑🍼
0345 Stupid Fucking Asshole 🥓FARKer 🥔🖕💩
0346 Second Son of God, The 🥓FARKer 🚨🛐
0347 Serial Sexual Assaulter, Accused Rapist, Well Documented Con Artist And Failed Business Man 🥓FARKer ☢💸
0348 Soft-bodied, Orange-tinted, Pussygrabber-in-Chief, [T]he 🥓FARKer 🍊🍔☢
0349 Sociopathic 70-year-old toddler Samantha Bee as compiled by Slate (starting on November 5, 2016) 💣👴🍼
0350 Sentient caps-lock button Samantha Bee as compiled by Slate (starting on November 5, 2016) 💣
0351 Shitty McCowardScared 🥓FARKer 💩🐤
0352 Scared President Randy Rainbow 🦃🐤
0353 Snowflake Trump 🍻FARK ❄️🤡
0354 Soulless Husk That Occupies The Executive Office, The 🥓FARKer 🦃🐍
0355 Soft-brained 73-year-old [Man] Who Watches Nothing But FOX News Jimmy Kimmel 🥗👽
0356 Special Kind Of Monster Jimmy Kimmel 🦍
0357 Soulless Business Potato Whose Brain Has Been Zapped By Decades Of Right Wing Cable News And The Asbestos In His Building Seth Meyers 🐍💸🥗🚑👽
0358 Stain Of A Person, That 🥓FARKer 🖕
0359 Sad, Scared Unqualified-for-the-job Keyboard Warrior 🥓FARKer 📉🐤🎖🐡
0360 Strong Big Boy President 🎙Cody Johnston, Cracked, Some News 🚨🦃💪
0361 Steak-burner With Ketchup, The 🥓FARKer 🌂📉
0362 Sad Clown With A Painted Face Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 📉🍊
0363 [S]crotum skin, Lacefront Possum fur Wig wearing, Alternative fact, Atomic Dog diarrhea face ass man TI 🍒🐿🗯💩
0364 Shark Seth Meyers whose staffers are remora 🦍
0365 Scooby-Doo Villain Trevor Noah
0366 Sleep-deprived Candy Addict Born Before The Microwave 🎙Richard Ballard, Tooning Out The News both he and Speaker Pelosi because that's what they have in common 💊👴
0367 Something From A Legend They Tell Kids In A Small Irish Village To Make Them Do Their Homework Seth Meyers 🦍🔨
0368 Something That Would Pop Out At You On An Amazon River Cruise Seth Meyers 🦍🔨
0369 Swamp Ass Dr. Stephen T. Colbert DFA 💸⚖
0370 Squinty Eye Of Sauron, The Seth Meyers 💣🔨
0371 #SwampyDon 🌾Jon Stewart 💸⚖
0372 Swamp, The 🌾Jon Stewart 💸⚖
0373 Summa Cum Clock Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA for his "stellar performance" on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, which he took in 2018 and still can't shut up about 🎖🌂
0374 Sippy Cup Trump 🥓FARKer 👴🤦🐡
0375 Shit For Brains 🥓FARKer also, stylized emoji from image posted by a FARKer; and an anatomical diagram from another FARKer 🥔
0376 Shuffles The Clown 🥓FARKer 👴🤦🐡
0377 Seven Layer Burrito Of Sin, That 🥓FARKer 🐍
0378 Syphilitic Shitgibbon 🥓FARKer 🚑💩🦍
0379 #SW45TIKA 🥓FARKer 🦃🏳️‍
0380 [S]enile old man live tweeting his TiVo 🍻FARK 🥗👴📱
0381 Soulless Husk Who Fell Assbackwards Into A Job Wasn't Qualified For Because Some Dummy Made Fun Of Him At A Dinner Once Seth Meyers 🐍🍼
0382 [S]econd hand car salesman persuaded to run for president 🐱YouTube account "tom cawthorn" 🦃💸
0383 Stupid, Lying Piece Of Shit 🥓FARKer 🥔🗯☣
0384 Stable genius and shrewd businessman Donald Trump 🍻FARK 🚨💣🥔💸🤡
0385 [S]ceez sack 🐱Imgur account "MyDogIsBiggerThanABanana" 🏝☢🍒
0386 Schlub 🥓FARKer 🖕🚫🎖
0387 [S]mall handed orange whirlwind of confusion, [T]he 🍻FARK 🍊🔬💣
0388 Sorcerer in Chief, The 🥓FARKer "Once again, reality fails to bend to the will of the Sorcerer in Chief." 🦃🛐
0389 School Bully Seth Meyers 🍼☣
0390 Super Spreader 🎙John Weaver ⚰️
0391 Scintillating Red Gas Giant 🖌Astor Gravelle from the cover of his book 🐡🍔💣
0392 Surreality TV President Randall Pinkett 👽💸
0393 [S]mall, damaged and joyless little burst trash bag of personality defects 🖋Jeff Tiedrich 🏝🖕
0394 #SaudiTrump 🎙Really American 🔧🤡
0395 Stupid, Cowardly, Shameless Weirdo 🥓FARKer 🥔🐤🎖👽
0396 Shredder From The Ninja Turtles If All He Shredded Was Cheese Trevor Noah 🍔
0397 Sadistic Sack Of Laundry Seth Meyers 💣🍔
0398 Sadistic Oaf Seth Meyers 💣🌂🎖
0399 Seaward, That 🥓FARKer based on a bit from Arrested Development
0400 [S]cience-denying ignoramus 🖋Jeff Tiedrich 👽
0401 [S]erially-bankrupt failure 🖋Jeff Tiedrich ♾️📉💸
0402 [S]hart golem 🍻FARK 💩🦍
0403 Senile Grandpa 🥓FARKer 🥗👴
0404 Scumbag Trump 🐱Imgur account "gdgardiner" with illustrative macro ☣🤡
0405 [S]elf-centered fuck 🐱Imgur account "man9000" 🐡☣
0406 Slime Mold 🥓FARKer 🚑
0407 Squat, Fat Little Toad 🥓FARKer 🍔🍄
0408 SS Clownship 🍻FARK administration 🎠🤦
0409 Super-Spreader 🖌Adam Zyglis also for MAGA followers who refuse to wear masks ⚰️
0410 Sutter Cane 🥓FARKer 🐍
0411 Shit 🥓FARKer 💩
0412 Sad, Sick, Old Fat Man 🥓FARKer 🐡💣👴🍔
0413 Shallow, Vindictive, Fearful, Evil Monster 🥓FARKer 🍼🐍🦍
0414 Slime Hagfish, Eating The Bones Of A Dead Whale At The Lowest Point This Side Of Washington, DC 🥓FARKer 🦍
0415 Sad Broken Shell Of A Human Being 🥓FARKer 📉
0416 Smallpox Outbreak In Every Orphanage, The 🥓FARKer with "The Rectally-irretrievable Object In Every Emergency Room" 🎖🐡
0417 Soviet Sleeper Agent Who Kills Americans For Recreation And Profit 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺
0418 Small, Little Man 🗳️John, Republican Voters Against Trump who should be sent to "the dustbin of history." 🤦📉🗑🖕🌂
0419 Spreader-in-Chief 🖋April Ryan "Racist-in-Chief, Liar-in-Chief, Spreader-in-Chief, Narcissist-in-Chief" ⚰️
0420 Stubby 🥓FARKer 🍔
0421 Slap Doodle 🎩"The Ghost of Mary Todd Lincoln" via Tooning Out The News
0422 Shambling Dread, The 🐱Twitter account "@pwnstix" 🐡👴
0423 Sexual Assault Donnie 🥓FARKer
0424 Supreme Sexist 🤡Barbara Res
0425 Sexist, Misogynistic Pond Scum 🥓FARKer
0426 Stupid Sock Michael Spicer, The Room Next Door 🥔
0427 Stupid Wet Bag Of Sand Michael Spicer, The Room Next Door 🥔
0428 Stephen Hawking Of Racial Tropes, The 🎙James Smartwood, Tooning Out The News 🏳️‍
0429 Smooth Talking Dealmaker 🥓FARKer 🚨🐡💸
0430 Sticky-fingers Donnie 🥓FARKer 💸
0431 Sir 🥓FARKer 🚨🌂🎖
0432 Spoily the Brat 🥓FARKer 🍼
0433 Selfish, Angry, Dark And Divisive 🎩Joe Biden 🐷🔨💣🏳️‍
0434 Stark-raving Lunatic 🥓FARKer 🥗💣
0435 Sad, Sad Little Asshole Of A Man 🥓FARKer 📉☣
0436 Selfish Narcissist 🥓FARKer 🐷🐡
0437 Strokeahontas 🥓FARKer from a mostly blocked Twitter account 🚑
0438 [S]ack of eels and bugs combined with deepfake technology and a novelty fart machine Bill Corbett 🦍
0439 Soup Nazi 🐱Twitter account "@mmpadellan" inspired by Donnie's July 2020 meeting with the National Association of Police Organizations Leadership 🗯🏳️‍
0440 Stabble Genious 🥓FARKer 🚨💣🥔
0441 Stupid Egotistical Asshole 🥓FARKer 🥔🐡☣
0442 Space-helmet-wearing Orangutan, The 🥓FARKer 🥔🦍
0443 Stupid, Racist Fuck Samantha Bee 🥔🏳️‍
0444 Stubby McNublet 🥓FARKer 🔬
0445 Shut-in Who Sits At Home All Day And Orders What He Sees On FOX Commercials John Oliver "... but instead of ordering "Legends XL Male Enhancement" pills, he picks companies to build a giant wall across the border." 🔧
0446 Seven-time Bankrupt Multiple Business Failure Who Paid Off A Pornstar Who He Rawdogged While His Illegal Immigrant Wife Was At Home Raising Their Newborn Christopher Titus 💸🤡
0447 Sniffy McAdderall 🐱Twitter account "@POTUS_Baby" Twitter display name 💊
0448 Satan's designated replacement 🍻FARK 🐍
0449 Shit Geyser 🤡Cartoon Kellyanne Conway both the problems Donnie creates and, presumably, Donnie himself; via Our Cartoon President 💩🗯🖕🔥
0450 Skidmark On Humanity 🥓FARKer 💩
0451 Screaming Anger Carrot, The 🥓FARKer 🍊💣🔨
0452 Serial Con Artist And Pathological Liar Seth Meyers "He up-plays the non-truths." 💸🗯
0453 Sad Donald 🥓FARKer 🏝
0454 Scared Donald 🥓FARKer 🐤
0455 Soviet Sleeper Agent Trump 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺
0456 Strung-out, Old Sixties Hippie 🖋Michael Cohen from his book "Disloyal" 💊👴
0457 Serial Groper Chelsea Handler
0458 Sweaty Guy At The OTB Who Bet Everything On A Horse Named "Old Three Legs" Seth Meyers paraphrase 🥔🎖
0459 Slam Poet In The Head Injury Ward Seth Meyers 🥗
0460 Survivor, Unclouded By Conscience, Remorse, Or Delusions Of Morality 🥓FARKer 🎖🐍
0461 Shit Businessman, A Rubbish Negotiator And A Horrible Leader 🥓FARKer 💸🖕
0462 Sociopath Who Is Incapable Of Doing The Job Seth Meyers 💣🖕
0463 Spectator, Like Ryan Seacrest On American Idol Seth Meyers 🔧
0464 [S]uit-wearing Steve Austin of American politics, [T]he 🖋David Lipson 🌂💪
0465 [S]erial liar, [A] 🐱Twitter account "@TruthnotBS2020" from a macro, with "the most unpleasant character in America: jealous, petty and greedy", "an unforgiving narcissist", "vindictive ethnic cleanser", "misogynistic, homophobic racist", "serial predator and proud of it", "Islamophobic, sociopathic, megalomaniacal, demagogue", "capricious bully", and "self-serving repulsive con artist without a shred of conscience." 🗯
0466 [S]erial predator and proud of it, [A] 🐱Twitter account "@TruthnotBS2020" from a macro, with "the most unpleasant character in America: jealous, petty and greedy", "an unforgiving narcissist", "vindictive ethnic cleanser", "misogynistic, homophobic racist", "serial liar", "Islamophobic, sociopathic, megalomaniacal, demagogue", "capricious bully", and "self-serving repulsive con artist without a shred of conscience."
0467 [S]elf-serving repulsive con artist without a shred of conscience 🐱Twitter account "@TruthnotBS2020" from a macro, with "the most unpleasant character in America: jealous, petty and greedy", "an unforgiving narcissist", "vindictive ethnic cleanser", "misogynistic, homophobic racist", "serial liar", "serial predator and proud of it", "Islamophobic, sociopathic, megalomaniacal, demagogue" and "capricious bully" 🐷🚑💸💣
0468 Strongman Dictator, The 🥓FARKer 👑
0469 Sundowning Fascist Who Lost The Popular Vote By Three Million Seth Meyers 🥗🛑🗑
0470 Strokey McBrokeface 🥓FARKer from a parody movie poster promoting the next presidential debates; the movie is called "Poo: The Movie" 🚑📉
0471 Shitshow 🎙Dana Bash both Donnie and his performance during the first debate, September 29, 2020 💩
0472 Shark In The Ocean, The 🎙Dan Bongino 🛐💪
0473 Senile And Needed Drugs To Get Through The Debate Seth Meyers 👴🥗💊
0474 Serial killer 🐱Steve Marmel ⚰️
0475 Sooper Dooper Spreader 🥓FARKer ⚰️
0476 #ShitShowPresident 🐱Nestor Gomez 🦃💩
0477 Shuffling Scam, A 🥓FARKer inspired by "A walking scam" 🚑💸
0478 Shuffling, Limping, Golf Cart Riding, Daughter Humping, Malicious, Fascist Scam 🥓FARKer inspired by "a shuffling scam" 🚑🍔⛳☢🔨🛑💸
0479 Scam President For A Scam Country, A 🥓FARKer 🦃💸
0480 Stupid, Weak, Drug-and-dementia Addled Failure 🥓FARKer 🥔🗑💊🥗🗑
0481 Self-interested Sleazeball 🥓FARKer 🐡🤡
0482 Self-hating Sociopath 🥓FARKer 💣
0483 Self-hating Narcissistic Sociopath 🥓FARKer fix of "self-hating sociopath" 🐡💣
0484 Sweaty Donald 🥓FARKer 🍔
0485 Sleazy Jimmy Kimmel 🤡
0486 [S]creeching, feces-flinging, semicoherent racist lunatic 🍻FARK 🐡🏳️‍💣
0487 Sideshow 🎙YouTube account "Beau Of The Fifth Column" 🤦
0488 [S]ymbol of [his] own failures, [A] 🎙Jake Tapper "Sick and in isolation, Mr. President, you have become a symbol of your own failures. Failures of recklessness, ignorance, arrogance. The same failures you have been inflicting on the rest of us." 🗑
0489 Some Kind Of Moron 🥓FARKer 🥔
0490 Sociopathic Disease Vector Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA ⚰️💣
0491 Santa Trump Jaboukie Young-White, Daily Show Young-White was doing an imitation of Melania Trump hating on Christmas 🚨🐷
0492 [S]tupid and contagious 🍻FARK ⚰️🥔
0493 Stupid As Fuck 🥓FARKer "... and so is everyone who votes for him." 🥔
0494 Some Dude Who Got His Dick Caught In A Toaster After Screaming About How Safe And Good It Is To F*ck Toasters 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News "... and is so pumped full of drugs and hubris, he's dangling the toaster from his wenis and bragging about it *as we speak*" 🐡🌂
0495 [S]ick drugged up old man in the hospital with a deadly virus he doesn't believe in 🐱Twitter account "@AshleyFrankly" ⚰️👴
0496 Solid Gold Dancer Trying To Hold The Tableau Until The Camera's Off Seth Meyers 🌂🐡
0497 SCROTUS 🎩"Some at the @CIA" as conveyed by Moe Davis 🦃🍒
0498 Stupid Cheeto Rapey of the United States 🥓FARKer inspired by SCROTUS 🦃🍒🧀☢
0499 Sold Crimea Russia of the United States 🥓FARKer inspired by SCROTUS 🦃🍒🇷🇺
0500 Seditious Cheating Robber of the United States 🥓FARKer inspired by SCROTUS 🦃🍒🇷🇺💸

Numbers - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

s 501-976

# Nickname Source Note Category
0501 Sentient Merkin 🥓FARKer 🐿
0502 Sack of Gilded Lunchmeat 🥓FARKer 📉🍔
0503 Spread Eagle 🥓FARKer inspired by Walking Eagle 🍔🤦
0504 [S]hockingly shallow marmalade-faced rancid baboon butt 🥓FARKer as seen on the Donald Trump Insult Generator 🍊🐷🦍💩
0505 Self-annointed Covid Messiah Larry Wilmore believes he can "... multiply Regeneron like it's the loaves and fishes." ⚰️🛐
0506 [S]uper-spreader chief executive 🍻FARK 🦃⚰️
0507 Spready Krueger Jimmy Kimmel ⚰️🦍
0508 Superspreader Trump Jimmy Kimmel name of the video ⚰️🤡
0509 Sweaty Cartel Mule With A Belly Full Of Heroin 🥓FARKer 🍔⛳🔧
0510 #Strokeahontas 🥓FARKer 🚑👴
0511 Stink, Stank, Stunk 🥓FARKer from a graphic 🚑
0512 Siberian Candidate, A 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🔧
0513 Superspreader-in-chief Trevor Noah also Former Superspreader-in-chief via Jimmy Kimmel 🦃⚰️🐷
0514 Sucks Dangerously More In Many Ways 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🖕💣
0515 #SuperPredatorTrump 🐱Twitter account "@Cathygraphics1"
0516 Symptom Of Many Of Society's Problems, The 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🐢🏝
0517 Sad Little Man Afraid To Go Home Feeling Like A Loser Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🌂🐤🗑
0518 Smallest Of Men, The 🥓FARKer 🌂
0519 Sociopath Who Dances At His Rallies During A Deadly Pandemic Like A Hungover Little League Umpire Calling "Strike Three" Seth Meyers ⚰️💣
0520 Stupidest Political Thinker To Ever Run For Office 🥓FARKer 🥔
0521 So Manly And Alpha 🥓FARKer 🚨🌂💪
0522 Seth Meyers' GPS Voice Seth Meyers 🥗
0523 Some Kind Of Unstoppable Warrior King Seth Meyers 🚨🌂👑
0524 [S]exual predator in chief 🖋Sean Colarossi 🦃☢
0525 Stupid Loser 🥓FARKer 🥔🗑
0526 Small, Sick, Stupid, Petulant Child 🥓FARKer 🌂🐍🥔🍼
0527 [The Republican's] Semi-housebroken Crazy Man 🥓FARKer 🐢🛏💣
0528 Such A Good White Nationalist 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍
0529 Smartest Man Alive, Possibly The Smartest Man To Ever LiveD, The 🥓FARKer 🚨🥔♾️
0530 Semi Sentient Yam 🥓FARKer 🍊🦍
0531 Sad, Pathetic Victim 🥓FARKer 🗑❄️
0532 Sir Dipshit 🥓FARKer 🎖🥔
0533 [S]tunningly ignorant 🖋Jennifer Rubin 👽
0534 Stupidest Man On Earth, The 🥓FARKer 🥔
0535 Specialest Olympian, The 🥓FARKer
0536 Super Trump 🤡Crowd at Superspreader event via Jimmy Kimmel Live; October 25, 2020 at the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, Londonderry, New Hampshire 🛐🤡
0537 Suburban Step-dad Calling His Teenage Son Down For Dinner Seth Meyers 💪
0538 Serial Killer Trying To Wriggle Out Of A Straight Jacket Seth Meyers ⚖🚑💣
0539 Savior Of Evil, The Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🛐🐍
0540 [S]qualid little man who is occupying the White House 🎙Ron Reagan 📉🌂
0541 Simple Prick 🥓FARKer 🥔☣
0542 Spray-tanned Superspreader Jim Carrey as "Joe Biden", SNL ⚰️🍊
0543 Sloppy Orange Goblin "The Fraud Couple" Announcer, Jimmy Kimmel Live 🍊🍔🦍
0544 Slogo-Don MyPillow's Bitch Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 👑⚖
0545 [S]enile manbaby 🍻FARK 🥗🍼
0546 [S]omething orange that's experienced a downfall 👷Council of the District of Columbia 🍊🗑
0547 Sad, Frightened Fraud Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🏝🐤🌂
0548 Superspreader Events Planner 🎙Kylie Weaver, Tooning Out The News ⚰️
0549 [S]pätrömischer Kaiser 🖋Arno Frank Google translation: "Late Roman emperor" 👑
0550 [S]oon to be former President 🗳️Matthew Hays 🌈🍗
0551 [S]adist 🖋William Saletan 💣
0552 Selfish, Greedy Liar Who Has Caused The Needless Deaths Of Tens Of Thousands Of People 🥓FARKer ⚰️🐷🗯
0553 South Ayrshire golf club owner, [A] 🗞Ayrshire Daily News 💸
0554 Steaming Pile Of Number Two Jimmy Kimmel 💩
0555 Snake Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 💸
0556 Shriekweasel 🥓FARKer 💣🦍
0557 Stupid, Ignorant Ass Larry Wilmore 🥔👽💩
0558 Single Most Annoying Human Being On The Face Of The Earth Seth Meyers
0559 Sweaty, Over-cooked Ham Of A Face Seth Meyers 🍔
0560 [S]ad, strange little man 🥓FARKer from a still from the movie "Toy Story", with a quote from "Buzz Lightyear": "You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity." 📉👽🔬
0561 Screaming Toddler 🥓FARKer whose parents have to remove him "... from the restaurant, sit him down, and tell him to accept reality." 💣🍼
0562 Senpai 🥓FARKer
0563 Stupidest Mob Boss Ever, The 🥓FARKer 🥔🌂
0564 Squatter 🥓FARKer 🍼🌂
0565 [S]ulker in chief 🍻FARK 🦃🗑📉🍼
0566 Shrieking Yam, The 🥓FARKer 🍊💣
0567 Spineless Idiot Who [Is] All Bark And No Bite 🥓FARKer Donnie, the GOP and their followers 🐤🥔💪
0568 Self Absorbed, Unintelligent, Short Bus Seat Warmer 🥓FARKer 🐡🥔
0569 Soon-to-be Not-President Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🌈🍗
0570 Subdued, Non-committal Trump Seth Meyers 🚨💣🤡
0571 Sir Not-appearing-in-this-film 🥓FARKer from a screengrab from the movie Monty Python & The Holy Grail
0572 Scumbag MFer 🥓FARKer
0573 Strongman Hurr Durr Prethident 🥓FARKer 🦃🌂🥔
0574 Spaghetti Baby 🥓FARKer
0575 [S]enile hack [with] a bunker mentality at the end of his reign 🍻FARK 🥗🐤
0576 SNIFFLE PIGGY 🥓FARKer from a suggested logo for "SNIFFLE PIGGY TELEVISION NETWORK" 💊🍔
0577 Seemingly Endless Plague Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA ⚰️
0578 Speed-addled Fat Old Man, The 🥓FARKer 💊🍔👴
0579 Spiteful Piece Of Shit 🥓FARKer 🍼💩
0580 [S]oon-to-be ex-President 🎙Anthony Scaramucci 🌈🍗
0581 Sir Lardass 🥓FARKer 🎖🍔
0582 [S]tank-bootied outbreak monkey, A 🖋Damon Young ⚰️🚑🦍
0583 Scumbag Grifter 🥓FARKer ☣💸
0584 [S]tupid nitwit douche canoe Taika Waititi 🥔☣
0585 Shit Hole President 🥓FARKer 🦃💩
0586 Shart 🥓FARKer 💩
0587 Spanky McDumbass 🖋Majid M. Padellan 🤡🥔
0588 Snowflake Tittybaby B*tch 🥓FARKer ❄️☣
0589 Sidney Powell Of Corruption 🖋Adam Davidson 🖕⚖
0590 [S]nowflake who cares only about his feelings not the facts 🖋Tim Miller ❄️🐡👽
0591 Salty Bitch 🥓FARKer 🏝☣
0592 Stupid Itchy Asshole Loser 🥓FARKer 🥔🚑☣🗑
0593 Snake Oil Sales[man] Of Politics 🥓FARKer Donnie and his confederates "... who deserve scorn, ridicule, and a singular day in court before being soundly punished for compromising democracy." 💸
0594 SpongeDon POOP PANTS 🥓FARKer from macro featuring Donnie's face photoshopped onto SpongeBob 💩
0595 Senator Aaron McComb 🎙Cody Johnston, "Some More News: The Movie" "... an anti-immigration rich guy who doesn't need the mainstream media to help him win the election."; one of the many fictional villains from 1980's pop culture based on Donnie 🦹‍♂️
0596 Soft-handed Manbaby 🎙Rick Wilson 🗑❄️🍼
0597 [S]oft-handed man baby whiny bitch 🎙Rick Wilson 🗑❄️🍼
0598 Some Rich Prick Screwing Over The Little Guy 🎙Cody Johnston, "Some More News: The Movie" 📉💸🎖
0599 Spam Trevor Noah
0600 Scorched Earth Genius Who Devastates The Land After And Before A Massive Calamity 🥓FARKer 🔥🔨🖕
0601 Self-serving, Self-promoting Marketing Genius That Grifts His Base 🥓FARKer 🐡🐷💸
0602 SORE LOSER 🥓FARKer 🍼🗑
0603 Sex Pest President 🎙Cody Johnston, "Some More News: The Movie" 🦃☢☠
0604 Stupid Idiot That No One Actually Likes 🥓FARKer 🥔🏝
0605 Small, Petty, Insecure Man Who Can't Ever Admit He's Not God-level 🥓FARKer 🍼💣🗑
0606 Swamp Monster Pretending To Be Human Jimmy Kimmel one of, along with Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, Jr. and a multitude of unnamed other swamp monsters 🦍🌂
0607 Sorest Loser, [T]he 🍻FARK 🍼🗑
0608 Smeghead 🥓FARKer " 'President Trump' isn't his name. His name's Donny Two Scoops, or 'smeghead', or 'cheeto-breath', or 'molecule-dick', or on rare occasions when you wanna be really mega-polite to him, and we're talking mega polite here, on those exceptional circumstances you can call him 'arsehole'."; inspired by a bit from Dave Lister of Red Dwarf 🛢🐿
0609 Slash 🥓FARKer 🖕🔨💣
0610 SOCIOPATHIC CUNT SANDWICH 🥓FARKer from Gordon Ramsey macro, with Donnie's head replacing Julie Chen's 💣☣
0611 Stimulant-addled, Dementia-ridden Mushbrain 🥓FARKer 💊🥗🥔
0612 Superspreaderman 🖌Jeff Darcy ⚰️💪🎖
0613 Sorest Of Sore Losers, The 🎙Mehdi Hasan 🍼🗑
0614 Someone Who Draws Out The "Happy Birthday" Song With Lots Of Trills And "Aays" When The Rest Of The Office Wants To Get Back To Work Seth Meyers "... and the Carvel cake is like, 'I'm melting over here.' " 🐡🎖
0615 Soft Serve Hotdog 🥓FARKer 🗑 or ❄️
0616 [S]omeone who hates losing 🖋Yamiche Alcindor 🗑
0617 Spraytan Hasbeen Caligula 🥓FARKer 🍊🗑👑
0618 [S]omeone who has no idea what the expression "basic human decency" means 🥓FARKer allegedly from the comments section from this article on The Root ☣💣
0619 Spray Tanned Shitweasel 🥓FARKer 🍊💩🦍
0620 Stupid Shitstain Who Can't Do Anything Well 🥓FARKer 🥔☣🖕
0621 [S]tone cold idiot 🖋Amanda Marcotte 🥔
0622 [S]orry, pathetic, worthless President 🥓FARKer from parody movie poster 🦃🏝🖕
0623 Stupid Malevolent Pig 🥓FARKer 🥔💣🍔
0624 Slut Bunwalla 🥓FARKer fifth in a series, with Blubberdick Arnold, Benedict Fat-rnold, Bumbling Fartnold, Benedict Cumberpatch and Gerry Dorsey
0625 Sad Excuse For A Leader, A 🥓FARKer 🏝
0626 Subhuman Garbage Most Responsible For How Poorly The [COVID-19 Pandemic] Has Been Managed 🥓FARKer ⚰️🦍🚑
0627 [S]tupid showman-cum-huckster 🖋Stephen King 🥔💸
0628 Self-serving, Self-aggrandizing, Narcissistic Con Artist, Racist, And Thief 🥓FARKer 📉🐷🐡💸🏳️‍⚖
0629 Sad Loser Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🗑
0630 Sleazy Mafia Don Cold Calling Election Officials Illegally, Begging For Votes Like A Telemarketer Seth Meyers 🤡🌂💸
0631 Shifty Taxpayer $750 🥓FARKer typo fixed ⚖💸
0632 [S]elfish man 🎩Senator Mitt Romney (R UT) "We gather today due to a selfish man's injured pride and the outrage of his supporters whom he has deliberately misinformed for the past two months and stirred to action this very morning. What happened here today was an insurrection, incited by the President of the United States." 🐷
0633 Seditious Dipsh*t Seth Meyers NBC censored it; presumably Donnie, definitely Rep. Jim Jordan (R OH 4th), Senator James Lankford (R OK) and anyone else who "incited a violent mob that rampaged across the Capitol trying to overthrow the government ..." and who now wants everyone else to seek "unity and healing" 🇷🇺🥔
0634 Soul Devouring Ghoul Seth Meyers presumably Donnie, definitely Rep. Jim Jordan (R OH 4th), Senator James Lankford (R OK) and anyone else who "incited a violent mob that rampaged across the Capitol trying to overthrow the government ..." and who now wants everyone else to seek "unity and healing" 🐍⚖🦍
0635 Sack Of Depravity Seth Meyers 🐍
0636 Sad, Orange Man Jimmy Kimmel 🍊📉
0637 Sir TheySaySir 🍻FARK 🎖🐡🌂
0638 Schmucko 🥓FARKer 🤦
0639 Shoplifter Making It Out Of The Store With 10 Flat-screen TVs Before Anyone Stepped In To Do Something 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News
0640 [S]wamp pig 📯Travis Akers ⚖🦍
0641 [S]mall man, [A] 🖋Dana Bash 🔬
0642 Shitpiss Fuckaninny 🥓FARKer 💩🛏🖕
0643 Stupid Donald Trump 🥓FARKer 🥔🤡
0644 SimpleDon 🥓FARKer 🥔
0645 Sh*thead 🥓FARKer
0646 Stammering Yam 🥓FARKer 🍊
0647 Shit Gibbon 🥓FARKer 💩🦍
0648 SlobaDon Aintlifeabitch 🥓FARKer 🍔👑
0649 Shit Flinging Chaos Monkey 🥓FARKer 💩💣🦍
0650 Short Eyes 🥓FARKer
0651 Sad Little Prince Petulantpanties 🥓FARKer 📉🍼
0652 Subhuman Garbage Monster Child Molesting Piece Of Shit 🥓FARKer 🦍🚑☢☣
0653 Snatch Snagging Slit Slapper 🥓FARKer
0654 Sillyassed Goose 🥓FARKer 🤦🥔
0655 Sodumb Inssein 🥓FARKer with helpful photograph 🥔💣👑
0656 Schmuck l'Orange 🥓FARKer also, "Schmuck a l'orange," a Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@JayFelt" 🍊☣🗑
0657 Sargent Shin Splints 🥓FARKer 🎖🏆🐤
0658 Self-serving Mob Boss LARPer 🥓FARKer 🐷🌂💪
0659 Skeleton Slumped Over The First Clue Seth Meyers after being in an "escape room" for an hour 🥔⛳🗑🖕
0660 Small Wonder 🥓FARKer both Donnie and the name of fake TV show 🔬
0661 Small Orange Penis, A 🥓FARKer from the description of the fake TV show "Small Wonder": "A Small Orange Penis leads to big problems." 🍊🔬
0662 Stupid MacGyver 🥓FARKer both Donnie and the name of fake TV show 🥔🖕
0663 Sun-Downing Grifter 🥓FARKer from a fake promotion for the fake TV show "Thoughts & Prayers"; with Mike Pence as a "Dogmatic, Theocratic Sociopath" 🥗💸
0664 Scar 🥓FARKer "not Mufasa" 🔨💣🐍
0665 Swamp Lion 🥓FARKer inspired by Lionhearted ⚖💸🦍
0666 Suspicious Lump Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🚑
0667 Stupid Doctor Who 🥓FARKer from the description of the fake TV show "Golf Cart Time Machine" 🥔
0668 Stellar Specimen 🥓FARKer 🚨🚑🍔
0669 Spray-tan Hitler 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0670 Second-rate Entertainer And Failed President 🎙Glenn Kirschner 🦃🖕💸🐡
0671 Second-Rate Actor/Failed President Trump 🎙Glenn Kirschner name of the video 🦃🖕💸🐡
0672 [S]emi-literate 🗳️Jerome Kellner letter to the editor, Maui News, May 1, 2020 🥔
0673 [S]exually assaulting, pathologically lying, feeble-minded, morally bankrupt, constitutionally-illiterate simpleton 🗳️Jerome Kellner letter to the editor, Maui News, May 1, 2020 ☢🗯🥔🥗🐍⚖
0674 [S]niffy mcsniff 🐱Twitter account "@sloaneellen" 💊
0675 Smart Man / Covered In A Spray Tan / Member Of The Ku Klux Klan, / Fucking Up What I Can / With An Immigration Ban, A 🥓FARKer with poem/rap 🍊🥔🏳️‍🖕
0676 Slot Slapping Slit Slapper 🥓FARKer
0677 Seditionist Republican President 🥓FARKer 🦃🇷🇺🐢
0678 Sad, Angry, Old Man Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🏝💣👴
0679 Stupid Greedy Fucker 🥓FARKer 🥔🐷
0680 Serial Rapist, Pedophile, Traitor And Mafia Money-changer Donald Trump 🥓FARKer ☢🌂⚖🤡
0681 Sheikh Donaldu-al Trumpdadi 🍻FARK 📉🎖
0682 [S]econd fascist to end his reign in a bunker, [T]he 🎓David Pattie 🛑🐤
0683 Sphincter Face 🥓FARKer 💩
0684 [S]ome stupid fucking idiot 🖋Jeff Tiedrich 🥔
0685 Sentient Pile Of Feces 🥓FARKer 💩
0686 SELF-CENTERED A-HOLE 📣Unknown NYC protester 🐡☣
0687 Sad, Pathetic Little Man, Desperate To Try And Save His Reputation And Keep Himself In The News, When Increasingly Both Of Those Are Headed South, A 🥓FARKer 📉🏝🐡
0688 Shadow President, The 🥓FARKer 🦃👽
0689 Spray Tanned, Sexually Assaulting, Idiotic Banana Slug , A 🥓FARKer 🍊☢🥔🦍
0690 Shadowy White Figure On A Golf Course 🎙Rich Ballard, Tooning Out The News 🏳️‍👽🛐
0691 Someone Who Hasn't Seen His Own Junk In Years Samantha Bee 🍔🔬
0692 Someone Who Does Zero Work 🥓FARKer ⛳🖕
0693 Shit Head 🥓FARKer 💩
0694 schlump 🐱MICHELLE WILBUR "lower case intended" 🖕
0695 Single-Term Dump 🐱Vonn Russell "(STD)" ⌛🗑
0696 STD 🐱Vonn Russell "Single-Term Dump" ⌛🗑
0697 Serial Sexual Assaulter Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA
0698 Stumpy 🐱Twitter account "@illjwamh" 🔬
0699 Shroom of Doom & Dumb 🐱Twitter account "@pokeyjohn" "The Humongous-Fungus" 🍄🔥🥔
0700 Spamelton 🐱Twitter account "@JarankaK"
0701 Senile septuagenarian 🐱Twitter account "@kando84" 🥗👴
0702 Shuffler on the ramp 🐱Twitter account "@kando84" 👴🗑
0703 Stupid Guy Trump 🎙Kylie Weaver, Tooning Out The News 🥔🤡
0704 Shit Liar Trying To Convince Us That Reality Isn't Reality Seth Meyers along with the rest of his administration, especially Stephen Miller, Kellyanne Conway, Mike Pence and Kayleigh McEnany 💩🗯
0705 Some Demented Orange 🥓FARKer 🍊🥗
0706 Sharper Image Steak Salesman 🐱Twitter account "@TelehellPodcast" 🗑💸
0707 Stuffed Crust Pizza enthusiast 🐱Twitter account "@TelehellPodcast" 🍔
0708 Son Of A Trump 🐱Twitter account "@Katmai1113" 🤡
0709 Sack of Sweet Potatoes that wanted to be a real boy 🐱Twitter account "@Millmanrocks" 🍊🌂
0710 Soon to be Bill Cosby's bunk mate 🐱Jameson Peters 🌈⚖
0711 Sam I am I do not like Don's tiny hands on my hams 🐱Jameson Peters 🔬❓
0712 [S]ober tweeter, The 🐱Jameson Peters 📱
0713 Stump Trump 🥓FARKer 🔬🤡
0714 [S]kid mark in America's historical underpants, [A] 🐱Twitter account "@ClueHeywood" 🔫💩
0715 Sir Eats-a-Lot 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" 🎖🍔
0716 Sentient Skin Tag 🐱Twitter account "@TheeAlanSmithee" 🥔🏭
0717 Shaved Grimace 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@TheeAlanSmithee" 🦍
0718 Sunkist Shill, The 🐱Twitter account "@thecorch" 🍊💸
0719 Sunny Delight Czar, The 🐱Twitter account "@thecorch" 🍊🎖
0720 Stormy's Spankee 🐱Twitter account "@InstantNadel" 🤡🌂
0721 Sunkist Scamp 🐱Twitter account "@limitlessjest" from image 🍊🍼
0722 Sweet Valley Bligh 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw"
0723 Shark Fart 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw"
0724 Stormy's Secret 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" 🤡🖕
0725 Spoiled Rich Brat That Hasn't Ever Been Told No, A 🥓FARKer 🍼🎖
0726 Shitler McTurdeater 🥓FARKer 💩🛑👑
0727 Second-hand Putin 🥓FARKer 🌂📉🇷🇺
0728 Six-piece Chicken McNobody 🥓FARKer 🍔🏝
0729 Soon-to-be-incarcerated Donald Trump Jimmy Kimmel 🌈⚖🤡
0730 Sentient, Ambulatory Pile Of Hamberders 🥓FARKer 🍔
0731 Sewer-clogging Fatberg 🥓FARKer 💩🍔
0732 Slob Father, The 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@TomGHolub" 🍔🌂
0733 Shady Real Estate Grifter With Business Dealings In Foreign Countries [Who] Accidentally Became President Seth Meyers "The Framer's worst nightmare" 🦃💸🇷🇺
0734 Slee Zee Fat Kahn 🥓FARKer 🤡🍔
0735 Small-fingered, Sad, Weak, Low-energy LOSER, A 🥓FARKer 🔬📉🏝🗑
0736 Show Pony On The Way To The Glue Factory 🥓FARKer 🐡🗑
0737 Slobbering Syphilitic Invalid 🥓FARKer 🚑
0738 Skroob 🐱Phillip M Jackson with picture 🍔🛏🚫
0739 Sarge from Hong Kong Phooey Nicholas Pegg with pictures 🍔🛏🚫
0740 Screaming Jumble Of Emotions 🥓FARKer 💣
0741 SCONE FIDDLER Gina Yashere
0742 Scumnold Schlump 🎙Kylie Weaver, Tooning Out The News 🚑🌂
0743 Sub-literate Insurrectionist Asshole 🥓FARKer 🥔🇷🇺☣
0744 Stuporspreader 🥓FARKer with macro ⚰️🥔
0745 Scooby Coup 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@RealLaserMan", written as "Scooby-Coup" 🇷🇺
0746 Spray-tan Skinwalker 🥓FARKer 🍊🦍
0747 Salty Unemployed Bitch 🥓FARKer 🍗⌛🍼
0748 Stomp McVeinbulge 🥓FARKer 💣
0749 Sexpest 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News both Donnie and Bill O'Reilly as well as their "speaking tour" that Dr. Mister Cody called "Sexpest-palooza"
0750 [MAGA rally attendees'] [S]pecial, gorgeous baby 🛐MAGA rally attendees as reported by America's Finest News Source 🛐
0751 Self-declared King Of White Nationalists 🥓FARKer 🎖👑🏳️‍
0752 Swine Kampf 🐱Twitter account "@Crossetown" 🦍👑🛑
0753 Spurs McKenzie 🐱Twitter account "@Crossetown" 🏆🐤
0754 Sad Sad Leroy Clown 🐱Twitter account "@Crossetown" 📉🤦
0755 Snakeoil Salesman 🐱Imgur account "PresidentOfAntifa" with macro 💸
0756 Smack head duck 🐱Twitter account "@delanithefirst" 💊❓
0757 SCUMp 🐱Twitter account "@delanithefirst" 🤡🚑
0758 Sunburnt Rhino Shitstain 🐱Twitter account "@extro_introvert" 🍊💊☣
0759 Summa cum Fraude 🐱Twitter account "@extro_introvert" 🌂
0760 Saddam Foodstain 🐱Twitter account "@JM122333" 👑🍔
0761 Saddam Poostain 🐱Twitter account "@JM122333" 👑💩
0762 Spray-tanned, [Unpolished] Turd Wrap In Gold Leaf 🥓FARKer "... cover[ed] ... in makeup" 🍊💩🌂
0763 Spray-tanned, [Unpolished] Turd Wrap In Iron Pyrite Spray Paint 🥓FARKer inspired by Spray-tanned, {Unpolished} Turd Wrap In Gold Leaf 🍊💩🌂
0764 Seditious president[s] who try to stage coups 🍻FARK 🦃🇷🇺🛐
0765 Snot-nosed (sniff, sniff) Brat 🥓FARKer 💊🍼
0766 Sho' done whorier 🐱Chris M. Drain
0767 Stench Harms-long 🐱Chris M. Drain 🚑
0768 Sausage Cyborg Carrying A Swiss Cheese Brain 🥓FARKer that is the "de facto leader of the GOP" 🥗 or 🚑
0769 Scabby orange tosser 🐱Imgur account "superunderpants" 🍊🚑☣
0770 Spray-tanned Loser Who Inherited Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars, A 🥓FARKer 🍊📉🤡
0771 Sociopath, [T]he Rob Reiner 💣
0772 [S]hithole one-term twice-impeached compromised-Russian-asset stupid lazy fuck of an ex-president 🖋Jeff Tiedrich 🍗⌛🎺🎺🇷🇺🥔⛳💩🖕
0773 Surrenderer 🥓FARKer both Donnie and his favorite Confederate "general", Robert E. Lee 🐤
0774 [S]mall and insignificant man 🖋Tom Nichols "It tells you something about the poverty of spirit in parts of America that a cult formed around such a small and insignificant man." 🏝🗑
0775 Sad-itionist, The 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@BIGGERInBCN" 🏝🇷🇺
0776 [S]ix-year-old with a tantrum 🙈, 🖋Gina Haspel, CIA Director (2018-2021) as reported by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in their book, "Peril" 🍼💣
0777 Swampopotamus 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@SunnyInFloriduh" 🦍💸
0778 [S]ymptom of a larger disease 🖋Jared Yates Sexton 🚑
0779 Sweeny Fraud 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@fish92660", who actually spelled it correctly "Sweeney Fraud" 🌂
0780 Spiritual Godfather Of The [January 6th] Insurrection 🖋Bob Woodward 🛐🇷🇺
0781 [S]erial sexual harasser, [T]he 🎙Joy Reid
0782 Spanky Trump 🥓FARKer 🤡
0783 Spineless Dickhead 🥓FARKer both Donnie and Governor Greg Abbott (R TX) 🐤☣
0784 Self-serving dishonest narcissist 🖌Ann Telnaes 🐷🗯🐡
0785 Sweaty No-knee-ed, Dummy 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🛢🚑🥔
0786 Scrooge McSchmuck 🏆👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@jasonjjacoby"; although, Robert Mihaly called Donnie "Scrooge G. McSchmuck" back in 2018 long before the hashtag 💸📉☣🗑
0787 Sliding Blindfolded Down A 50-foot Razor Blade Into A Vat Of Gin 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA one of several metaphors Dr. Colbert offered in response to the many metaphors Stephanie Grisham used for both Donnie's administration and "everything" at the Trump White House; Dr. Colbert's other suggestions were: "Walking Through A Minefield Led By A Baby Trying To Change Its Own Diaper", "Driving A Manure Truck Off A Cliff Into A Pit Of Other Manure Trucks" and "Deep-sea Diving Surrounded By Sharks Who Won't Shut Up About Winning Wisconsin" 🎠🔥
0788 Slick Out-of-towner Dating [Lindsay Graham's] Meemaw Seth Meyers 💸
0789 Shrieking Potato 🥓FARKer 💣🐡🍔
0790 Sovereign Citizen Trump 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍👽🤡
0791 Schrodinger's Billionaire 🍻FARK 🌂💸📉
0792 [S]tubby-fingered sack of extra-piquant donkey farts 🐱DailyKos contributor "Aldous J. Pennyfarthing" "... who likely never bothered to read the Constitution he swore to uphold--and certainly didn't understand it if he did bother." 🔬🚑🦍💩
0793 Store Brand Toaster Strudel 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🌂
0794 Strong, Dictator-type Guy 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 💪👑
0795 Short Small Orange Creature From An Old Movie 🥓FARKer 🍊🔬🦍
0796 Someone Who Can't Even Run A Successful Casino Native American groups, via Colin Jost, Weekend Update 🗑🖕💸
0797 [S]pray tanned septuagenarian in a diaper Noel Casler 🍊👴💩
0798 Sociopathic Crazy Person 🎙Andrew Sullivan Andrew Sullivan podcast, November 5, 2021 💣
0799 Slender Trump 🖌Lalo Alcaraz 🦍🐍🤡
0800 Semi-sentient Circus Peanut 🥓FARKer 🍊🦍🥔
0801 Shriveled Husk Of A Man, Sitting In His Own Filth, Drooling Over His Daughter, A 🥓FARKer 👴🗑💩☢
0802 Some Old Moron In Florida 🥓FARKer 👴🥔
0803 Sulk Hogan 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@MCMikeSkywalker" 🏝💪
0804 Soap Bubble 🥓FARKer "... if Trump wasn't as fragile as a soap bubble ..." ❄️
0805 Self-aggrandizing Real-estate Mogul/Minor TV Personality, Who Inherited Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars, Claims A Fortune Of Billions, And Lives In A Penthouse Triplex At The Top Of A Literal Golden Tower Sitting On Some Of The Most Expensive Real Estate In The World 🥓FARKer "Five-plus years on, and I'm still baffled how anyone could look at this [nickname] and think to themselves, "Hey, now this guy is a true man of the people!" " 🐡💸📉🌂
0806 Syphilitic Orange Choad 🥓FARKer with Alex Jones as "Human thumb" 🍊🚑🏭
0807 [S]eptuagenarian grifter Noel Casler 👴💸
0808 [S]ick, very disturbed individual, [A] 🗳️Stephen B. Jacobs 💣🎖🔨☣
0809 Scum of Scam 🐱Twitter account "@VeganKitty2" 🚑💣
0810 SENILE HULK 🥓FARKer 🥗🦍💣
0811 [S]erial philander who bragged about sexual assault 🗳️Twitter account "@JoJoFromJerz" ☠🎖☢
0812 [S]editionist traitor 🗳️OccupyDemocrats from a macro 🇷🇺
0813 [S]erial rapist 🗳️OccupyDemocrats from a macro
0814 [S]umbitch Corey Ryan Forrester ☣🤡
0815 Sad, Sad Orange Man 🥓FARKer 🍊🏝
0816 Satan's Delegate 🥓FARKer 🐍🔧
0817 Seditious Fat Sh*t 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🍔☣
0818 Slovenly Orange Golem Of Every Negative Impulse Of The Id 🥓FARKer 🍊🍔🦍🍼💣
0819 Subhuman Filth 🥓FARKer both Donnie and his followers 🦍🚑
0820 Supreme Untermensch Donald Trump 🥓FARKer 🚨💪🤡
0821 Singular Dry Dildo Of A President 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News "... proudly declaring that he will not wear a mask!" 🦃🖕
0822 Stupid Hitler 🥓FARKer 🥔🛑👑
0823 [S]hit stew of vileness, A 🖋Ian Gurvitz from a photo of a page from his book Death To America!: How We The People Screwed Ourselves 💩🚑
0824 [S]hameless, megalomaniacal, psychologically damaged, neo-fascist madman, and racist con artist, [A] 🖋Ian Gurvitz from a photo of a page from his book Death To America!: How We The People Screwed Ourselves 🎖🐡💣🛑🏳️‍💸
0825 [S]hameless, megalomaniacal, psychologically damaged, neo-fascist madman, [A] 🖋Ian Gurvitz from a photo of a page from his book Death To America!: How We The People Screwed Ourselves 🎖🐡💣🛑
0826 [S]elf-proclaimed master dealmaker who couldn't negotiate a shit after dinner at Taco Bell, A 🖋Ian Gurvitz from a photo of a page from his book Death To America!: How We The People Screwed Ourselves 💸
0827 Someone who made his political bones with giant, Nuremberg-like rallies, attended by thousands of fawning mouth-breathers, all sporting the same chromosomal abnormality 🖋Ian Gurvitz from a photo of a page from his book Death To America!: How We The People Screwed Ourselves 🛐🏳️‍👑
0828 Special Brand Of Nitwit 🥓FARKer 🥔
0829 Shredder Cheese 🐱Twitter account "@RealDonVader1" "What's orange and illegally destroys documents?"; from a macro 🍊🇷🇺
0830 Saudi Trump 🖌Mark Dolk from cartoon 🇷🇺🤡
0831 Super Flush 🥓FARKer 🚽⚖🇷🇺
0832 Seemingly Unflushable Piece Of Shiate 🥓FARKer addendum to "Piece Of Shiate" 🚽💩
0833 Scrump Noel Casler
0834 SuperFlush 🍻FARK 🚽⚖🇷🇺
0835 Sir Johnald Barron the First 🥓FARKer 🎖🌂
0836 Sad Creature 🥓FARKer 🏝
0837 Stonewall Jackass 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@TLetruck" 🖕☣
0838 Shouty McCan'tsdoalot 🥓FARKer 🐡🖕
0839 Solid Rump 🐱Twitter account "@Handsome_Jock" 🍔
0840 [S]orry excuse for a human being Rob Reiner 🏝
0841 Slow-moving, Foul-smelling Beast 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA from his Emmy-award winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🍔🚑🦍
0842 [Bullys'] [S]nivelling sidekick 🖋Nate White "... when he is among bullies; then he suddenly transforms into a snivelling sidekick ..." 🇷🇺🔧
0843 Sick Parasite 🥓FARKer 🚑💸
0844 [S]imply pathetic sack of putrid bile and bullshit Noel Casler 🏝🚑💩
0845 [S]tupid pathetic scumbag 🐱Imgur account "Thelrishlnquistion" 🥔🏝☣
0846 #StupidTrump 🐱Paul Leigh 🥔🤡
0847 Sweaty Buffoon, That 🥓FARKer 🍔🤦
0848 [S]elf proclaimed billionaire 🐱Twitter account "@MauiKen1000" 🐡📉
0849 Standard Bearer [Of The] Party Of Authoritarians Hellbent On Dismantling Democracy Seth Meyers "... [and] whose main obsession is toilets--specifically toilets that aren't strong enough to handle all his bullsh*t" (NBC censored "bullshit") 🐢👑🛑
0850 Scamu 🐱Twitter account "@JayWalkr" 💸🍔
0851 [S]erial abuser of women 🗽Laurence Tribe
0852 Showman, The 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA "... versus The Joe-Man!"; from his Emmy-award and JD-Power-and-Associates-Award-for-Initial-Customer-Satisfaction-for-'Quality-Mid-Sized-Sedan' winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🐡💸
0853 Schmuck-asaurus 🏆Unnamed announcer, alternative promotion for the January 6th Congressional hearings from the Emmy-award winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🤦
0854 Stupid Criminal Who Is Going To Die In Prison 🥓FARKer 🥔⚖
0855 Seditious President Jimmy Kimmel 🦃🇷🇺
0856 Spolied Grade Schooler Watching Cartoons 🥓FARKer ⚖⛳
0857 [S]nake oil salesman rodeo clown 🐱Imgur account "angelinesg7" from a macro featuring Rick Sanchez yelling at a MAGA-gear-clad Jerry Smith, "Stop giving that asshole your money Jerry.. If he really is a "billionaire genius" then why would he need your money?.. I swear to fucking God, that snake oil salesman rodeo clown's only profitable business has been selling hats and asking for handouts from you fucking marks." 💸🤦
0858 Scroteface Samantha Bee 🍒
0859 [S]exual predator with a lifetime record of corruption 🗳️Twitter account "@JoJoFromJerz" ☢⚖
0860 [S]omeone who's plotted an actual coup 🗳️Twitter account "@JoJoFromJerz" 🇷🇺
0861 Scary Plotter 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA "... and the Goblet of Liars"; from his Emmy-award winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🔥🇷🇺
0862 Scammy Doofus Jr. 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@jehosaphat1" 💸🥔
0863 Sack Of Seditious Shit 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺💩
0864 Septuagenarian POTUS painted orange, wearing a diaper & high on Adderall Noel Casler 🦃🍊👴💩💊
0865 SHITHOLE MOBSTER 🖋Jeff Tiedrich 💩⚖
0866 Specimen Of Fitness 🥓FARKer 🚨🍔🚑
0867 Spoiled, Entitled Manbaby 🥓FARKer 🍼🎖
0868 Shouty McFatPants Dana Carvey 🐡🍔
0869 Stupidest Person On The Planet, The 🥓FARKer ♾️🥔
0870 sMaRtEsT bUsInEsSmAn In ThE uNiVeRsE, ThE 🖋Jeff Tiedrich 🚨♾️🥔💸
0871 [S]weaty dumb man 🎩Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R IL 16th) 🍔🥔
0872 [S]creaming American fat man, [T]hat 🍻FARK both Donnie and Alex Jones 🔫🐡🍔
0873 [S]exual predator 🗳️Lindy Li both Donnie and Brett Kavanaugh
0874 Slimeball 🥓FARKer
0875 Straight, Rich, White Career Criminal Male Who Stole Classified Documents From The White House George Hahn 🎖⚖🇷🇺
0876 Stupid Traitor Motherfucker 🥓FARKer 🥔🇷🇺🖕
0877 Stupid T-1000 In A Foundry 🥓FARKer 🥔🦍🔨
0878 Skeezy Dude With A Gold Toilet 🥓FARKer 🤡🍯
0879 Snake Oil Salesman Using Our Government Positions To Get Their Own Fix Of Power 🎙Brian Tyler Cohen both Donnie and Dr. Mehmet Oz 💸⚖
0880 SHITUS 🥓FARKer 💩
0881 [S]hriveled bag of puss Noel Casler 🚑🛢
0882 SAD HOMBRE 🥓FARKer from a macro 📉
0883 Straight-up Abomination 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍
0884 Septuagenarian Long Haul COVID Sufferer With Obvious Mental Decline, A Disdain For Anything 'Exercise', And Whose Diet Can Best Be Described As 'Envy Of Every 4 Year Old EVER' 🥓FARKer ⚰️👴🥗🍔🍼
0885 SPECIAL MASTER 🖌JR Duquette from cartoon 🚨🎖🌂
0886 Special Monster John Fugelsang 🦍
0887 Sleazer Jimmy Kimmel as in "Sleazer's Palace" from the on-screen title of the video 🤡
0888 [S]cam, [A] 🖋Jared Yates Sexton 💸
0889 Sir Shitsalot 🖌Lalo Alcaraz 🎖💩
0890 Sir Lies-a-lot 🖋Ron Gonzales 🎖🗯
0891 [S]cabrous piece of moldy Spam Noel Casler 🚑
0892 Sleazy Small-time Conman 🥓FARKer 🤡💸
0893 Sweaty, Red-faced, Rambling, Incoherent Mess Seth Meyers 🍊🍔🐡🥗
0894 [S]ophisticated parrot 🖋unnamed campaign aides for Donnie as reported by Maggie Haberman in her book "Confidence Man" 🔧
0895 [S]hittiest former president of all time 🐱Twitter account "@middleageriot" 🍗🖕
0896 SUPERTAN! Jimmy Kimmel from graphics on thumbnail 🚨💪🍊
0897 [The] Scamdalorian 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@raptorgeek863" which limits who can view their tweets 💸
0898 Senile, Incontinent F*ck 🥓FARKer 👴💩
0899 Screaming, Shitting Baby 🥓FARKer "... at every formal dinner" 🐡💩🍼
0900 SHAME OF QUEENS, THE 🖌JR Duquette from cartoon 🤦
0901 SEX OFFENDER EXTRAORDINAIRE 🥓FARKer with parody "Most Wanted" television graphic
0902 [S]ingularly unfit to be president 🖋Jeffrey Goldberg 🖕
0903 [S]ingularly unfit for the presidency 🖋Bob Woodward in his book Rage 🖕
0904 Sociopathic Pathologically Lying Criminal Racist Misogynistic Fascist Rob Reiner 💣🗯⚖🏳️‍☠🛑
0905 Scooby Douche 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@AcwmBruno" 🤦☣
0906 Sleepy Don 🖌Dan Perkins 👴⛳
0907 Saudi-Arabian-Golf Enthusiast And 9/11 Truther 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🔧👽
0908 Senile Shit Poster 🥓FARKer 👴📱
0909 Saudi-backed Golf Resort Operator 🥓FARKer with Elon Musk as "Saudi-backed Twitter owner" 🔧💸🌂
0910 Soulless Shitweasel 🥓FARKer both Donnie and Elon Musk 🐍💩🦍
0911 Sweaty, Loudmouth Real Estate Mogul From New York Who Owns A Chintzy Resort In Palm Beach And Doesn't Know How To Close A [BEEP] Umbrella Seth Meyers NBC censored the type of umbrella 🍔🐡📉🌂🎖
0912 Strongman So-and-so 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🚨💪
0913 [GOP] Standard-bearer And Current Presidential Front-runner Seth Meyers 🐢
0914 Sweaty, Bumbling Oaf Seth Meyers "... who would ramble about sexy New York yacht parties in the Eighties to an audience of Boy Scouts or dance to the Village People when he went onstage and complain non-stop at rallies about how low water pressure was causing America's toilets not to flush." 🍔🌂🤦
0915 soup-a-hero Mrs.Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian™ 🚨💪
0916 ShapeGrifter 🖌Dave Whamond superhero parody of Donnie's collectible digital trading cards NFTs; from a cartoon 💸
0917 Secret Document Man 🖌Dave Whamond superhero parody of Donnie's collectible digital trading cards NFTs; from a cartoon 📜
0918 Slightly More Racist Gonorrhea 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA with Governor Ron DeSantis (R FL) as "Gonorrhea", from his Emmy-award and JD-Power-and-Associates-Award-for-Initial-Customer-Satisfaction-for-'Quality-Mid-Sized-Sedan' winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🏳️‍
0919 SuperSpam 🐱Twitter account "@LiberalForce" "The Democracy Killer"; from parody digital trading card ("Traitor card") 🐡💸
0920 Semi-retired Maniac Colin Jost 👴💣
0921 [S]ad old man 🍻FARK 📉👴
0922 Supreme Leader Of The Insurrection, The Jimmy Kimmel 🛐🇷🇺
0923 Stupid Fat Bastard 🥓FARKer 🥔🍔☣
0924 Scam Likely Seth Meyers Donnie's "Secret Service name" 💸
0925 Stupid Orange Fark 🥓FARKer 🍊🥔🖕
0926 Storm That Is Always Hitting America, The Trevor Noah 🔨
0927 Super Pig Jimmy Kimmel 💪🍔
0928 Scamburglar Jimmy Kimmel 💸
0929 Stupid, Petty Asshole 🥓FARKer 🥔🍼☣
0930 Swan Fake 🥓FARKer ❄️🌂
0931 Star-spangled Tanner Jimmy Kimmel 🍊
0932 [S]unburnt mayonnaise sculpture 🖌JR Duquette 🍊🍔
0933 [S]hit wrapped in skin 🐱John Hartzell 💩
0934 [S]exist asshole 🖋Erin Gloria Ryan ☢☣
0935 Sack Of Rancid Diarrhea 🥓FARKer 💩
0936 [The] star of Law and Order: I'm Always The Victim Unit! 🖋Paul Lander ❄️🗑
0937 [S]ummer sausage rolled back and forth across a barber shop floor Noel Casler 🚫🚑
0938 Sexually Transmitted Disease Jimmy Kimmel 🚑
0939 Schrodinger's Douchbag 🍻FARK
0940 Shufflin' Gramps 🍻FARK 👴🗑
0941 Suppurating Pustule 🥓FARKer 🚑
0942 Short Round 🥓FARKer 🍔
0943 Star of Home Alone 2 🥓FARKer 🎖
0944 SHIT-GIBBON IN CHIEF 🥓FARKer from macro 💩🦍
0945 STUPID CAPRICIOUS, SPOILED, SQUALLING TODDLER 🥓FARKer "... WHO HAVE A CULT OF CORRUPT, MORONIC, RACIST HUMAN GARBAGE AS FOLLOWERS"; Donnie, Elon Musk and Kanye West; from a macro featuring Johnny Carson as Carnac the Magnificent 🥔💣🍼
0946 [S]port 🍻FARK 🍼
0948 Sunburnt Asshole Desi Lydic 🍊☣
0949 Swamp Thing, The 🐱Twitter account "@rhonmhon8" 🦨🦍
0950 Sociopathic Dick Of The Highest Order 🥓FARKer 💣☣
0951 [S]hort-fingered corrupt vulgarian 🍻FARK inspired by Short-Fingered Vulgarian 🔬⚖🚑
0952 Seaweed Blob 🥓FARKer inspired by giant seaweed blob that was headed directly to Florida ..." 🌿🍔
0953 Six-foot-four stud with a sixpack, a lantern jaw, the penis of a Kentucky Derby-winner and who can give orgasms to the furniture just by sitting on it 🍻FARK 🚨🚫🤡
0954 Something That Would Show Up Under A Microscope In A Toxicology Lab Seth Meyers 🦨🚑
0955 Spring Chicken Seth Meyers 🚨👴
0956 Stinky Guy, The 🥓FARKer 🦨
0957 Stinky 🖋Jamie Malanowski, Spy Magazine, October, 1988, on Google books Kurt Andersen, Spy Magazine, UK Independent 🦨
0958 Sleazy Real Estate Developer From New York 🥓FARKer 💸
0959 Stinky Fake Billionaire  🥓FARKer 🦨📉
0960 Sulfurous Demon 🥓FARKer 🦨🐍
0961 Saint Donald the Martyr 🖌Monte Wolverton from a cartoon 🚨🐷
0962 Shame Of The Nation 🥓FARKer 🔫🤦
0963 Slug Bag 🥓FARKer with Jeffrey Epstein as Donnie's "fellow slug bag" 🦍
0964 Stinky Don 🥓FARKer 🦨
0965 Smelly Shark Guy 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🦨
0966 Stable McGenius Jimmy Kimmel 🚨💣🥔
0967 #SyphilisDon 🐱, 🖋"social media", via Colby Hall and Media-Ite 🚑
0968 Stinky Fat Boy 🥓FARKer 🦨🍔🍼
0969 [S]cared little [man] 🍻FARK 🐤
0970 [Matt Gaetz's] Special Daddy 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🛐💪
0971 Serial Liar, Racist And Con Artist Seth Meyers 🗯🏳️‍💸
0972 [S]weathog 🍻FARK 🦨🍔
0973 [S]mug douchebag 🍻FARK both Donnie and "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli 🐡☣
0974 Stanky 🍻FARK 🦨
0975 Smelly, Orange Buffoon 🥓FARKer 🍊🦨🤦
0976 StinkyBoi 🥓FARKer 🦨🍼

Numbers - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Other Nicknames

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