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Not all nicknames have been included in this page.

If you know of one that is not listed, please post the nickname and link for the first usage of it in the main talk page for review.


An attempt was made to credit the first use of the nickname. If a link can be found showing an earlier use of the nickname, it will be corrected. Post suggestions--with links--for corrections in the main talk page for review.

FARKer's usernames are hidden in an attempt to follow FARK's policy of "not calling out other FARKers".


Typos and FARK filters have been corrected. Pretentious Capitalization Was Added For Many.


For nicknames marked ❓ (uncertain), the editor may not have gotten the joke. If you know the joke or reference and can recommend the proper category, please post suggestions and explanations--with links--in the main talk page for review.

If you disagree about a category in which a nickname was placed, we can argue about it in the main talk page too.

All other comments

Please post any suggestions for improvements, compliments or critiques on the main talk page.


Emoji Source
🏴 Al Qaeda
American-based, Christian man of the cloth
🖋 author, journalist, writer
👿 bastard
🖌 cartoonist, visual artist
celebrity, TV show
🗳️ citizen, voter, activists
🤡 Donald himself (including depictions of) or one of his supporters (includes family members and employees)
🎓 educator, historian, lexicographer
🏆 Emmy-award winner
🥓 FARKer
🌽 farmer
🃏 former MAGAt
👂 #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant acknowledged on air by Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA
🔎 January 6th Committee member, witness
🗽 judge, lawyer, court or official court documents
🇰🇿 Kazakh journalist
🛐 MAGAt, rabid supporter, current Trump lawyer
🩺 medical professional
🙈 former member of the Trump administration, or Trump lawyer, especially one who only reveals what they knew in a book which gets published long after they have left their job
👮‍♂️ military or law enforcement, former or current
🐱 misc internet (incl. blogs, Twitter, Imgur, Amazon reviews, YouTube, etc)
👷 municipal department
🗞 news outlet, publisher, editor
🇰🇵 North Korean official
🎩 politician, candidate or other dignitary
🎙 pundit or other political commentator
🥼 scientist
🛡 Scottish Twitter
or any Scot
NOTE: this emoji is temporary and will be changed to the Scottish flag emoji once it becomes available to everyone
💼 spokesperson, campaign operative, political staff
📣 unknown protester
📯 whistleblower, former government employee/DoD official, former Trump employee, unnamed person "familiar with ..."
Emoji Category
🚽 10-15 flushes; document flushing
💊 addict, includes drunk, gambler
🎠 administration
🔠 anagram
🔫 America/America's, Founding Fathers', Our Nation, National, Our, Your (humanity's)
🇬🇧 American version of Boris Johnson; British insult
🦍 animal; semi-, sub-, or not quite human; humanoid; monster, ghoul; mutant; mascot; semi-sentient; creature
💩 ass-, taint-, poop-, or fart(gas)-related, hemorrhoid, incontinent, diaper, skidmark, queef, bile
👑 authoritarian, autocrat, tyrant, despot, dictator, monarch, emperor, imperial, anything undemocratic (abuses power/authority), plutocrat
🐡 blowhard, braggart, gasbag, smug, panderer, egotist, narcissist, disloyal, pompous, vain, megalomaniac, diva, TV star, attention whore, arrogant, loud, interrupter
🏭 body or any other body part that is not hands, feet, penis/testicles or ass
📉 broke, bankrupt, imaginary wealth, tacky, gauche, trashy, classless, cheap, pathetic, junk food, deadbeat
🧀 Cheeto or cheese (including cheese-like foods)
child cager
🍼 childish, needy, infantile, immature, manbaby, manchild, crybaby, mewling, inexperienced, impulsive, petty, spiteful, whiner, stubborn, belligerent, obstinate, willful, spoiled, irresponsible, tantrum-thrower, petulant
👽 conspiracy theorist, superstitious, Sovereign Citizen, denier, impervious to logic (and reason, history, facts, etc), factually wrong, solipsistic, illiterate, strange, weird, goofy, freak, rube, incurious, ignorant, misinformed, uninformed, fear-monger, plotter
⚰️ COVID-19, coronavirus, the 'rona, plague, pandemic, pestilence, superspreader, angel of death, contagious
🐤 coward, craven, frightened, panic-stricken, scared, pseudonym, troll, rapscallion, weasel
crime-related (excluding traitor, sexual predator, child-cager); corrupt (swamp), lawless, thief, usurper, war criminal, murderer
🛐 cult, fanboy, MAGA, sedition inciter, demagogue, savior, champion, infallible, power of positive thinking, idol
💀 cures for COVID-19, especially ill-advised, misinformed snake-oil
💪 daddy, uncle, avuncular, self-proclaimed hero/alpha male
🔨 destructive, instigator, war-monger, murderous, genocidal, violent, abusive, inhumane, impolite, undiplomatic, terrorist, uncouth, obnoxious, reckless, inconsiderate, menace, malicious, vindictive
🔥 disaster, dystopian, disasterous administration, dumpster/trashcan fire, problematic, nightmare, hellish, apocalyptic, scorched earth
🏆 draft dodger
📜 document thief
🤦 embarrassment, fool, goofball, boob, clown, gullible, distraction, cartoonish, buffoon, schmuck, turkey, oaf, disgrace, ass-kisser, laughingstock, chump, laughable, ridiculous, joke, tiresome, low expectations
💣 emotionally unstable, angry, mean, heartless, Cluster B, unhinged, disturbed, ruthless, manic, maniac, mad/madman, chaotic, capricious, unpredictable, thin-skinned, triggered, dangerous, ASPD, pathological, psychopathic/sociopathic, evil, cruel, lunatic, venegful, vicious, insecure, reckless, sadistic, malevolent, malignant
🎖 entitled, pampered, out of touch, teflon, frat-boy, Dunning-Kruger stupid (know-it-all, contrarian), exceptional, unsophisticated, scavenger, squatter, privileged, shameless, ingrate, dandy, pompous, prima dona, celebrity, unrepentant
♾️ eternal; everlasting; ever; epic; serial; historic; trans-dimensional, life-long, classic, ultimate
🗑 failure, loser, sore loser, lame, tragedy, tragic, weak, frail, feeble, tired, bitch, cuck, soft, dandy, ineffectual, impotent, wimp, insecure, has-been, washed-up, disappointment
🛑 fascism, fascist, anti-democratic, UnAmerican
🍔 fat, glutton, slob, slovenly, sloppy, sweaty, frumpy, lumpy, bloated
🍗 former President, Ex-President
🇨🇳 friend of Li "Cindy" Yang, proprietor of Orchid Day Spa; Chinese taxpayer
🏝 friendless, humorless, forgetable, mediocre, forgotten, ostrasized, former, disliked, unpopular, low ratings, unwanted, unpleasant, unloved, unwelcome, nameless, pathetic, Schroedinger's Douchbag, grump, salty, bored, boring, desperate, jealous, poisonous, toxic, little to no influence, irrelevant, insignificant, extraneous
🖕 fuckup, incompetent, unqualified, inept, useless, worthless, hot mess, trainwreck, "Florida Man", deplorable, delinquent, whack, undependable, hypocrite, mistake, negligent, neglectful, unsuccessful, dysfunctional
🌈 future nickname
🍯 gold, golden, midas, winner (especially sarcastic)
🌎 grab bag; many, many, many things
🐷 greedy, selfish, shallow
💸 grifter; conman; con-, scam artist; money-launderer; cheat; tax-dodger; huckster; thief; mooch; exploiter; everything's a transaction; parasite; whorish; sell-out; shill; reality show/game show host (current or former), TV "star" (current or former), social media "influencer (current or former); lousy businessman/negotiator
🐿 hair, combover, balding, toupee
🎺 impeached (waa, waa); a horn for each impeachment
🌂 impersonator; fraud; Drumpf; poser; populist; alias; dandy; makeup-, wig-wearer; gilded; gaudy; cheap imitation; inferior substitute, imposter; clumsy, awkward, two-bit; second-rate; wannabe; charlatan; imaginary hero/warrior, leader, military and/or playboy; pretend mobster or tough-guy; effeminate; empty suit
🥗 incoherent, delusional, deranged, demented, feeble-minded, senile, confused, brain-damaged, sundowning, paranoid, covfefe, nonsensical
🦹‍♂️ inspiration for 1980's pop fiction villainy; wrestling heel/villain; cartoonish villain
jerk; asshole; jackass; bully; cunt; punk; dick; prick; scumbag; twat; twit; bastard; annoying, pest, irritating, offensive, horrible, pendejo; douche/douchebag/douche canoe; POS; twatwaffle; wanker; motherfucker; cocksucker; bitch; pain-in-the-ass/neck; insufferable
🦆 lame duck
🗯 liar, deceitful, two-faced, disingenuous, insincere, gaslighter, propagandist, Orwellian, untrustworthy
🛢 misc. bodily fluid/excretion (not poop or urine) human or otherwise; incl. burp
misogynist, incel, macho, MRA, homophobic, mansplainer, stalker-ish, creep, philander
🍄 mushroom penis, toad, dildo
🌿 non-orange plant or food related
👃 obvious, famous, notorious
👴 old, retired, dinosaur, dotard, Boomer
one term
🍊 orange-colored, orange food (fruit, vegetable, etc), poorly tanned skin, bad makeup job, neon, florescent
💡 out of touch; especially his fixation with household appliances and how to use them; lightbulbs, dishwashers, etc; except toilets
🚑 physically deformed/diseased (except COVID-19), clumsy, uncoordinated, syphilitic, festering, smelly, filthy, itchy, vulgar, vile, rotted, rancid, garbage, expired, grotesque, toxic, gruesome, malignancy, wretched, odious, repulsive, loathsome, nasty
🦃 President
📽 projecting
🐢 Republican, GOP, right wing, Donnie's lawyers/legal team, employees (cultists who "get paid"); conservative
🚨 sarcastic
🍒 scrotum, balls
sexual predator, rapist, pedophile, pussygrabber, creep
🐍 sinner, degenerate, obscenity, unholy, evil, abomination, malevolent, ethically challenged, unethical, morally bankrupt, amoral, unscrupulous, scandalous, abhorrent, repugnant, soulless, irredeemable, damned, accursed, wicked, heretical, demon, demonic, depraved, dirty or unclean, profane, disgusting, lacks integrity, irreligious, unChristian, anti-Christ
❄️ snowflake, fragile, victim, delicate, weak, feckless, wimpy
🦨 stinky, smelly, bad odor
🥔 stupid, primitive, clueless, imbecile, mindless, dull, uncreative, unimaginative, dolt, mook, buffoon, moron
🔬 tiny hands, fingers, feet, penis; petite, little, small
🍎 Tim Apple sundowning incident
("First name"+"Company or job as last name")
🔧 tool, passive, used, useful idiot, bot, venal, easily manipulated, Manchurian
🇷🇺 traitor, seditious, spy, puppet, compromised, sychophant, ass-kisser, lap dog, Putin's, Soviet, National Security threat/risk/liability
🤡 Trump (Drumpf) family-related (shitty husband, shitty father, nepotism), includes: deplorable, illegitimate, infidelity, immorality, infamous, genetically inferior, inadequate, misogynist, sexist, sleazy, creepy, philandering, lecherous and most important: impotent
📱 Twittering idiot, especially typos; not limited to Twittet, incl: Gab, Parler or any other right wing internet safe space
🚫 unattractive physically, unfashionable, ugly, fugly, fugugly, frightening
🛏 urine, incontinence
🏛️ White House
🏳️‍ White Supremist, Nazi, Nazi Sympathizer, hateful, polarizing, divisive, bigot, racist, miserable, nationalist, unpatriotic, jingoist, xenophobic, terrorist


t 1-500

# Nickname Source Note Category
0001 Twitler 🥓FARKer 📱🛑👑
0002 Trumpenführer 🥓❓ also Trumpenfuhrer 👑🤡
0003 tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon @MetalOllie the original "Scottish" Twitter; please note: the original tweet has been removed, but Slate wrote a bit about the origin of "shitgibbon", which reported on the tweet; BTW MetalOllie is not actually Scottish! 🔬🧀🐿💩🦍
0004 Trumplestilskin 🥓FARKer ❓🤡
0005 Trumpler 🥓FARKer ❓🤡
0006 Trumpty Dumpty 🐱"Scottish" Twitter Superstar, MetalOllie as well as a book by John Lithgow, a cartoon and two nursery rhymes (1, 2); BTW, MetalOllie isn't Scottish 👑🤡🗑🍔
0007 Toy Soldier Trump 🗞New York Daily News 🌂🤡
0008 Twitter Nixon 🎙Rick Wilson 📱👑
0009 Tangerine gabshite walloper 🖋Lorna Wallace, poetry winner 🍊💩
0010 Trump Epimanes 🥓FARKer inspired by Epimanes, "The Mad One" 🥗🤡
0011 Traitor 🥓FARKer "Traitor/Plotter 2016 ticket" 🇷🇺
0012 Traitor Trump 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🤡
0013 Trumpalo 🥓FARKer 🤡
0014 Trumpito 🥓FARKer 🤡
0015 Trumpoline 🥓FARKer 🤡
0016 Trumpo 🐱Twitter account "Miguel Bloombito" 🤡
0017 Tanchurian Candidate, The 🥓FARKer 🍊🔧
0018 Trumperdink Cary Elwes 🤡🎖
0019 The Donald 🥓FARKer Reportedly, created by his ex, Ivana, that he's not fond of 👑💪
0020 Talking Combover, The 🥓FARKer 🐿🗯
0021 Talking Yam, The 🥓FARKer 🍊🗯
0022 Tangelo Terror 🍻FARK 🍊💣
0023 Tangerine 🍻FARK 🍊
0024 Tangerine Nightmare 🥓FARKer 🍊💣🔥
0025 Tangerine Tinted Turd 🥓FARKer 🍊💩
0026 Tangerine Tornado 🥓FARKer 🍊💣
0027 Tangerine Twitterer 🥓FARKer 🍊📱
0028 Tangerine Tyrant 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0029 Teleprompter Of The United States, The 🥓FARKer 🦃🇷🇺
0030 Thalidomide Thumbs 🥓FARKer 🚑📱
0031 That Thing 🥓FARKer 🦍
0032 Thin-Skinned Manbaby 🥓FARKer 💣🗑🍼
0033 Thin-skinned Racist Warmonger 🥓FARKer 💣🗑🏳️‍
0034 Thin-skinned Psychotic Asshole 🥓FARKer 💣🗑☣
0035 Tie-Coon 🥓FARKer 📉💸🍔
0036 Time Cube President 🥓FARKer 🦃👽
0037 Toad, The 🥓FARKer 🍄
0038 Toddler In Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃🍼
0039 Toddler Psychopath John Oliver 🍼💣
0040 Traitor in ChiefTM 🥓FARKer 🦃🇷🇺
0041 Trash from Queens 🥓FARKer 📉
0042 Troglodyte Shithole 🥓FARKer 💩🦍
0043 Trump Steaks of Presidents, The 🥓FARKer 🦃🤡🖕🗑
0044 Trump's Golden Corral of Corruption 🥓FARKer 🤡🍯⚖🍔
0045 Trump's Turd Mountain 🥓FARKer 💩🎠🤡
0046 Trumper 🥓FARKer 🥔👑🤡
0047 Trumpercles 🥓FARKer 🌂🤡
0048 Trumperdorf 🥓FARKer 🥔🤡
0049 Trumperor, The 🥓FARKer 👑🤡
0050 Trumpertantrum 🥓FARKer 💣🍼🤡
0051 Trumplethinskin 🥓FARKer 💣🤡
0052 Trumpwaffe 🥓FARKer 🛑🤡
0053 Trumpwit 🥓FARKer 🤡🥔
0054 Trumpy 🥓FARKer 🤡
0055 Trumpy McTrumpface 🥓FARKer 🤡
0056 Tweaker Tweeter 🥓FARKer 💊📱
0057 Tweetie 🥓FARKer 📱
0058 Tweetinator, The 🥓FARKer 📱🌂
0059 Tweeto the Cheeto 🥓FARKer 📱🧀
0060 Twat That Twits, The 🥓FARKer 📱☣
0061 Twitter Troll 🍻FARK 📱☣
0062 Twitterer-In-Chief 🍻FARK 🦃📱
0063 Tyrannical Daughter-Creeper 🥓FARKer 👑💪🤡☢
0064 Tyrannosaurus Rumpus 🥓FARKer "... commonly known as T-Rump ..." 🦍🍔
0065 Tang Emperor 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0066 Tangerine Shitblimp 🥓FARKer 🍊💩🍔
0067 Tangerine-hued Spunk Monkey 🥓FARKer 🍊🛢🦍
0068 Tangerine Totalitarian, The 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0069 Trumpolini 🥓FARKer 👑🤡
0070 Trumpopotamus 🥓FARKer 🤡🍔🦍
0071 Trumpster-Dumpster 🥓FARKer 🤡🖕🗑
0072 Talking Prostate Tumor 🥓FARKer 🏭🚑
0073 Tangerine God-Emperor 🥓FARKer 🍊🛐👑
0074 Tantrum Thrower In Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃💣🍼
0075 Third Rate Used Car Salesman 🥓FARKer 💸
0076 Trumpthulhu 🥓FARKer 🤡🦍
0077 Trump the Merciless 🥓FARKer 🚨👑🤡
0078 Tangerine Caligula Michael Rubens, correspondent, Full Frontal 🍊👑
0079 Trumpenpoik 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🤡
0080 Trumpov 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🤡
0081 TWEETUS 🥓FARKer 🦃📱
0082 Tangerine Idiot 🥓FARKer 🍊🥔
0083 Tangerine Terrorist, The 🥓FARKer 🍊💣
0085 тяцмр 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🤡
0086 Toupéd fucktrumpet 🛡Scottish Twitter 🛡
0087 T bag 🥓FARKer 🍒
0088 Tariff Man 🍻FARK "Tariff Man's superpower is caving in to dictators" 💸
0089 Tariff Sheriff, The Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 💸
0090 Tiny Stormy Daniels 🔬
0091 Transparent Bloated Old Fraud 🥓FARKer 🍔👴💸
0092 Trump the Traitor 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🤡
0093 Trumpski 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🤡
0094 Turd Lamp Don 🥓FARKer anagrams for "Donald Trump" 🔠
0095 Tweety McFuckface 🥓FARKer 📱🖕
0096 Terrible Trump 🥓FARKer 💣🔥🤡
0097 Terrorizer Trump 🥓FARKer 💣🤡
0098 Tiny Trump 🥓FARKer 🔬🤡
0099 Traitorous Trump 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🤡
0100 Trump - The Leader You Deserve 🥓FARKer 👑🤡
0101 Turd Mop Land 🥓FARKer anagrams for "Donald Trump" 🔠
0102 Two-timing Trump 🥓FARKer 🤡 or 💸🤡
0103 Tangerine Temper Tantrum 🥓FARKer 🍊💣🍼
0104 Tangerine Treason 🥓FARKer 🍊🇷🇺
0105 tHe PrEdiSent oF thE UnTied sToAts 🥓FARKer 🦃🥔🥗
0106 True Messiah, The 🥓FARKer 🚨🛐
0107 Threatener-in-Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃💣
0108 Teleprompter Princess 🥓FARKer 🖕☠🌂
0109 Tangerine Tyrant, The 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0110 Toddler In The West Wing, The 🥓FARKer 🦃🍼
0111 trDump 🥓FARKer 🤡🍔 or 🤡🚑 or 🤡🗑 or 🤡💩
0112 Tub Of Cheetos 🥓FARKer 🧀🍔
0113 "Tiny Hands" Trump 🥓FARKer 🔬
0114 Trump, The 🥓FARKer 🤡💣
0115 Third-Rate Donnie 🥓FARKer 📉
0116 Trumpsky 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🤡
0117 Trumpybear 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🔧🤡
0118 Turnip 🥓FARKer 🌿
0119 T.R.U.M.P. 🥓FARKer from an image that explains: "Total Ruin Under My Presidency" 🦃🤡
0120 Tacky Tangerine 🥓FARKer 🍊📉
0121 Tangerine Trout 🥓FARKer 🍊🦍
0122 Tangerine Twatwaffle 🥓FARKer 🍊🖕☣
0123 Team PornStarPayOffTreasonWeasel 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🖕🤡
0124 Team RawDawgPlayboyPornstarAbortion 🥓FARKer 🤡
0125 Team Treasonweasel 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🖕
0126 Tangerine Twitterfingers 🥓FARKer 🍊📱🔬
0127 Tangerine-Tinged Shitgibbon 🥓FARKer 🍊💩🦍
0128 Terrible Trump The Toddler Tyrant 🍻FARK 👑🤡💣🍼
0129 Trumpruca Salt 🥓FARKer 💣🍼🤡
0130 Tweetler 🍻FARK 📱👑
0131 Tangerine Traitor 🥓FARKer 🍊🇷🇺
0132 Toad Dicked Motherfucker 🥓FARKer 🍄☣
0133 Toad-Dick 🥓FARKer 🍄
0134 Toadpenis 🍻FARK 🍄
0135 Toadstool Dotard 🥓FARKer 🍄👴
0136 Toxic Toad 🥓FARKer 🍄🖕
0137 Trailer Trash President 🥓FARKer 🦃📉
0138 Treason Cheeto 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🧀
0139 Twoscoops McToaddick 🥓FARKer 🍔🐷🍄
0140 Tanchurian Candidate 🥓FARKer 🍊🔧
0141 Tangerine Scheme 🥓FARKer 🍊💸
0142 Tangerinely 🥓FARKer 🍊
0143 Thing 🥓FARKer (from a macro) 🦍
0144 Tiny Fisted Vulgarian 🥓FARKer inspired by "Short-Fingered Vulgarian" 🔬🚑
0145 Tiny Two Pumps 🥓FARKer 🔬
0146 Total Ruin Under Moscow's Puppet 🥓FARKer T.R.U.M.P. 🇷🇺🤡
0147 Trump 🥓FARKer macro with text: "Mr. St. John of Huntingdon said, / "I can't think of anything more derogatory than Trump." "; riff on Monty Python skit 🤡
0148 Trump Jung-Un 🥓FARKer 👑🤡
0149 Trump LLC 🥓FARKer LLC = Little Lying Coward 🤡🔬🗯🐤
0150 Trumptastrophe 🥓FARKer 🔥🤡
0151 Tweetledick 🥓FARKer 📱🔬
0152 Two Pump Trump 🥓FARKer 🤡
0153 Temperor Tantrum 🥓FARKer 👑💣🍼
0154 Thing 1 🥓FARKer 💩
0155 Tinpot Tangerine 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0156 Tiny Hands 🥓FARKer 🔬
0157 Toupee Fiasco 🥓FARKer 🐿🔥
0158 Treason Weasel 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🖕
0159 Trump the Adulterer 🥓FARKer 🤡
0160 Tweetledumbass 🥓FARKer 📱🥔
0161 Twice-Divorced, Six-Time Bankrupt 🥓FARKer 🤡💸
0162 Tubby Traitor, The 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🍔
0163 Turd Reich, The 🐱Twitter account "@Turd Reich" ; Donnie's Administration and possibly Donnie himself; however, Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@MisterCJMartin" posted July 11, 2021, despite Twitter account "@extro_introvert" having posted "Turd Reich" on April 13, 2021 with the hashtag 🎠👑💩
0164 Tan Old Man 🍻FARK 🍊👴
0165 Tangelo-faced Fuckmuppet 🥓FARKer 🍊🖕
0166 Tangerine Terror 🥓FARKer 🍊💣
0167 Terrible Tanned Toddler 🥓FARKer 🍊💣🍼
0168 Third Rate Oompa Loompa 🍻FARK 🍊🗑
0169 Tit 🥓FARKer 🏭 or 🥔
0170 trump 🥓FARKer I'm not going to dignify him with a capital T. 🤡
0171 tRump 🥓FARKer 🍔🤡
0172 Trumpadump 🥓FARKer 🍔🤡
0173 Trumplekillskids 🥓FARKer ⛓🤡
0174 Trumpelthinskin 🥓FARKer 🗑🤡
0175 Tweeti Amin 🥓FARKer 📱👑
0176 Tweety Amin 🥓FARKer 📱👑
0177 tanTrump 🍻FARK 🍊💣🍼🤡
0178 Treasonous, Medicare-killing, Orange Moron 🥓FARKer 🍊🇷🇺🐷
0179 Trumpovich 🥓FARKer as nickname for Donald 🇷🇺🤡
0180 Trumpovich 🥓FARKer as nickname for the family 🤡🇷🇺
0181 Trash President 🥓FARKer 🦃📉
0182 Tangerine Stream, The 🥓FARKer 🍊🛏
0183 Tangerine Toddler 🥓FARKer 🍊🍼
0184 Turd 🥓FARKer 💩
0185 Tru*DOH* 🍻FARK 🥔🤡
0186 Talking Ambulatory Turd With The Genes Of A Hapsburg And The Soul Of A Parasitic Wasp With Genetic Damage 🥓FARKer 🤡🚑💩💣
0187 Two Comma Trump 🥓FARKer 📉💸🤡
0188 Tacky-ass Orange Turd 🥓FARKer 🍊📉💩
0189 Two Scoops of Innocence 🥓FARKer 🍔🐷💸
0190 Trumper Tantrum 🥓FARKer 💣🍼🤡
0191 "Turd Fire That Destroyed America, The" 🥓FARKer fictional movie title for Trump's presidency 🔥🛑
0192 Treason-baby, The 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🍼
0193 That Nasty Thing 🥓FARKer 🚑🦍
0194 Teflon Don 🥓FARKer 🚨🎖
0195 Thin-skinned Orange Dynamite Monkey, The 🥓FARKer 🍊💣🦍
0196 Tubby 🥓FARKer 🍔
0197 Toddler With A Bad Sense Of Object Permanence, But With Words, A 🥓FARKer 🍼🥗 or 🍼🥔
0198 Tangerine Turdmaster 🐱"manny" 🍊💩
0199 Tippy Toes Trump 🐱Twitter account "@pattykanan" 🤡🍔🌂
0200 Top Heavy Trump 🐱Twitter account "@ProSocialWorker" 🤡🍔
0201 #TrumpLies 🥓FARKer 🤡🗯
0202 #TraitorTrump 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🤡
0203 #TinyHandsDonnie 🥓FARKer 🔬
0204 Treason Baby, The 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🍼
0205 Toxic Don 🥓FARKer 🚑 or 💣
0206 Toddler-man 🍻FARK 🍼
0207 Totally Innocent President, The 🥓FARKer 🚨🦃⚖
0208 Twit, The 🥓FARKer 📱 or ☣
0209 Traveling Salesman for Truck Nutz 🥓FARKer 🐡📉
0210 Trixon 🥓FARKer 🤡🖕
0211 T-broke 🥓FARKer 🤡📉
0212 T-broxus 🥓FARKer 🤡📉👴
0213 T-broxaurus 🥓FARKer 🤡📉👴
0214 True Trend Setter, A 🥓FARKer 🚨🔧🌂🏝
0215 Tweetle Trump 🍻FARK 🥔
0216 Tangerine Twitter-twit 🥓FARKer or Tangerine Twitter Twit, The 🍊📱
0217 Trumpkin 🥓FARKer 🤡❓
0218 Tomorrow's feather duster 🍻FARK ("Tomorrow's feather duster is always about today's preening strut") ❓🌈🖕
0219 [T]hin-skinned racist with the temperament of a 3-year-old 🖋Stephen King 💣🏳️‍🍼
0220 Total Piece Of Shit 🥓FARKer 💩
0221 Twice Baked Potato 🥓FARKer
0222 Trailer Park Bot 🥓FARKer 📉🤦🥗
0223 Thief in Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃⚖
0224 Tangerine Tittybaby 🥓FARKer 🍊❓
0225 Tubby McGasbag 🥓FARKer 🍔🐡
0226 Tuxedo Ego 🥓FARKer 📉🎖🐡💣
0227 Toad-dicked Schmuck 🥓FARKer 🍄☣
0228 Tariff Turdburglar 🥓FARKer 🖕
0229 Tiny Handed Fat Nixon 🥓FARKer 🔬🍔👑
0230 twunt 🥓FARKer 📱☣
0231 Teste Leather 🥓FARKer ❓🍊
0232 Trump the Chump 🖋Tom Friedman 🤡🖕💸
0233 Trump, the Worst A Man Can Get Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🤡🖕☠
0234 Trillion dollar Trump 🍻FARK also Pete Kotz, possibly written by headline writer or web staff on August 8, 2016 🤡🖕💸
0235 Tang Adolf 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0236 Turd-in-chief 🥓FARKer 🦃💩
0237 Trump, The Daughter Screwing Pervert 🥓FARKer 🤡☢
0238 Trump Pater 🥓FARKer (Junior is "Trump Filius") 🤡💪
0239 this guy 🍻FARK 🖕
0240 This Fucking Guy 🥓FARKer this predates the former guy 🖕
0241 Tangerine Palpatine 🍻FARK Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@PatMurphy_11", although Twitter account "@MissCheviousLuv" posted it with the hashtag one month and 8 days prior 🍊👑
0242 TelePrompTer Trump Seth Meyers "Teleprompter Trump inevitably yields to Twitter Trump, as night yields to day." 🤡🔧
0243 Trump, The Biggest Cock On The Planet 🥓FARKer "... wasn't about his penis after all." 🤡🖕
0244 Total Waste Of Oxygen And Space 🥓FARKer 🖕
0245 Thieving, Lying, Conman, Racist Rapist 🥓FARKer ⚖🗯💸🏳️‍☢
0246 Tenant in the White House, The 🎩Delegate Delores McQuinn (D, VA, 70th) 🦃🤡
0247 Toddler With A New Younger Sibling 🥓FARKer 🍼
0248 Twice-used Dickbag 🥓FARKer 🍒
0249 T.R.U.M.P. 🥓FARKer Taxing Republicans Until Made Poor (with one for PENCE: Penises Entering Non Consenting Elephants) 💸
0250 Twat-necked Orange Shit Stain 🥓FARKer 🍊💩
0251 Thin-skinned Skipper Jimmy Kimmel 🦃💣
0252 Trumpsimus 🍻FARK inspired by Mumpsimus 🍼🎖🤡
0253 Trumpisimus 🥓FARKer inspired by Mumpsimus 🍼🎖🤡
0254 Trumpy Snowflake 🥓FARKer with song lyrics ❄️🤡
0255 Thin-skinned Pile Of Orange Fail 🥓FARKer 🍊💣🗑
0256 Toad Tinglybits 🥓FARKer 🍄
0257 Terrible Treason Toddler 🥓FARKer or The Terrible Treason Toddler 🔨🇷🇺🍼
0258 Tiny-handed Little Bitch 🥓FARKer 🔬🗑
0259 Treasonweasel in Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃🇷🇺🦍
0260 Trumputin 🥓FARKer 🤡🇷🇺
0261 Tubbylard Can't Be Wrong 🥓FARKer
0262 Tmurp 🥓FARKer based on an altered photo of Liberty University students 🤡
0263 Turbo-Tweet Weenie 🥓FARKer 📱
0264 Tomato-headed Asshat 🥓FARKer from a parody ad for "Blowhard with a Vengeance" 🌿💩
0265 Twump 🥓FARKer 🤡
0266 Temp, A 🥓FARKer (to the president) "You're not a king, stupid. You're a temp, and your work has not been up to standard." 🌂
0267 Treasonous Piece Of Shit 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺☣ or 🇷🇺💩
0268 Tempermental Trump 🥓FARKer card #52 of the "Garbage Pail Kids: Disg-Race to the White House" set 🍼💣🤡
0269 Tangerinellini 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0270 Traitorous Grifter Currently Threadshitting The Entire Country 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺💸
0271 Tit 🛡unidentified Scot, Full Frontal 🛡
0272 T___p 🥓FARKer 🏝🤡
0273 Two-faced Cunt 🛡unidentified Scot, Full Frontal 🛡
0274 Tiny Fingers 🥓FARKer 🔬
0275 Three time bankrupt casino owner 🍻FARK 📉💸
0276 Tangerine-tinged Sex Pest 🥓FARKer 🍊☢
0277 Trumpy Plopper 🍻FARK and the Goblet of Covfefe 🤡🍔 or 🤡💩
0278 Traitorous, Poisonous Asshole 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺💣☣
0279 trump* the Compromised 🥓FARKer 🤡🇷🇺
0280 treasonous land baron 🍻FARK 🇷🇺💸
0281 Trump the Lump 🥓FARKer 🤡🍔
0282 Traitorous, Seditious, Sadistic, Moronic, Bigoted, Narcissistic, Mentally Challenged Asshole 🥓FARKer 🌎
0283 Tubby Genius 🥓FARKer 🍔🥔
0284 Ttump 🤡Donald himself he misspelled his own name in a tweet, which has since been deleted 🤡
0285 Twatwaffle 🥓FARKer 🖕☣
0286 Tangerine Baby Emperor, The 🥓FARKer 🍊🍼👑
0287 Tangerine Turducken 🥓FARKer 🍊🍔
0288 Trump-in-the-Round 🥓FARKer 🤡🍔
0289 Turkey 🥓FARKer 🗑🥔
0290 Trumpenstein 🖋Steve Benson 🐢🔧🛐
0291 Tangerine Trotsky 🥓FARKer 🍊🇷🇺
0292 Teenage Peesident, The 🥓FARKer 🦃🍼🛏
0293 Tiny-Dicked Man-Baby in Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃🔬🍼
0294 Terrible Roommate Who Talks Big At First, Tells You He's Your Best Buddy, Then Secretly Pisses In Your Shampoo Bottles The Moment You Complain About His Dirty Dishes Cody Johnston, Cracked Some News 🗯💣🛏
0295 Trombone 🥓FARKer
0296 #teamclot 🥓FARKer administration, supporters or impeachment defense team 🍔🔨
0297 Trump the King 🥓FARKer 🚨🤡👑
0298 Twitter-Spammer-in-Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃📱
0299 Turd Of Orange Leather 🥓FARKer "Turds of orange leather stick together." (with former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich) 🍊💩
0300 Twenty-first Century Schizoid Man, The 🥓FARKer 🥗
0301 Traitorous Fuckstain 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🖕
0302 The Repugnantcans Under Mad Pressure 🥓FARKer for his supporters, but it spells out his name 🇷🇺🔧
0303 Thin-skinned, Ill-informed, Dimwitted, Dementia Addled, Racist Nut Job 🥓FARKer 💣👽🥔🥗🏳️‍
0304 thin-skinned, racist bumbling dumbshit, A 🥓FARKer from a parody captcha 💣🏳️‍🥔
0305 Treaty Breaker in Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃🇷🇺
0306 Trumo 🤡 Robert F. Hyde link goes to House Intel Cmte press release, which includes links to the two files (pdf) containing Hyde's texts to Lev Parnas 🏝
0307 [Republican] Thought Leader, President Doll Hands 🥓FARKer 🦃🐢🛐🔬
0309 Trumple Thinskin 🥓FARKer 🤡💣
0310 Trust Fund Kidder, The 🥓FARKer 📉🐡🏝
0311 Try Hard Meme Lord Shit Wizard 🥓FARKer 🎖🗑
0312 Team Dolt 🥓FARKer impeachment team, administration, or supporters 🎠🥔
0313 Transactional Tyrant 🖋Nancy LeTourneau and Kimberly Knight Knight first used the term, but it was LeTourneau who applied it to the president 💸👑🔨
0314 Trumptato 🥓FARKer "... the ultimate, aged manifestation of those spray tanned, train-riding, broke as crap but pretending to be rich, poseur Jersey shits" 🌂📉🤡
0315 Terrible Tangerine Toddler 🥓FARKer 🍊💣🍼
0316 tangerinemcfuckface 🥓FARKer or, perhaps Tangerine McFuckface 🍊🖕
0317 Tiny Toadstool 🥓FARKer 🍄🔬
0318 Trumpy poo 🥓FARKer with poem 🤡
0319 Troompa Loompa 🐱Twitter account "@zfunk007" from an animated gif of Trump photoshopped to look like an Oompa Loompa with Chris Christie standing behind him photoshopped to look like Violet Beauregarde 🤡🦍
0320 Tippy der Scales 🥓FARKer 🍔
0321 Transactional Sociopath President 🥓FARKer 🦃💸💣
0322 Tangerine Czar 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0323 Trumbeast, The ??FARKer 🤡🦍
0324 Tangerine King 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0325 Toupeed Boss 🥓FARKer (not the pointy hairedboss) 🐿🌂💸
0326 Twit-in-Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃☣
0327 Two-bit Tin-pot 🥓FARKer 👑🌂
0328 True-Love Trump (pdf) card #48 of the "Garbage Pail Kids: Disg-Race to the White House" set shared by a FARKer 🤡❓
0329 Tanner Man 🥓FARKer 🍊
0330 Treasonous, Narcissistic, Senile, Self-admitted Rapist Who Would Be King, The 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🐡🥗☢👑
0331 Toxic Word Salad Volcano, The 🥓FARKer 💣🥗🔨
0332 Trump the Destroyer 🥓FARKer 🤡🔨
0333 Typhoid Trumpy! 🥓FARKer ⚰️🤡
0334 Typhoid Trump the Plague Rat President 🥓FARKer ⚰️🦃🤡
0335 Typhoid Trump and the Hoax Brigade 🍻FARK ⚰️🎠🤡
0337 Twitter Trump 🥓FARKer "Teleprompter Trump inevitably yields to Twitter Trump, as night yields to day." 📱🤡
0338 Trumpsterfire 🐱"KrazieKanuck" @ UrbanDictionary.com 🤡🔥
0339 Tronald Dump 🥓FARKer 🗑
0340 Trump Pandemic 🥓FARKer ⚰️🤡
0341 Trumphotelvirus 🥓FARKer ⚰️🤡
0342 Tartarus Trump 🥓FARKer 🔥🤡
0343 Typhoid Trumpkins 🥓FARKer ⚰️🤡
0344 Trumpie 🖌Dan Wasserman 🤡
0345 Trumpengoobermint 🥓FARKer political philosophy, but possibly also the administration 🤡🖕
0346 Thinnest-skinned Politician In History, The 🥓FARKer ❄️💣
0347 True Huckster, A Seth Meyers 💸
0348 Third-rate Gameshow Host Leading A Pandemic Response 🥓FARKer ⚰️🖕🌂🎖
0349 Tiny Bastid, The 🥓FARKer 🔬☣
0350 Thrice-married foul-mouthed tit judge who likes Planned Parenthood and thinks Corinthians is a type of car upholstery Samantha Bee as compiled by Slate (starting on November 5, 2016) 🤡👽
0351 Two-bit used hate salesman Samantha Bee as compiled by Slate (starting on November 5, 2016) 🌂🏳️‍
0352 Two-bit wall salesman Samantha Bee as compiled by Slate (starting on November 5, 2016) 🌂🏳️‍
0353 Tangerine tinted trash can fire Samantha Bee as compiled by Slate (starting on November 5, 2016) 🍊🔥
0354 Tax-cheating, investor-swindling, worker-shafting, dictator-loving, pathologically lying, attorneys general-bribing, philandering, mobbed up, narcissistic serial con artist Samantha Bee as compiled by Slate (starting on November 5, 2016) ⚖💸🔧🗯🤡🌂🐡
0355 Trump The Orange, King Of Idiots 🥓FARKer 🍊🤡🛐
0356 Trump the Toddler 🥓FARKer 🤡🍼
0357 Typhoid Trump, The Fail President 🥓FARKer ⚰️🦃🗑🤡
0358 Turbulent Dotard 🥓FARKer "Won't someone rid us of this turbulent dotard?" 💣🔨👴
0359 Trump Exotic SNL ❓🤡
0360 Tin Crowlion Seth Meyers "He's everyone in The Wizard of Oz in one package."
0361 Twumpy 🥓FARKer with song parody lyrics 🤡
0362 TantrumP 🥓FARKer 🍼
0363 [T]antruming toddler-in-chief 🍻FARK 🦃🍼
0364 Toilet-like Blackhole Trapping Shit People In His Gravitational Field, Yet Never Flushing, Leaving Swirls Of Skidmarks Throughout The Galaxy, A 🥓FARKer 💩
0365 Tub O'Shyte 🥓FARKer 🍔💩
0366 Typoid Trumpkin Orange Plague 🥓FARKer or nickname for COVID-19 ⚰️🍊🤡
0367 Thin Skinned Of A Pansy Ass Sack Of Shit 🥓FARKer 💣💩🗑
0368 Tiny Man With Thin Skin 🎙Brian Taylor Cohen "... who is only capable of viewing the worst public health crisis through the lens of helping himself" 🔬💣🐡
0369 Total And Complete Failure Of A Human Being 🥓FARKer 🤡
0370 Traitorous Cheeto God Emperor 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🧀🛐👑
0371 Treasonous Scumbag 🥓FARKer from a macro 🇷🇺☣
0372 Twitter Shitter Wannabe Hitler 🥓FARKer 📱💩🏳️‍👑
0373 Twit-for-brains 🥓FARKer 📱🥔
0374 Trumptanic 🥓FARKer 🤡🔥
0375 That Which Comes To Life After Two High Schoolers From A 1980's Teen Movie Attach Electrodes To A Potato And A Confederate Flag Seth Meyers 🦍🥔🏳️‍
0376 Tinyman Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA from "Tinyman Square", Dr. Colbert's description of the carnage in Lafayette Square, which preceded Tinyman's publicity stunt in front of St. John's church 🔬👑
0377 Tiny Dick Wrapped In A Bad Suit With His Face Covered [In] Makeup From The Thousand Island Dressing Collection 🥓FARKer "... who sees every govt asset, especially the military as his own props for his campaign." 🔬📉🍊
0378 Those Who Refuse To Learn From History Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🥔🎖👽
0379 [T]hing in the WH, [T]he 🐱Twitter account "@MisstorchieP" 🦃🦍
0380 Troller-in-Chief Jimmy Kimmel 🦃☣
0381 Teacher Who Found A Porno Mag In The Back Of The Classroom Seth Meyers when he held up the Christian bible in front of St. John's Episcopal Church 🌂🐡
0382 Thug 🖋Anderson Cooper 💣
0383 Tragic Farce 🥓FARKer 🖕🤦
0384 Trashcan Man 🍻FARK
0385 Tweeter in Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃📱
0386 Thick Epidermis Of Botox-infused Pancake Skin Wrapped Around A Dark, Howling Void Where A Soul Should Be Seth Meyers 🍊🐍
0387 Tell-all President Seth Meyers 🦃🐡🇷🇺
0388 [T]witter boy 🐱Twitter account "@Kixten_62" 📱🍼
0389 Thin-skinned Widdle Baby 🥓FARKer 💣
0390 Thing Where The Only Thing You Might Have Enjoyed In Your Garbage Life Turned Out To Be A Humiliating Fiasco, That 🎙Sarah Sabo, Tooning Out The News 🖕
0391 Taxidermied Business Husk Seth Meyers 👴💸
0392 Tiger In A Circus Act Seth Meyers "... starts out friendly, but one wrong move and he will lunge for your face." 💣
0393 Tя☭mp 🐱Twitter account "@OleVetUSAF" 🤡🇷🇺
0394 Twice Divorced Trucker Brian Stack, "History Channel" announcer 🤡
0395 Trumpy the Orange Shitgibbon 🥓FARKer 🤡🍊💩🦍
0396 Thoroughly Cretinous Irredeemably Mr. Totato Head Slinking Back To The White House Like He Got Kicked Out Of A Party At Studio 54 For Doing Whippets In The Bathroom Seth Meyers 🦃🥔🤡💊
0397 Typhoid Gary Seth Meyers his Secret Service code name 🚑
0398 Toilet Twitler 🥓FARKer 💩📱
0399 The Rump 🥓FARKer 💩🍔
0400 Trunchbull Trump 🐱Twitter account "@hardy_soup99" 👑
0401 T***p 🥓FARKer 🤡🐍
0402 Thief in Chief, The 🥓FARKer 🦃⚖
0403 #TRE45ON 🥓FARKer 🦃🇷🇺
0404 Thrice Married Abusive Pedophile 🥓FARKer 🤡☢
0405 Toxic Bug 🖌Martyn Turner ⚰️
0406 Tiny-Brained Charlatan 🍻FARK 🥔💸
0407 That Horror In The White House 🥓FARKer 🦃🔥🖕
0408 Twatler 🐱Imgur account "HeHeHebieJeebies" 📱👑🏳️‍
0409 #ThugInChief 🐱Twitter account "@AConservLiberal" 🦃🌂
0410 Turd In The Punchbowl Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 💩🏝🖕☣
0411 Tyler Seth Meyers 🌂🎖
0412 Treason Peepaw 🍻FARK 🇷🇺👴
0413 Talking Pile Of Shit 🥓FARKer 🐡💩
0414 Trainwreck Of Truly Epic Proportions, A 🥓FARKer 🖕🔥
0415 Treasonous Pedophile Rapist Fuck 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺☢🖕
0416 Tramp 🥓FARKer from a parody campaign promo shot of the candidates in front of a sign that says "TRAMP / PENIS" 📉🗑
0417 Tpaininthebutt 🥓FARKer 🏝🖕☣
0418 Third-rate Reality TV Host 🎙Brian Tyler Cohen 🌂💸
0419 Trust Fund Baby From New York, Born With A Silver Spoon In His Mouth, A 🥓FARKer 🎖
0420 Too Small Of A Man To Ever Be Able To Acknowledge The Truth 🎙Brian Tyler Cohen 🐤🗯
0421 Twice-divorced, Serial-adulterer, Who Doesn't Go To Church, Thought Second Corinthians Was Called Two Corinthians And Who Probably Uses His Bible To Hide His Playboys Seth Meyers 🐍🌂
0422 Twinkie, Twinkie Big Fat Trump 🥓FARKer with nursery rhyme 🍔🤡
0423 Twitter Man 🥓FARKer with nursery rhyme 📱
0424 Terrible President 🥓FARKer with nursery rhyme 🦃🖕
0425 Trumlet Samantha Bee rhymes with "Hamlet"
0426 Tiny DICK Daughterfucker 🥓FARKer 🔬☢
0427 Two-strokes 🥓FARKer 🚑
0428 [T]wo stroke president, [T]he 🍻FARK
0429 Turd In Every Punch Bowl, The 🥓FARKer 🎖🐡
0430 Toxic Mix Of Demagoguery, Mean-spiritedness And Nonsense 🙈former Governor Rick Perry (R TX) Perry said this when he was running for President in 2016--before he joined Trump's cabinet 🛐☣👽
0431 Typhoid Trump 🍻FARK ⚰️🤡
0432 Total Moron 🥓FARKer and narcissistic rage monster 🥔
0433 Toddler Who Just Found Her Big Sister's Magic Kit In The Closet 🥓FARKer instead of a "particularly bad street corner magician" 🍼🐡🌂
0434 Tumor That Has To Be Cut Out Of America, A 🥓FARKer 🚑
0435 Traitorous Lying Sack Of Shit 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🗯☣
0436 Thumbdick 🥓FARKer 🔬
0437 Traffic Cone 🗳️Unidentified Potential Voter
0438 Tangerine Weatherman 🎙Brent Terhune 🍊❓
0439 Terrified Fucking Liar 🥓FARKer 🐤🗯
0440 Toxic Presence In Our Nation For Four Years 🎩Joe Biden 🚑
0441 Thin-skinned Ego-shielding Oppositional-defiant Dumbass 🥓FARKer 💣🗯🍼🥔
0442 Teenager Practicing His Mom's Signature To Get Out Of Gym Class Seth Meyers 🎖🌂
0443 TBA-hole Jimmy Kimmel
0444 Titty Baby Bunker Bitch 🥓FARKer 🐡🐤
0445 [T]oddler dictator 🐱Imgur account "CptFloof" 🍼👑
0446 Time-share Salesman 🥓FARKer inspired by Used Car Dealer 💸
0447 Threat To The National Security Of The United States 🎙Brian Tyler Cohen 💣🇷🇺
0448 Transistor Radio That's Low On Batteries Seth Meyers 🥗
0449 Trustfund Baby Billionaire Who Had The Exact Right Connections To Get Bonespurs At The Perfect Time 🎙YouTube account "Beau Of The Fifth Column" 📉🎖🏆
0450 Tosser Amy Hoggart, Full Frontal 🐡
0451 Trump the Wise 🍻FARK 🤡🥔
0452 Trump The Terrible 🥓FARKer ⚰️🤡
0453 Teflon Trout Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🎖🦍
0454 This N*gg* Larry Wilmore Wilmore actually said the word -- without censoring himself -- but, this editor refuses to type it.
0455 Tawdry, Low-rent Tick Fattening Himself On America's Ass Larry Wilmore 📉🦍💸
0456 Tangerine Mussolini 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0457 Typhoid Mary Seth Meyers "... if she held rallies." ⚰️
0458 Tic-Tac Attacker 🥓FARKer 🔬💣🔨
0459 Tangerine Menace, The 🥓FARKer 🍊🔨
0460 #TrumpGraveDancer 🐱Twitter account "@RealDonalDrumpf" ⚰️🤡
0461 [T]wo-faced 🐱Unknown Amazon shopper 🗯
0462 Threadbare Mountebank 🥓FARKer 📉💸
0463 Tiny D 🥓FARKer 🔬
0464 Trumputo 🐱Twitter account "@Reine1989" 🤡🖕
0465 Taint 🐱Twitter account "@Reine1989" 🏭
0466 TrumpeLIARskin 🐱Twitter account "@Reine1989" 🤡🗯
0467 Twat 🐱Twitter account "@Reine1989"
0468 Twit 🐱Twitter account "@Reine1989"
0469 Tangerine Turkey Turd 🥓FARKer 🍊🤦💩
0470 Tiny And Ugly 🥓FARKer 🔬🚫
0471 Tig Ol'Bitties 🥓FARKer inspired by Big Titties 🍔🌂
0472 The White Supremacist In Charge Robin Thede 🦃🏳️‍
0473 Tangerine Taint Tumor 🥓FARKer 🍊🏭🚑
0474 TRUNT 🥓FARKer
0475 T*rdfather, The 🥓FARKer 💩🌂
0476 Toadying Lump Of Monkey Jizz 🥓FARKer 🔧🦍🛢
0477 Traitorous Shit-stain 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺💩
0478 T-Rump 🥓FARKer common name for "Tyrannosaurus Rumpus" 🦍🍔
0479 Turd Sandwich That Accidentally Won An Election One Time, That 🎙"Future Generations" as predicted by The Lincoln Project 🦃💩
0480 Trans-dimensional Hyper-asshole 🥓FARKer ♾️☣
0481 TotPrez 🥓FARKer 🦃🍼
0482 Tantrum Throwing Chaos Agent 🥓FARKer 🍼💣
0483 Tantrum Yam 🥓FARKer 🍊🍼
0484 [T]wo year old who didn't get his way whining how unfair everyone is while he is overdue for his nap 🍻FARK 🍼
0485 Three Kids Stacked In A Trenchcoat Pretending To Be An Adult Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🍼🎖
0486 [T]eam player, [T]he 🐱Twitter account "@StumpMelania" 🚨🏝
0487 Trumpscorpian 🥓FARKer to the "GOPfrog"; with fable 🤡💣
0488 Trump the Abusive Boyfriend 🍻FARK 🤡🔨
0489 Truly Disciplined About Being Truly Evil John Oliver Donnie and his attack on the American system of asylum and the asylum seekers themselves 🐍💣
0490 [T]oddler caught in a lie when asked tough questions 🍻FARK 🍼🗯
0491 Tandy Don Jimmy Kimmel
0492 Traitor Toupee 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🐿
0493 [T]raitorous president who is betraying his country 🎙Ron Reagan 🦃🇷🇺
0494 T 🥓FARKer just the letter "T" 🎖
0495 Toilet Clog Samantha Bee 💩
0496 [T]hin-skinned orange asshole 🍻FARK 🍊💣☣
0497 TRE45ON ORANGE 🥓FARKer both Donnie and his "Pantone code"
0498 Tax-dodgin', Putin-lovin', Pussy-grabbin', Bleach-drinkin' Crybaby Roy Wood, Jr., The Daily Show ⚰️💸🇷🇺☢🍼
0499 Terrified Strongman Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🐤👑
0500 Tweaked-Out Maniac Coming Off His Dexy Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 💊💣

Numbers - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

t 501-948

# Nickname Source Note Category
0501 Treasonous Wanker 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺☣
0502 The Cadet 🥓FARKer 🐡🎖🏆🌂
0503 Thief Who Even Steals From Children's Charities 🥓FARKer ⚖🐍🐷
0504 Trumpa Salt 🐱Imgur account "justinrampage" with helpful animated gif 🤡🍼
0505 Twitlertits 🥓FARKer 👑📱🍔
0506 Tangerine Idi Amin Larry Wilmore 🍊👑
0507 Tantrum-throwing Manbaby 🥓FARKer 🍼
0508 [T]oxic boyfriend with stalker tendencies who can't believe the relationship is over, [T]he 🍻FARK ☢🏝🎖
0509 Toddler In Chief Throwing His Oatmeal At The Wall Jimmy Kimmel 🦃🍼
0510 Toddler Too Hopped Up On Sugar To Go To Bed Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🍼💊
0511 Twittler In Chief, The 🥓FARKer 🦃📱
0512 Treason Squad 🥓FARKer administration, and the Republican Party 🐢🇷🇺
0513 the loser 🥓FARKer 🗑
0514 The Perp 🥓FARKer
0515 that asshole 🥓FARKer 💩
0516 Trollinski 🥓FARKer 🐤🇷🇺
0517 Trumpy Dumpy 🥓FARKer 🤡🍔
0518 Treasonous, Insane, Ignorant, Cowardly, Lying, Hate-Filled Sack of Shit 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺💣🥔🐤🗯🏳️‍💩
0519 Treasonous, Money Laundering Child Rapist 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺💸☢
0520 T-word, [T]he 🍻FARK 🤡🇷🇺
0521 Teenager Who Didn't Get Invited To Chad's Lake House After Prom Seth Meyers 🏝
0522 Trumpykins 🥓FARKer 🤡🍼
0523 That Fucking Guy 🥓FARKer this predates the former guy 🖕
0524 Trump One Pump Chump 🥓FARKer 🤡🗑
0525 Troll Curled Up In His Cave Randy Rainbow 🐤
0526 Trumpleforeskin 🥓FARKer 🤡🔬
0527 Treasonous Cheeseman Trump 🎙Kylie Weaver, Tooning Out The News 🇷🇺🧀🤡
0528 The thing that wouldn't leave 🖋Rob Hoffman 🦍🏝
0529 Toddler With A Cult Willing To Be Violent On His Behalf, A 🥓FARKer 🍼🛐🔨
0530 The Defendant 🥓FARKer 🌈⚖
0531 The Convicted 🥓FARKer 🌈⚖
0532 The Deceased 🥓FARKer inspired by "the defendant" and "the convicted" 🌈
0533 The Diseased 🥓FARKer inspired by "The Deceased" 🚑
0534 Two-time Popular Vote Loser 🥓FARKer 🗑
0535 That Trump Creature 🥓FARKer 🤡🦍
0536 TV Show Host Infected With Many Scandals Turned Into A Political Tour De Farce And Actually Led Us All Into A Disease Ridden Hell 🥓FARKer ⚰️🐡⚖🛐
0537 Traitor Pedophile 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺☢
0538 The Toilet Flush Gang! 🥓FARKer Trump Crime Family 🚽🤡
0539 The Stink 🥓FARKer Donnie and/or Jared Kushner 🚑
0540 Traitor Tot 🍻FARK also a Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@mtkatproperties" 🇷🇺🍼
0541 Top [of a] hierarchy of victimhood 🖋Tim Miller with "... his aggrieved white supporters next." ❄️
0542 [T]riggered loser 🖋Tim Miller "... who embodies every trait conservatives spent decades decrying." 💣🗑
0543 Toddler Breaking Toys 🥓FARKer 🍼🔨
0544 Tropical Tammie Far 🥓FARKer possible misspelling of "Tammie Faye" 🍊🌂🐿
0545 Trumponian Kakistocracy sycophants 🥓FARKer administration 🎠🤡🖕🇷🇺
0546 Trumped-up Charges 🥓FARKer 🤡💸🗯
0547 [T]reasonous, money laundering rapist and domestic abuser 🐱Mike Fernandez 🇷🇺💸☢🤡
0548 Trumtler 🐱Janet Eisen 🤡🛑👑
0549 Tumor 🥓FARKer 🚑
0550 Trumposo 🐱Twitter account "@ResisteUSA" from parody Trump-Pence poster, which read: "MÁRTIRES / POR / TRUMPOSOS / PENCEDEJO / 2020" 🤡
0551 Trump Of Hitlers, The 🥓FARKer inspired by "... the John Waters of Adolf Hitlers" 🤡🛑
0552 tRumpdy dumpdy 🐱Twitter account "@aaronleininger1" 🍔🤡
0553 Temporary President, The Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🦃🦆
0554 [T]wo-bit conman, television huckster 🐱Facebook account "BAD (Bisexuals Against Douchebags)" with the "Twilight Zone" macro featuring Rod Serling introducing a parody episode from the Oval Office 💸🐡
0555 Talented Demogogue 🥓FARKer 🛐
0556 Two Year Old With A Hand Grenade 🥓FARKer that everyone is "trapped in a room with ... Until 2021"; inspired by 2 Year Old With A Gun 🍼💣
0557 Trump The Purest Con 🥓FARKer 🤡💸
0558 Trump The Marketing Genius 🥓FARKer 🤡💸
0559 Trump The Master Of Branding 🥓FARKer 🤡🐡
0560 Trump The Puffed-up Media Personality 🥓FARKer 🤡🐡
0561 Two-bit Real Estate Con And Reality TV Clown 🥓FARKer 💸🐡🤦
0562 The Donalith Jimmy Kimmel 🛐🍼
0563 TRUMPUSHA 🖋Julia Davis, The Daily Beast 🇷🇺
0564 TJ Maxx Employee On His Last Day Energy Trevor Noah 🍼💣
0565 Telemarketer Trying To Get Seniors To Fork Over Their Social Security Numbers For A Free Cruise Seth Meyers 💸⚖
0566 [T]iresome asshole 🖋Jeff Tiedrich 🤦☣
0567 Trumple Foreskin 🥓FARKer 🤡
0568 Thalidomide Don 🥓FARKer 🚑
0569 Time Share Split Between Russia, China, Saudi Arabia And Israel, A 🥓FARKer "... with China occasionally letting North Korea use him." 🇷🇺🔧
0570 The Worst "Heat Miser choir", via Jimmy Kimmel from parody of "The Heat Miser Song" from the 1984 version of "The Year Without a Santa Claus" ☣🖕🗑
0571 Tiny little baby 🍻FARK 🍼
0572 True Business Genius Seth Meyers 🚨💸🥔
0573 Three Ring Goat Rodeo/Shitshow/Two-bit Grift 🥓FARKer administration 🎠🦍🖕💸
0574 T**** 🥓FARKer 🤡
0575 Technically-Still-President Trump 🍻FARK 🦆
0576 Tittybaby Loser 🥓FARKer 🍼🗑
0577 Tweeter-Don Jimmy Kimmel to Eric Trump's "Tweeter-Dumb" 📱🥔
0578 [T]otal monster, [A] 🙈Unnamed Trump administration official 🦍
0579 Twitler With No Proof, A Randy Rainbow 📱🛑👽
0580 Trash 🎩Rep. Cori Bush (D MO 1st) 📉
0581 Tiny-Handed Toddler 🥓FARKer 🔬🍼
0582 Trumputsch 🥓FARKer both Donnie and the GOP attempted coup on January 6, 2021 that he incited 🤡🛐
0583 That Fool Up There In DC 🎙Charles Barkley 🦃🤦
0584 Tan-a-bull Lechter Jimmy Kimmel 🍊🗯
0585 Terracotta Man 🥓FARKer 🍊
0586 That Shiteheel Chump 🥓FARKer ☣🤦
0587 Twice Impeached Anal Wart 🥓FARKer 🎺🎺💩
0588 TWICE IMPEACHED TOTAL LOSER 🐱Ryan Graney from a macro featuring a picture of Donnie wearing a mask proclaiming this nickname and a list of his accomplishments: "1. Lost popular vote / 2. Got impeached / 3. Got covid / 4. Lost the popular vote again / 5. Attempted a coup / 6. Got banned from social media / 7. Got impeached again" 🎺🎺🗑
0589 That Turd Orange 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🍊💩
0590 Transparently Disingenuous 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 👃🗯
0591 Thump 🥓FARKer 🤡
0592 Twice-impeached Florida man 🍻FARK 🎺🎺
0593 [T]hrobbing vein on a thin and cruel penis, A 🐱Twitter account "@Morrigan_Wolfe" both the highway Florida state Rep. Anothony Sabatini (R, FL, 32nd) wants named after Donnie and presumably Donnie himself 💣
0594 Typhoid Donny Jimmy Kimmel as sung by Rufus Wainwright ⚰️
0595 Tangerine Twitter Machine, The Jimmy Kimmel as sung by Rufus Wainwright 🍊📱
0596 Tandalorian, The Jimmy Kimmel as sung by Rufus Wainwright 🍊
0597 Tweety Gonzales Jimmy Kimmel as sung by Rufus Wainwright 📱
0598 Tanny Soprano Jimmy Kimmel as sung by Rufus Wainwright 🍊🌂
0599 Trim Troubling Trough Trampler 🥓FARKer
0600 Tiny Fingered, Ferret Wearing, Marmalade Shitgibbon 🥓FARKer inspired by tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon 🍊🔬🐿💩🦍
0601 TRumpacabra 🥓FARKer or tRumpacabra 🤡🦍
0602 tRumplestiltskin 🥓FARKer 🤡💸
0603 The Traitor 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺
0604 Teflon Dumb, The 🥓FARKer 🎖🥔
0606 Treasonous, Murdering Asshole 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺⚖☣
0607 TRUMP YOU DOLT! 🥓FARKer "Maybe he'll resign and we'll have TRUMP YOU DOLT!" 🤡🥔
0608 Treasonous Asshole 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺☣
0609 Truly Terrible Piece Of Shit 🥓FARKer 🏝💩
0610 TrumpyMcDickface 🥓FARKer 🤡☣
0611 [T]raitorous lying asshole who should go fuck [him]self 🐱Ron Waxman both Donnie and Sarah Huckabee Sanders 🇷🇺🗯☣🖕
0612 Thieving, Unscrupulous Grifter 🥓FARKer both Donnie and Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R NC 11th) ⚖🐍💸


🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🏳️‍⚖👽
0614 TReasonous Unhinged Murderous Pansy 🥓FARKer inspired by Treasonous, Murdering Asshole 🇷🇺💣⚖🌂
0615 Tragically Ignorant Buffoon Who Is Naturally Ripe For Satire And Parody 🥓FARKer 🥔🤦
0616 Trump the treasonous 🍻FARK 🤡🇷🇺
0617 That Dumb Shit 🥓FARKer 🥔
0618 Trumpf 🥓FARKer failed leader from Game of Thrones parody "Games on Throne" 👑🗑
0619 Trumpfeld 🥓FARKer from fake promotional image for Seinfeld parody "Trumpfeld" 🖕
0620 Tiny-handed Man, The 🥓FARKer from the description of the fake TV show "Fat Fugitive" 🔬
0621 Tofu Palin 🥓FARKer 🐢
0622 [T]reasonous, traitorous, totally corrupt, self-serving, ignorant clown 🗳️Jerome Kellner letter to the editor, Maui News, May 1, 2020 🇷🇺⚖🐡🥔🤦
0623 Turdeater, The 🥓FARKer 💩
0624 Two-times 🥓FARKer 🎺🎺
0625 Terrorists' Orange Leader 🥓FARKer 🍊🏳️‍
0626 Tremendous Embarrassment To Our Country Cartoon Donnie, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🔫🤦
0627 Trashy, Orange Buffoon 🥓FARKer 🍊🤦
0628 Technicality Kid, The 🐱Imgur account "BurnsMGur" 🎖📉
0629 The Unmentionable Lee Daniels 🐍🏝
0630 Twice Impeached Former President Donald Trump 🥓FARKer 🎺🎺🍗🤡
0631 'The Beast' from Revelation 🗳️Bill Calfee, Milton, Florida "When I see those who literally worship Trump, who to me does not exemplify Jesus' teachings, I'm reminded of the following: Revelation 13:5-8. "The Beast had a loudmouth, boastful and blasphemous. It could do anything it wanted for forty-two months. It was permitted to make war on God's holy people and conquer them. It held absolute sway over all tribes and peoples, tongues and races. Everyone on earth whose name was not written from the world's foundation in the slaughtered Lamb's Book of Life will worship the Beast." " 🐍🦍
0632 Three-Children-Stacked-Up-On-Top-Of-Each-Other-In-A-Trench-Coat Of US Presidents, The 🥓FARKer 🦃🌂
0633 Twice-impeached Former President And Sorest Loser Dump 🥓FARKer 🎺🎺🍗🗑
0634 Twice-impeached, Former Social Media Influencer 🥓FARKer adjustment of "Twice-impeached Former President And Sorest Loser Dump" 🎺🎺💸
0635 Twice Popular Vote Losing Too 🥓FARKer addendum to "Twice-impeached, Former Social Media Influencer" 🗑
0636 Toxic Orange Ass 🥓FARKer 🍊🚑💩
0637 Twice-impeached Former Reality TV Personality And Sorest Loser Dump 🥓FARKer adjustment of "Twice-impeached Former President And Sorest Loser Dump" 🎺🎺💸🗑
0638 Twice Impeached Traitor 500,000 Murderer Ex SCROTUS Elayne Boosler ⚰️🎺🎺🍗
0639 Thumper 🥓FARKer 🤡
0640 Tomorrow!Trump 🥓FARKer with Yesterday!Trump; "... trump admin people didn't know if they should agree with Yesterday!Trump or wait to try to agree with Tomorrow!Trump." 👽🌂🗯
0641 Treasonous Oxygen Thief, That 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🖕
0642 That Orange Fuck 🥓FARKer 🍊🖕
0643 Television Personality, A 🥓FARKer 💸
0644 That Dad That When A Fight Breaks Out In The Little League Game He Runs Into The Field, But Instead Of Breaking It Up, He Starts Body-slamming The Third Graders Trevor Noah ☣🔨💣
0645 Tanny Ramirez Jimmy Kimmel 🍊
0646 Twice Impeached Habitual Liar And Broker Than Four Harry Freakstorms 🥓FARKer 🎺🎺🗯📉
0647 The Con Artist Formerly Known As... 🥓FARKer 💸
0648 Trump of the North 🍻FARK Brazil's Bolsonaro is "Trump of the South" 🤡🥔🖕👑
0649 That Fuckwit 🥓FARKer 🖕
0650 TUMP 🥓FARKer from gold star labeled "TUMP" 🤡
0651 Third-rate Reality TV Host, Who Couldn't Get Through A Single Sentence With All Of The Words Spelled Correctly 🎙Brian Tyler Cohen 💸🥔
0652 The T Man Jimmy Kimmel 🎖🌂
0653 This Douchenozzle Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA ❓🔧
0654 The Inmate 🐱Twitter account "@Kav47862378" 🌈⚖
0655 T-Ex 🐱Earl Hammer
0656 (Toasted) Toilet-Terrorist, The 🐱Twitter account "@pokeyjohn" 💊🚽🇷🇺🔨
0657 #TwoTimeTraitor 🐱Twitter account "@JarankaK" 🎺🎺🇷🇺
0658 The ousted obese 🐱Twitter account "@Forchy" 🗑🏝🍔
0659 T-Rump the Stupid One hopefully Extinct 🐱Twitter account "@BaLaBo123" 🤡💩🥔
0660 Thief Executive, The 🐱Twitter account "@CaptTeebs" 🦃⚖
0661 Tiny Hand T 🐱Twitter account "@lydiarenea666" 🔬
0662 The Old Guy Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 👴
0663 Tangarine Ball Bag 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@_Room_101" 🍊🍒
0664 Tighty-Whitey Bulger 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@robwoodyard1" 🍔🏳️‍🌂
0665 Traffic Cone of Treason 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@billymocolorad2" 🍊🇷🇺
0666 Twitter reject 🐱Twitter account "@kando84" 📱🏝
0667 The Oscars Jimmy Kimmel "old, bloated and completely self-involved and obsessed with gold" 👴🍔📉🌂
0668 Thank god he's not a nudist 🐱Jameson Peters typo corrected
0669 Trumphole 🐱Twitter account "@Katmai1113" 🤡☣
0670 Trumpdiot 🐱Twitter account "@Katmai1113" 🤡🥔
0671 [T]he former guy 🎩President Joe Biden 🍗
0672 TFG 🐱Twitter account "@Nightow10218300" abbreviation of "The Former Guy"; Also can mean "That F***ing Guy" or That Fucking Guy (suggested as TFG by another FARKer), This Fucking Guy (suggested as TFG by another FARKer), DFG ("... if you say This Fucking Guy like Tony Soprano."), The Fucking Grifter, That Fucking Grifter, That Farking Grifter, That F*cking Grifter,, The Fat Guy, The Fat Grifter, The Fatass Grifter, That Fat-arsed Grifter, This Fucking Goombah, Transient Fraud Gremlin, Turgid French Girlyman, Tourette's Fake Genitals, This Fucking Slob (despite the "S" instead of the "G") and Toxic Fart Goblin, Toilet flushing guy (Twitter account "@TextHQ"), Trump Fu(king Grifts (Twitter account "@Out5p0ken"), Totally Farking Guilty, The Fascist Guy, That Fucking Goon, That Fucking Gimp, Tangerine Fart Goblin, That Fine Gentleman 🍗
0673 Tic Tac Taker 🐱Twitter account "@TelehellPodcast"
0674 Tribble Head 🐱Twitter account "@TelehellPodcast" 🐿
0675 Train Wreck Of A Person 🥓FARKer 🖕
0676 THE BIG LIAR 🎙George Conway 🍔🗯
0677 Twice Impeached Ex-President Sniveling Asshole 🥓FARKer 🎺🎺🍗🍼☣
0678 Taint Repellant 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" 🏭🚑
0679 [T]iny handed bandit, The 🐱Jameson Peters 🔬⚖
0680 Thrice Divorced, Pussy Grabbing, Epstein Buddy Who Cheated On Every Woman He's Ever Been Associated With, Never Paid A Contractor, Bankrupted Multiple Casinos, Ran A Fake "University", Was A Frozen Steak Huckster, The 🥓FARKer 🤡☢💸📉
0681 Teeny Weeny Peeny 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" 🔬
0683 TIC 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" "The Insurrectionist in Chief" 🇷🇺🦃
0684 Tiny Orange hands 🐱Jameson Peters 🍊🔬
0685 Twat Waffle 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw"
0686 Tiffany's Father 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" 🤡
0687 Tax Evader, The 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw"
0688 Trumpelstiltskin 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" 🤡💸
0689 Trumpster Fire 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" 🤡🔥
0690 Tiny Hands Express 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" 🔬
0691 Tiggle Bitties 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" 🍔🌂
0692 Tiny Orange Peen 🥓FARKer both Donnie and The Big Lie 🍊🔬
0693 The Problem Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🖕
0694 TV Billionaire, A Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 📉🌂💸
0695 Totally
🥓FARKer 🖕⚖
0696 [T]errorist GQP orange sprayed dumpster fire leader of that joke of a party 🐱Twitter account "@RKmerica" 🍊🏳️‍🐢🔥🛐🤦
0697 That
🥓FARKer both Donnie and Senator Mitch McConnell (R KY) 🖕🇷🇺
0698 [T]wice-impeached coup leader Trump The Late Show with Stephen Colbert name of the video 🎺🎺🇷🇺🤡
0699 Twice-impeached Soon-to-be-indicted Coup Leader 🎙Tyler Templeton, Tooning Out The News 🎺🎺🌈🇷🇺
0700 Terrible
🥓FARKer 🖕🚑🔨🥔☣
0701 turRmp 🥓FARKer 🤡
0702 That Ignorant Guy 🥓FARKer with parody song lyrics 🥔
0703 Twice Impeached Guy 🥓FARKer 🎺🎺
0704 [T]wice-impeached, losing president under multiple investigations 🎙Amanda Carpenter 🎺🎺⌛⚖
0705 [T]wo butts no nuts 🐱Twitter account "@thebax33" 🍔🛏🚫
0706 TANGARINE WANKMAGGOT 📣Unknown UK Protester 🍊❓
0707 T#@T BISCUIT Gina Yashere
0708 Tangerine Boy 🥓FARKer 🍊🍼
0709 Tromp 🐱Kit Hornby
0710 Traitor Fats 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🍔
0711 Twice Impeached Trump Seth Meyers "... who never once won the popular vote and continues to be deeply unpopular in the polls ..." 🎺🎺🤡
0712 Tan Of La Mancha, The Jimmy Kimmel 🍊
0713 Tangerine Bumblefark the Boastful 🥓FARKer 🍊🖕🐡
0714 Temper Tantrum Throwing Toddler 🥓FARKer 🍼💣
0715 Tangerine Totalitarian 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0716 The Bitcher 🥓FARKer with macro 🍼
0717 T-bag, The 🥓FARKer
0718 Taint-yuck Tyrant 🥓FARKer 🏭👑
0719 Tangeriatric 🥓FARKer 🍊👴
0720 Tangie 🥓FARKer 🍊
0721 The Hair 🍻FARK with Senator Mitch McConnell (R KY) as "The Tortoise" 🐿
0722 Tiny Hands Gruber 🐱Twitter account "@MCMikeSkywalker" in the parody movie "Lie Hard" 🔬⚖
0723 Tangerine Turd 🐱Andre Edgerson 🍊💩
0724 Twice-impeached Florida retiree 🎩Speaker Pelosi (D CA 12th) "... and de facto leader of the Republican Party" 🎺🎺👴
0725 Twice-impeached Florida Retiree And Umpteen Time Accused Rapist 🥓FARKer inspired by Twice-impeached Florida retiree 🎺🎺☢
0726 Twice-impeached Florida Vagrant 🥓FARKer inspired by Twice-impeached Florida retiree 🎺🎺📉🗑
0727 Thickolas Rage 🐱Twitter account "@Crossetown" 🍔💣
0728 Tin Pot Dick-tater 🥓FARKer 🖕👑
0729 Traitor the Hutt 🐱Twitter account "@extro_introvert" also as a cartoon 🇷🇺
0730 Toxic Cesspool Of Corruption And Self-enrichment Seth Meyers both Donnie's administration and his campaign 🚑⚖💸
0731 Trump-ael Phelps 🎙Tyler Templeton, Tooning Out The News 🛐🤡
0732 The Fucking Grifter 🥓FARKer what "TFG" stands for 🖕💸
0733 The Fat Grifter 🥓FARKer what "TFG" stands for 🍔💸
0734 This Fucking Goombah 🥓FARKer what "TFG" stands for 🖕🌂
0735 That Fucking Grifter 🥓FARKer what "TFG" stands for 🖕💸
0736 Transient Fraud Gremlin 🥓FARKer what "TFG" stands for 🌂🦍
0737 Turgid French Girlyman 🥓FARKer what "TFG" stands for 🌂
0738 Tourette's Fake Genitals 🥓FARKer what "TFG" stands for
0739 This Fucking Slob 🥓FARKer another possible suggestion for what "TFG" stands for, despite the "S" instead of the "G" 🖕🍔
0740 Trump*** 🥓FARKer 🌈🎺🎺🎺
0741 Touchebag 🥓FARKer suggestion for what the "T-Word" is
0742 Twice-impeached Ex-President Useless Fuckwad 🥓FARKer inspired by Ex-President Useless Fuckwad 🎺🎺🍗🖕
0743 Twice Impeached Former Social Media Influencer Useless Farkwad 🥓FARKer inspired by Twice-impeached Ex-President Useless Fuckwad 🎺🎺🖕
0744 Trash Goblin 🥓FARKer "... who is also a Chaos God" 🚑🦍
0745 The Obese 🥓FARKer "The Mark of the Obese" 🍔
0746 Terrifying Clown In The White House Samantha Bee 🦃🔥🤦
0747 Toxic Fart Goblin 🥓FARKer another possible suggestion for what "TFG" stands for 🚑💩🦍
0748 Tangerine With Dementia 🥓FARKer 🍊🥗
0749 That Fat-arsed Grifter 🥓FARKer what "TFG" stands for 🍔💸
0750 That Farking Grifter 🥓FARKer another possible suggestion for what "TFG" stands for 🖕💸
0751 TRUE President Of The United States, The 🥓FARKer 🚨👽🦃
0752 #TalibanTrump 🐱Occupy Democrats 🇷🇺🔨🤡
0753 Teflon Con 🐱Chris Morris 🐢💸
0754 T45** 🥓FARKer 🎺🎺🦃🤡
0755 [T]wice impeached target of multiple indictments 🍻FARK 🎺🎺⚖
0756 Twice Impeached, One-termer 🥓FARKer 🎺🎺⌛
0757 That Fat Orange Liar 🥓FARKer 🍊🍔🗯
0758 Thoroughly Visually Disgusting Human Being 🥓FARKer 🚫
0759 Tanny Pacquiao Jimmy Kimmel 🍊
0760 That One Asshole Who Bragged That He Now Had The Tallest Tower In Lower Manhattan 🥓FARKer immediately following the 9/11 attacks; Snopes being very diplomatic ☣🐡💣
0761 That One Asshole Who First Claimed [the SARS-Cov-2 virus] Would Disappear And Then Bragged About How Beautifully He Was Handling It 🥓FARKer ⚰️☣🌂
0762 Tangerine Turdicken 🐱Twitter account "@mishj" 🍊☣
0763 The Fat Guy 🥓FARKer another example of what "TFG" stands for 🍔
0764 'Two Weeks' Guy, The 🥓FARKer 🐡🌂🖕
0765 #TeamOfTraitors Mark Hamill administration 🎠🇷🇺
0766 The Fatass Grifter 🥓FARKer another example of what "TFG" stands for, but not The Former Grifter "since he's still grifting" 🍔💩💸
0767 This Bloated Derriere 🏆Unnamed rapper from the cold open for the Emmy-award winning program, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🍔💩
0769 Terrible Trickster Trump 🐱Imgur account "Davejavu" "Terrible Trickster Trump Treasures Tanks. Tumultuous Tycoon's Transactions Tumble Towards Tragedy." 🔨💸🤡
0770 Tumultuous Tycoon 🐱Imgur account "Davejavu" "Terrible Trickster Trump Treasures Tanks. Tumultuous Tycoon's Transactions Tumble Towards Tragedy." 💣📉
0771 That Gold Leaf Fraudster 🥓FARKer 📉🌂
0772 That Fat Fuck Trump 🥓FARKer 🍔🖕🤡
0773 Terrible Friend, A Seth Meyers 🏝
0774 Towering Inferiority Complex, The 🐱Twitter account "@fish92660" 🌂🤡
0775 Tumor Ridden Scrotum 🥓FARKer 🚑🍒
0776 Twice Impeached, Internationally Mocked Former President Trump 🥓FARKer 🎺🎺🍗🤦🤡
0777 Twice-impeached FORMER President, Who LOST His Attempt To Win A Second Term 🥓FARKer 🎺🎺🍗⌛🗑
0778 The Old Man And The Pee 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@FlemingInUSA", although Twitter account "@JMMallory1" posted it four months earlier with the hashtag 👴🛏
0779 Trump the Businessman 🖋Jeff Tiedrich "... is a character he played on a TV show. Trump the Actual Human Being is a malevolent moron who failed at every single venture except conning [the stupids]." 🤡🌂
0780 Tang-faced, Troop-insulting Fascist With Raccoon Hair Whose Signature Scent Is Burger Fart 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA on his Emmy-award winning program, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🍊🇷🇺🛑🐿🚑
0781 Torso On A Mushroom Pivot 🥓FARKer either Donnie or Junior, perhaps both 🍄
0782 That Ghastly Wang 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🚫🔬
0783 [The Republican Party's] Totally Competent And Good Leader 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🐢🖕🛐👑
0784 [T]he guy in Florida 🖋Dan Rather 🖕
0785 [Their] Sweaty Beacon Of Hate 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News "Their" being the "Trump-erect, Far-right Polly-tickers And Poli-lickers" like Rep. Matt Gaetz (R FL 1st) 🛐🍔🏳️‍
0786 [T]reasonous windbag 🐱Twitter account "@Ritchie_1966" 🇷🇺🐡
0787 Typhoid Hairy Jimmy Kimmel ⚰️🐿
0788 Teeny Weeny Peeny Mussolini 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@roerbakgeweld" 🔬👑
0789 That rat bastard Bette Midler
0790 TRASH CAN HUMAN BEING title of imaginary book written by former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows as revealed by Seth Meyers 🗑
0791 Thing With Leathery Skin 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA that which Rep. Devin Nunes (R CA 22nd) has experience milking; from Dr. Colbert's Emmy-award winning program, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🦍🚑
0792 Tug-A-Lardo 🥓FARKer 🍔📉
0793 Tub [Of] Orange Gelatin 🥓FARKer 🍊🍔
0794 Trumpkov 🥓FARKer 🤡
0795 Tough Manly Man Alpha Male 🥓FARKer 🚨🌂💪
0796 [T]hrice married, racist, pathological liar, that raped 26 women, raw dogged porn stars, and was the complete antithesis of a Christian Bishop Talbert Swan 🤡🗯☢🐍
0797 Thrice Married Serial Adulterer, Liar And Con Man 🥓FARKer 🤡🗯💸
0798 That Crack Wipe 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA from Dr. Colbert's Emmy-award winning program, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 💊
0799 TRAITOROUS SCUM 🏆Stay Human house band for the Emmy-award winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🇷🇺
0800 [T]wice-impeached malignantly narcisstic sociopathic trainwreck 🗳️Andrew Wortman 🎺🎺🔨🐡🖕
0801 Totally Innocent Businessmonster 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🚨⚖💸💣🔨
0802 That Shadowy Figure 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA "... who was the President who told [the Oath Keepers] to [commit sedition];" from Dr. Colbert's Emmy-award winning program, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🇷🇺👽🔨
0803 That Crude Beast 🥓FARKer 🥔
0804 Tyrant-A-Sore-Ass-Wreck 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed etrant credited to Twitter account "@Nuski2J" 👑🍼🖕
0805 TRG 🥓FARKer which stands for "The Russian Guy" or "The Real Guy", "The Rapin' Guy", "The Ratf*cked Guy" 🌎
0806 The Russian Guy 🥓FARKer what TRG stands for 🇷🇺
0807 The Real Guy 🥓FARKer possible guesses as to what TRG stands for 🚨🌂🎖🐡
0808 The Rapin' Guy 🥓FARKer possible guesses as to what TRG stands for
0809 The Ratf*cked Guy 🥓FARKer possible guesses as to what TRG stands for 🖕
0810 Toady To Putin 🎙Joy Reid 🇷🇺🔧
0811 That Bad [President] From Before 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🍗🖕
0812 The Cause 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA of the Capitol riot that the January 6th Select Committee is investigating and just "... admitted to everything and threatened to do it again;" on his Emmy-award winning program, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🇷🇺👽🔨
0813 Three-hundred pounds of oleaginous mac 'e cheese in a dumpy suit, soft-serve hair and dick-compensator tie 🖋Ian Gurvitz from a photo of a page from his book Death To America!: How We The People Screwed Ourselves 🍔🐿🔬
0814 Trumpy Dick 🖌Matt Wuerker from cartoon 🤡🔬
0815 That crazy orange fucker 🗳️"Hillary Clinton" as revealed by a macro posted by Twitter account "@JoJoFromJerz" 🍊💣☣
0816 The Evidence 🎩Patrick Harvie from a macro featuring a scene from Monty Python's Life of Brian; based on Donnie proclaiming himself "the evidence" 🐡🎖
0817 Two Scoops Johnson 🥓FARKer 🐷
0818 Trump the Ripper and Flusher 🖌Ed Wexler from a cartoon 🤡🔨🚽
0819 Tiger Trump 🐱Imgur account "mfrybeasley" with image 🦍🤡
0820 [T]wice impeached money laundering criminal 🖋Richard Hine 🎺🎺💸⚖
0821 Tsar-A-Lago Jimmy Kimmel or Tzar-A-Lago 🇷🇺📉
0822 The disgrace 🍻FARK 🤦
0823 ThatFatGuy** 🥓FARKer another example of what "TFG" stands for 🍔
0824 Toilet flushing guy 🐱Twitter account "@TextHQ" another example of what "TFG" stands for 🚽
0825 Trump Fu(king Grifts 🐱Twitter account "@Out5p0ken" another example of what "TFG" stands for 🤡💸
0826 TRUMP TYPHOID 🥓FARKer from a macro 🤡⚰️
0827 The White Supremacist 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍
0828 The dummy 🍻FARK 🥔
0829 [T]hug, a lifelong grifter, & a criminal Ken Olin ☣💸⚖
0830 Tannie Leibovitz Jimmy Kimmel from the on-screen title of the video 🍊
0831 Terrible Businessman 🏆Unnamed announcer for "2014: 2 2022 Fast 2022 Familiar Back To The Recent POTUS Trap The Bleakquel" from the Emmy-award winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🖕
0832 [T]hrice married, serial philandering, sexual assault bragging, rotting gourd god who can't quote a single verse from the very same Bible he shook upside down in front of a church he didn't attend 🗳️Twitter account "@JoJoFromJerz" 🍊🤡☢🐡🚑🛐🐍🌂
0833 TREASONOUS BASTARD 🐱Twitter account "@goslings" from macro 🇷🇺☣
0834 [T]anned ballsac Tucker Carlson was talking about, [T]he Jimmy Kimmel 🛐🍒💪
0835 Tangerine Saddlebag Seth Meyers "... [the] Yankee Candle if you leave it out in the sun." 🍊🚑
0836 The Tangerine Dream Trevor Noah 🍊🛐
0837 Tandora Jimmy Kimmel 🍊🔨
0838 The Toilet Weirdo Seth Meyers 🚽👽
0839 Tighty Whitey Indictee 🐱Twitter account "@Aitch571" 📉🏳️‍⚖
0840 Tyrant 🎩Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D NY 8th) 👑
0841 Turd Loco 🥓FARKer 💩🥗
0842 The Asshole 🐱Twitter account "@pittgriffin"
0843 [T]wice-impeached, one-term loser, [T]he 🖋Richard Hine 🎺🎺⌛🗑
0844 Turd Burglesome 🐱Twitter account "@ChrisMDrain1" 💩
0845 TFG the Great and Terrible 🍻FARK TFG stands for "The Former Guy" 🍗🎖🖕
0846 TFG the Terrible 🍻FARK TFG stands for "The Former Guy" 🍗🖕
0847 Terrible Salesman Seth Meyers 🖕
0848 Tannibal Lecter Jimmy Kimmel 🍊🐍💣
0849 That F*cking Grifter 🥓FARKer another example of what "TFG" stands for 🖕💸
0850 The Wrath of Con 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@teachrnomo" whose tweet may have been deleted; "@coolsvillekid1" also tweeted the same nickname on February 22, 2022 💣💸
0851 Terrible Queen Of Hearts Seth Meyers 🔥👑
0852 Totally Farking Guilty 🍻FARK another example of what "TFG" stands for
0853 Twice-Impeached Totally Farking Guilty 🥓FARKer inspired by "Totally Farking Guilty" 🎺🎺⚖
0854 Twice-Impeached Totally Farking Guilty Bloviating Orange Sh*tstain 🥓FARKer inspired by "Twice-Impeached Totally Farking Guilty", which was inspired by "Totally Farking Guilty" 🎺🎺🍊⚖🐡💩
0855 Towel Rack Gripper 🥓FARKer both Donnie and his bathroom style 🚽
0856 [T]he old fool 🖋Thomas E. Ricks 👴🤦
0857 Tan-akin Lie-walker Jimmy Kimmel 🍊🗯
0858 Technically A Pervert 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA from his Emmy-award winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert ☢🤡
0859 Treasus 🍻FARK 🇷🇺
0860 Toilet-talking toddler 🖌Lalo Alcaraz as "Pocho" 🚽🍼
0861 The Orange Shit-Gibbon 🥓FARKer 🍊💩🦍
0862 [T]hat evil orange madman 🗳️Twitter account "@JoJoFromJerz" 🍊🐍💣
0863 Tiny-Hands Strangler, The 🍻FARK 🔬
0864 That Shitbucket Of A President 🥓FARKer 🦃💩🖕
0865 The Fascist Guy 🥓FARKer another example of what "TFG" stands for 🛑
0866 That Fucking Goon 🥓FARKer another example of what "TFG" stands for 🖕💪
0867 That Fucking Gimp 🥓FARKer another example of what "TFG" stands for 🖕
0868 The Dim Reaper 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@The_Nerd_Desk" 🥔⚰️
0869 Tapendejo 🥓FARKer both Donnie and a special "SALSA RACISTA / Hate Sauce" that uses Donnie's likeness on the label (see link) 🏳️‍☣
0870 Tinkerbull 🖌Pat Bagley 🖕🇷🇺⚖🗯
0871 Toadstool That Popped Up From The Pile Of Shit That's The System 🥓FARKer 🍄💩
0872 That Old Orange Flabby Shlub 🖌Pat Bagley 🍊👴🍔
0873 Total disgrace 🐱Eric Champnella with help from Trey Callaway and special thanks to Twitter account "@chanwork" ♾️🤦
0874 Turd Merchant 🥓FARKer 💩💸
0875 Treasonously Corrupt 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺⚖
0876 [T]reasonous spy https://twitter.com/TitusNation/status/1565015494322577408 Christopher Titus] 🇷🇺
0877 Tankerbutt 🐱Twitter account "@CLPetrolati" inspired by "Tinkerbull" 🖕🇷🇺⚖
0878 [T]wice impeached Insurrectionist top secret document theif 🐱Twitter account "@shurisfunny2" 🎺🎺🇷🇺🖕⚖
0879 Tubby Fuck, That 🥓FARKer 🍔🖕
0880 Tub Of Lard 🥓FARKer 🍔
0881 The Bad Thing 🥓Imgur account "RememberUsAlways" with illustration 🐍
0882 The Real Dim Shady 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@euchiron"; which was tweeted by @alimsomji one day before 🥔🗯
0883 The Plaintiff 🗽Department of Justice, and "the court"
0884 THE DECLASSIFIER 🖌Michael de Adder from a cartoon; also as a photoshopped image of Rodin's The Thinker on a gold toilet 🇷🇺🖕⚖
0885 THE UNBELIEVABLE TRUMP 🖌Michael de Adder from a cartoon 🗯🌂🤡
0886 The Count of Mostly Crisco 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@Iloccorb" 🎖🍔
0887 That Questionable Human Whose Language Is Hate And Desperation 🥓FARKer with picture 🏳️‍
0888 Thoroughly Unqualified Dipshit 🥓FARKer 🖕🥔
0889 Traitor-In-Chief, [T]he 🐱Twitter account "@Handsome_Jock" 🦃🇷🇺
0890 That Lazy Schmuck 🥓FARKer ⛳☣
0891 tfg** 🥓FARKer 🎺🎺🍗
0892 Tweaking Bloodhound 🥓FARKer 💊
0893 The Great Grabsby 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@SunnyInFloriduh"
0894 The Lard 🐱Twitter account "@FrancisWegner" "Praise The Lard!"; with macro 🍔🛐
0895 The Loch Ness Fraudster 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@RizzoChicago", wh0 actually spelled it "The Lochness Fraudster" 🦍🌂
0896 The Notorious KFC 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@NamedHeShallBe1" 👃🍔
0897 The Dork Knight 🐱Twitter account "@coolsvillekid1" 🥔🎖
0898 The criminal mastermind 🍻FARK
0899 The Only Honest Person To Ever Occupy The Oval Office 🥓"Many People" via a FARKer said with tears in their eyes 🛐🍗
0900 Tubby Orange Brat Knocking Over Sand Castles At The Beach Jimmy Kimmel 🍊🍔🍼🔨
0901 [T]he orange man 🍻FARK 🍊
0902 Traitorous Dingleberry 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA from his Emmy-award and JD-Power-and-Associates-Award-for-Initial-Customer-Satisfaction-for-'Quality-Mid-Sized-Sedan' winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🇷🇺💩
0903 The Orange Doofus 🥓FARKer 🍊🥔
0904 [T]hreat to democracy 🖋Bob Woodward transcript 🇷🇺🛑
0905 [T]hreat to the presidency 🖋Bob Woodward transcript 🇷🇺
0906 The Orange Savior 🥓FARKer 🍊🛐
0907 Tumor on the Soul of a Nation, A 🐱credited to "SpiritSlinger dot com" from a macro 🚑
0908 Toxic Burger Fart 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA from his Emmy-award and JD-Power-and-Associates-Award-for-Initial-Customer-Satisfaction-for-'Quality-Mid-Sized-Sedan' winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🚑💩
0909 Tangerine Flight Risk 🥓FARKer 🍊🗯⚖
0910 Tropical Depression Seth Meyers 🔨
0911 [T]wice-impeached former one-term president who helped incite an attack on the U.S. Capitol and refused to participate in America’s peaceful transfer of power, A 🖋Rex Huppke 🎺🎺🍗⌛🇷🇺🛑
0912 [T]wice-impeached former president 🖋Isaac Arnsdorf 🎺🎺🍗
0913 Twice-impeached doc-stealing insurrection-cheering Florida man 🖌Lalo Alcaraz 🎺🎺📜🇷🇺🖕
0914 The Fat-iator 🥓FARKer whose fate would be decided by "Emperor Elonatus" after consulting the crowd for Pollice verso 🍔
0915 [T]he human carbuncle in Depends Noel Casler 💩
0916 The Bigmouthed Ass 🥓FARKer 🐡💩
0917 Turkey Who Could Use A Pardon Jimmy Kimmel 🤦⚖
0918 [T]he scorpion 🍻FARK 🔨
0919 Tangerine Insurrectionist 🍻FARK 🍊🇷🇺
0920 [T]raitorous sex offender 🐱John Hartzell 🇷🇺☢
0921 The Old, Bad One 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA from his Emmy-award and JD-Power-and-Associates-Award-for-Initial-Customer-Satisfaction-for-'Quality-Mid-Sized-Sedan' winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 👴🐍
0922 Tax-Fraud Trump 🖋Richard Hine 🤡⚖
0923 The Con 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA "... is facing some quences."; from his Emmy-award and JD-Power-and-Associates-Award-for-Initial-Customer-Satisfaction-for-'Quality-Mid-Sized-Sedan' winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 💸
0924 Thrice-married, Cheating, Pussy Grabbing, Daughter-fucking Rapey Asshole 🥓FARKer 🤡☢☣
0925 The Tan Of Steel Jimmy Kimmel 🍊💪
0926 The One Terminator Jimmy Kimmel 🔨
0927 Top Dumb 🐱Twitter account "@LiberalForce" from parody digital trading card ("Traitor card") 🥔
0928 The Convict 🥓FARKer
0929 The Prisoner 🥓FARKer
0930 Terrible Hostage Negotiator Seth Meyers 🖕
0931 [T]he orange glob 🗳️Twitter account "@jordantyranny" 🍊🍔
0932 Tangerine Fart Goblin 🥓FARKer another example of what "TFG" stands for 🍊💩🦍
0933 That Fine Gentleman 🥓FARKer another example of what "TFG" stands for 🚨☣🤡
0934 The Poo Poo 🏆,🎩Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA and with an assist from Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D CA 12th) from his Emmy-award and JD-Power-and-Associates-Award-for-Initial-Customer-Satisfaction-for-'Quality-Mid-Sized-Sedan' winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 💩
0935 Toxic, Wealthy, Unfaithful Conman Living In Palm Beach 🎙James Smartwood, Tooning Out The News 🚑📉🤡💸
0936 Trainwreck Jimmy Kimmel 🖕
0937 Toddler At Olive Garden 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA from his Emmy-award and JD-Power-and-Associates-Award-for-Initial-Customer-Satisfaction-for-'Quality-Mid-Sized-Sedan' winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🍼
0938 [T]urd reich's Mutterehrenkreuz, [T]he 🐱Twitter account "@thecorpmex" 🛐🎖
0939 [T]iny-handed shroomwang who wears lifts and a girdle 🍻FARK 🔬🍄🐡🍔
0940 Trump The Groomer 🥓FARKer 🤡☢
0941 [T]he farking martyr 🍻FARK 🖕❄️🌂🎖
0942 Twice Impeached, Now Indicted, Disgraced Ex-President 🎙Reecie Colbert 🎺🎺🍗⚖🤦
0943 The Media's Grubhub Order Seth Meyers
0944 [T]he bloated failure 🗳️Twitter account "@NashIsHereForIt" 🍔🗑
0945 Turd Burglar 🥓FARKer 💩
0946 The Orange Fucker 🥓FARKer de-censored version 🍊🖕
0947 The Orange Farker 🥓FARKer censored version 🍊🖕
0948 T🦧 🐱Twitter account "@RutiDHF" 🤡🦍

Numbers - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Other Nicknames

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