Fark Wiki

"H", "I", "J", "K"

Numbers - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Not all nicknames have been included in this page.

If you know of one that is not listed, please post the nickname and link for the first usage of it in the main talk page for review.


An attempt was made to credit the first use of the nickname. If a link can be found showing an earlier use of the nickname, it will be corrected. Post suggestions--with links--for corrections in the main talk page for review.

FARKer's usernames are hidden in an attempt to follow FARK's policy of "not calling out other FARKers".


Typos and FARK filters have been corrected. Pretentious Capitalization Was Added For Many.


For nicknames marked ❓ (uncertain), the editor may not have gotten the joke. If you know the joke or reference and can recommend the proper category, please post suggestions and explanations--with links--in the main talk page for review.

If you disagree about a category in which a nickname was placed, we can argue about it in the main talk page too.

All other comments

Please post any suggestions for improvements, compliments or critiques on the main talk page.


Emoji Source
🏴 Al Qaeda
American-based, Christian man of the cloth
🖋 author, journalist, writer
👿 bastard
🖌 cartoonist, visual artist
celebrity, TV show
🗳️ citizen, voter, activists
🤡 Donald himself (including depictions of) or one of his supporters (includes family members and employees)
🎓 educator, historian, lexicographer
🏆 Emmy-award winner
🥓 FARKer
🌽 farmer
🃏 former MAGAt
👂 #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant acknowledged on air by Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA
🔎 January 6th Committee member, witness
🗽 judge, lawyer, court or official court documents
🇰🇿 Kazakh journalist
🛐 MAGAt, rabid supporter, current Trump lawyer
🩺 medical professional
🙈 former member of the Trump administration, or Trump lawyer, especially one who only reveals what they knew in a book which gets published long after they have left their job
👮‍♂️ military or law enforcement, former or current
🐱 misc internet (incl. blogs, Twitter, Imgur, Amazon reviews, YouTube, etc)
👷 municipal department
🗞 news outlet, publisher, editor
🇰🇵 North Korean official
🎩 politician, candidate or other dignitary
🎙 pundit or other political commentator
🥼 scientist
🛡 Scottish Twitter
or any Scot
NOTE: this emoji is temporary and will be changed to the Scottish flag emoji once it becomes available to everyone
💼 spokesperson, campaign operative, political staff
📣 unknown protester
📯 whistleblower, former government employee/DoD official, former Trump employee, unnamed person "familiar with ..."
Emoji Category
🚽 10-15 flushes; document flushing
💊 addict, includes drunk, gambler
🎠 administration
🔠 anagram
🔫 America/America's, Founding Fathers', Our Nation, National, Our, Your (humanity's)
🇬🇧 American version of Boris Johnson; British insult
🦍 animal; semi-, sub-, or not quite human; humanoid; monster, ghoul; mutant; mascot; semi-sentient; creature
💩 ass-, taint-, poop-, or fart(gas)-related, hemorrhoid, incontinent, diaper, skidmark, queef, bile
👑 authoritarian, autocrat, tyrant, despot, dictator, monarch, emperor, imperial, anything undemocratic (abuses power/authority), plutocrat
🐡 blowhard, braggart, gasbag, smug, panderer, egotist, narcissist, disloyal, pompous, vain, megalomaniac, diva, TV star, attention whore, arrogant, loud, interrupter
🏭 body or any other body part that is not hands, feet, penis/testicles or ass
📉 broke, bankrupt, imaginary wealth, tacky, gauche, trashy, classless, cheap, pathetic, junk food, deadbeat
🧀 Cheeto or cheese (including cheese-like foods)
child cager
🍼 childish, needy, infantile, immature, manbaby, manchild, crybaby, mewling, inexperienced, impulsive, petty, spiteful, whiner, stubborn, belligerent, obstinate, willful, spoiled, irresponsible, tantrum-thrower, petulant
👽 conspiracy theorist, superstitious, Sovereign Citizen, denier, impervious to logic (and reason, history, facts, etc), factually wrong, solipsistic, illiterate, strange, weird, goofy, freak, rube, incurious, ignorant, misinformed, uninformed, fear-monger, plotter
⚰️ COVID-19, coronavirus, the 'rona, plague, pandemic, pestilence, superspreader, angel of death, contagious
🐤 coward, craven, frightened, panic-stricken, scared, pseudonym, troll, rapscallion, weasel
crime-related (excluding traitor, sexual predator, child-cager); corrupt (swamp), lawless, thief, usurper, war criminal, murderer
🛐 cult, fanboy, MAGA, sedition inciter, demagogue, savior, champion, infallible, power of positive thinking, idol
💀 cures for COVID-19, especially ill-advised, misinformed snake-oil
💪 daddy, uncle, avuncular, self-proclaimed hero/alpha male
🔨 destructive, instigator, war-monger, murderous, genocidal, violent, abusive, inhumane, impolite, undiplomatic, terrorist, uncouth, obnoxious, reckless, inconsiderate, menace, malicious, vindictive
🔥 disaster, dystopian, disasterous administration, dumpster/trashcan fire, problematic, nightmare, hellish, apocalyptic, scorched earth
🏆 draft dodger
📜 document thief
🤦 embarrassment, fool, goofball, boob, clown, gullible, distraction, cartoonish, buffoon, schmuck, turkey, oaf, disgrace, ass-kisser, laughingstock, chump, laughable, ridiculous, joke, tiresome, low expectations
💣 emotionally unstable, angry, mean, heartless, Cluster B, unhinged, disturbed, ruthless, manic, maniac, mad/madman, chaotic, capricious, unpredictable, thin-skinned, triggered, dangerous, ASPD, pathological, psychopathic/sociopathic, evil, cruel, lunatic, venegful, vicious, insecure, reckless, sadistic, malevolent, malignant
🎖 entitled, pampered, out of touch, teflon, frat-boy, Dunning-Kruger stupid (know-it-all, contrarian), exceptional, unsophisticated, scavenger, squatter, privileged, shameless, ingrate, dandy, pompous, prima dona, celebrity, unrepentant
♾️ eternal; everlasting; ever; epic; serial; historic; trans-dimensional, life-long, classic, ultimate
🗑 failure, loser, sore loser, lame, tragedy, tragic, weak, frail, feeble, tired, bitch, cuck, soft, dandy, ineffectual, impotent, wimp, insecure, has-been, washed-up, disappointment
🛑 fascism, fascist, anti-democratic, UnAmerican
🍔 fat, glutton, slob, slovenly, sloppy, sweaty, frumpy, lumpy, bloated
🍗 former President, Ex-President
🇨🇳 friend of Li "Cindy" Yang, proprietor of Orchid Day Spa; Chinese taxpayer
🏝 friendless, humorless, forgetable, mediocre, forgotten, ostrasized, former, disliked, unpopular, low ratings, unwanted, unpleasant, unloved, unwelcome, nameless, pathetic, Schroedinger's Douchbag, grump, salty, bored, boring, desperate, jealous, poisonous, toxic, little to no influence, irrelevant, insignificant, extraneous
🖕 fuckup, incompetent, unqualified, inept, useless, worthless, hot mess, trainwreck, "Florida Man", deplorable, delinquent, whack, undependable, hypocrite, mistake, negligent, neglectful, unsuccessful, dysfunctional
🌈 future nickname
🍯 gold, golden, midas, winner (especially sarcastic)
🌎 grab bag; many, many, many things
🐷 greedy, selfish, shallow
💸 grifter; conman; con-, scam artist; money-launderer; cheat; tax-dodger; huckster; thief; mooch; exploiter; everything's a transaction; parasite; whorish; sell-out; shill; reality show/game show host (current or former), TV "star" (current or former), social media "influencer (current or former); lousy businessman/negotiator
🐿 hair, combover, balding, toupee
🎺 impeached (waa, waa); a horn for each impeachment
🌂 impersonator; fraud; Drumpf; poser; populist; alias; dandy; makeup-, wig-wearer; gilded; gaudy; cheap imitation; inferior substitute, imposter; clumsy, awkward, two-bit; second-rate; wannabe; charlatan; imaginary hero/warrior, leader, military and/or playboy; pretend mobster or tough-guy; effeminate; empty suit
🥗 incoherent, delusional, deranged, demented, feeble-minded, senile, confused, brain-damaged, sundowning, paranoid, covfefe, nonsensical
🦹‍♂️ inspiration for 1980's pop fiction villainy; wrestling heel/villain; cartoonish villain
jerk; asshole; jackass; bully; cunt; punk; dick; prick; scumbag; twat; twit; bastard; annoying, pest, irritating, offensive, horrible, pendejo; douche/douchebag/douche canoe; POS; twatwaffle; wanker; motherfucker; cocksucker; bitch; pain-in-the-ass/neck; insufferable
🦆 lame duck
🗯 liar, deceitful, two-faced, disingenuous, insincere, gaslighter, propagandist, Orwellian, untrustworthy
🛢 misc. bodily fluid/excretion (not poop or urine) human or otherwise; incl. burp
misogynist, incel, macho, MRA, homophobic, mansplainer, stalker-ish, creep, philander
🍄 mushroom penis, toad, dildo
🌿 non-orange plant or food related
👃 obvious, famous, notorious
👴 old, retired, dinosaur, dotard, Boomer
one term
🍊 orange-colored, orange food (fruit, vegetable, etc), poorly tanned skin, bad makeup job, neon, florescent
💡 out of touch; especially his fixation with household appliances and how to use them; lightbulbs, dishwashers, etc; except toilets
🚑 physically deformed/diseased (except COVID-19), clumsy, uncoordinated, syphilitic, festering, smelly, filthy, itchy, vulgar, vile, rotted, rancid, garbage, expired, grotesque, toxic, gruesome, malignancy, wretched, odious, repulsive, loathsome, nasty
🦃 President
📽 projecting
🐢 Republican, GOP, right wing, Donnie's lawyers/legal team, employees (cultists who "get paid"); conservative
🚨 sarcastic
🍒 scrotum, balls
sexual predator, rapist, pedophile, pussygrabber, creep
🐍 sinner, degenerate, obscenity, unholy, evil, abomination, malevolent, ethically challenged, unethical, morally bankrupt, amoral, unscrupulous, scandalous, abhorrent, repugnant, soulless, irredeemable, damned, accursed, wicked, heretical, demon, demonic, depraved, dirty or unclean, profane, disgusting, lacks integrity, irreligious, unChristian, anti-Christ
❄️ snowflake, fragile, victim, delicate, weak, feckless, wimpy
🦨 stinky, smelly, bad odor
🥔 stupid, primitive, clueless, imbecile, mindless, dull, uncreative, unimaginative, dolt, mook, buffoon, moron
🔬 tiny hands, fingers, feet, penis; petite, little, small
🍎 Tim Apple sundowning incident
("First name"+"Company or job as last name")
🔧 tool, passive, used, useful idiot, bot, venal, easily manipulated, Manchurian
🇷🇺 traitor, seditious, spy, puppet, compromised, sychophant, ass-kisser, lap dog, Putin's, Soviet, National Security threat/risk/liability
🤡 Trump (Drumpf) family-related (shitty husband, shitty father, nepotism), includes: deplorable, illegitimate, infidelity, immorality, infamous, genetically inferior, inadequate, misogynist, sexist, sleazy, creepy, philandering, lecherous and most important: impotent
📱 Twittering idiot, especially typos; not limited to Twittet, incl: Gab, Parler or any other right wing internet safe space
🚫 unattractive physically, unfashionable, ugly, fugly, fugugly, frightening
🛏 urine, incontinence
🏛️ White House
🏳️‍ White Supremist, Nazi, Nazi Sympathizer, hateful, polarizing, divisive, bigot, racist, miserable, nationalist, unpatriotic, jingoist, xenophobic, terrorist


# Nickname Source Note Category
0001 Hair Hitler 🥓FARKer 👑🐿
0002 His Feculency ❓🥓 👑💩
0003 Herr Trumpo 🍻FARK ❓🤡
0004 Heffalump in Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃❓
0005 His American Lickspittle 🥓FARKer Putin's nickname for him 🇷🇺
0006 Herr Cheeto 🥓FARKer ("For never was there a story of more woe than this of Putin and Herr Cheeto.") 🧀
0007 His Honor, King Asshole of Fucktardia, Keeper of the Golden Toilet, Lord of the Pee Tape, Scion of Very Fine People on Both Sides, Ironic Drainer of the Swamp, and Protector of Himself (and Only Himself) 🥓FARKer 👑🏳️‍🛏🐡
0008 Herr Twattengrabber 🥓FARKer
0009 His Extravagancy, President on Earth, Boss Dr. Donald J. Trump, LSD, VIP, MSG, Lord of All the Beasts of the Stars and Oils of the Sands, Conqueror of the Reagan Empire in General and Florida in Particular 🥓FARKer 🚨🤡🌎
0010 Head Cheeto 🍻FARK 👑🧀
0011 His Infancy 🥓FARKer 👑🍼
0012 Harasser of the Free World, The 🥓FARKer 🦃☢
0013 Herr Cheetostein 🥓FARKer 🧀🛢
0014 Habanero Hitler 🥓FARKer 👑💣
0015 Hair Furher 🥓FARKer 👑🐿
0016 Hair Leader 🥓FARKer 👑🎖🐿
0017 Hair-O-Cheeto 🥓FARKer 👑🧀🐿
0018 Hairmonger Cheeto Shitgibbon 🥓FARKer 🐿🧀💩🦍
0019 Hairsprayed Huckster 🥓FARKer 🐿💸
0020 Hamster heedit bampot 🛡Scottish Twitter 🛡
0021 Head Baby Rapist 🥓FARKer 🎖☢⛓
0022 Head of the Dept. of Redundancy Department 🍻FARK 🎖🖕
0023 Heap Big Shit Pile 🥓FARKer Native American name 💩
0024 Healthiest Ever Very Stable Genius 🥓FARKer 🚨🚑💣🥔
0025 Heifer Von Gout 🥓FARKer 👑🚑
0026 Herr Collaboratorski Drumpf 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🤡
0027 Herr Twitler 🥓FARKer 👑📱
0028 High Lord Douchebag 🥓FARKer 👑☣
0029 His Accidency 🥓FARKer 👑🖕
0030 His Limpness 🥓FARKer 👑🤡
0031 Huffy wee fuckin bampot 🛡Scottish Twitter 🛡
0032 Human Tanning Bed Warning Label, The 🐱Twitter account "@AynRandPaulRyan" 🍊
0034 Hypocritical Orange Fark 🍻FARK 🍊🖕
0035 His Majesty King Palentine the Frumpy-Dumpy 🥓FARKer 👑+ 🍔 or 🚑 or 🗑 or 💩
0036 Huge, Fecal Fingered, Mentally Challenged Moron 🥓FARKer 🍔💩🥔
0037 Hairstyle McCannotHandleQuestions 🥓FARKer 🐿🐤
0038 Human Prostate 🥓FARKer 🏭
0039 Hair Furor 🥓FARKer 👑🐿💣
0040 Helfweit 🥓FARKer Icelandic for "halfwit/dimwit" 🥔
0041 His Majesty 🥓FARKer 🚨👑
0042 High Chair Tyrant, The 🥓FARKer 👑🍼
0043 Hair Twitler 🥓FARKer 🐿📱👑
0044 His Assholiness 🥓FARKer 👑☣
0045 His Orangeness 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0046 Herr Orangeness 🥓FARKer 🍊
0047 His Royal Majesty 🍻FARK 🚨👑
0048 Humpty Trumpty Jimmy Kimmel 🗑🤡
0049 Hurricane Don 🍻FARK 🔥
0050 Hold-My-Beer-Trumpshroom 🥓FARKer 🐡🍄🤡
0051 Host Organism For An Inter-stellar Brain Leech Which Is Disguised As A Dead Chinchilla 🥓FARKer 🐿🥗🦍
0052 Hate Grandpa 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍👴
0053 Hell Toupee 🥓FARKer also Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@OzvenomDnD" 🐿💣
0054 Hair Schitler 🥓FARKer 🐿👑💩
0055 Homeless Person On The Bus 🥓FARKer (he talks like a ...) 🥗
0056 Head Twit 🥓FARKer ☣📱🌂
0057 Hamberder Herder 🥓FARKer 📉🍔🐷
0058 #His(ass)Holiness 🥓FARKer 🛐☣
0059 Human Garbage 🥓FARKer 🚑🖕
0060 Horse's ass 🍻FARK Also, Medina Spirits, the winning team* of the 147th Kentucky Derby, explaining why they turned down an invitation to Mar-a-Lago: "If I wanted to see a horse's ass, I would've finished second." 🦍💩
0061 Hulking Soviet Sleeper Agent 🥓FARKer 🦍🇷🇺🔧 or 🍔🇷🇺🔧
0062 Hypocritical Hypocrite Donnie Jack-o'-Lantern 🥓FARKer 🖕❓
0063 Hooker Piss Fanatic, The 🥓FARKer 🛏
0064 His Royal Majrest, King Dong 🥓FARKer 🚨👑🔬
0065 Highly. Stable. Genius. 🥓FARKer 🚨💣🥔
0066 He Who Must Not Be Named 🖋Stephen King 🏝🖕💸
0067 Hairy Cheeto 🍻FARK 🧀🐿
0068 [H]ooligan pouring sugar into the gas tank of an expensive and well-maintained car 🖋Stephen King "Trump is that hooligan. America is that car." ☣🔨
0069 Halfwit Mutant, The 🥓FARKer 🦍🥔
0070 Hypocrite, The 🥓FARKer 🖕
0071 His Majestic Shitholiness, Cheetolini Escalator 🥓FARKer 🧀👑💩📉
0072 Humpty Dumpty 🥓FARKer ☢🍔
0073 Herr Lügenpresse 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍🛑🐤
0074 His Imperial Orangeness 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0075 Hosenscheissenstrokensterben 🥓FARKer (Google translation from German: "Pants shit Stroke Death") 🌈💩🚑
0076 Hair Furious 🥓FARKer 🐿💣 or 👑🐿💣
0077 History's Most Blatant Case Of False Advertising 🥓FARKer 🗯💸
0078 High Priest of Fraud, The 🥓FARKer based on a 1958 episode of the TV show "Trackdown" 🗯💸
0079 His Tiny-Fingered Fatness 🥓FARKer 🔬🍔
0080 Humpty Dumb 🐱Twitter account "@JM122333" 🤡🥔
0081 Howling Two-year-old In The Oval Office, The 🥓FARKer 🦃🍼
0082 Hog 🥓FARKer 🦍
0083 Homer Simpiton 🥓FARKer 🤦🍔🥔⛳
0084 Human Garbage Traitor Failure Fake President 🥓FARKer 🦃📉🇷🇺🗑🌂
0085 Hideous Orange Face Anus 🥓FARKer 🍊🚑💩
0086 Heedless And Irratic Old Man 🇰🇵Kim Yong Chol, senior North Korean official and former nuclear negotiator 💣👴
0087 [Melania's] Horrible Citizenship Provider 🥓FARKer "Again proving Melatonin is no better than the horrible Citizenship Provider she's legally bound to." 🔨🤡
0088 Hate Pumpkin 🖌Kieron Dwyer 🍊🏳️‍
0089 Hyperbole Don 🥓FARKer 🐡
0090 His Shadow Palpatating Hanz Trump Hisself 🥓FARKer
0091 Human Clown Shoe, The 🥓FARKer 🤦
0092 Head Dirtbag, The 🥓FARKer 🎖☣
0093 Human Fart 🥓FARKer 💩
0094 Hunter S. Trump 🥓FARKer from a macro showing a picture of Trump next to a quote from Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas: "Jesus! Did I SAY that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me? I glanced over at my attorney, but he seemed oblivious ..." 💊
0095 His bigness 🥓FARKer 🍔
0096 Human Conundrum 🎙Cody Johnston, Cracked Some News 🌂
0097 His Royal High-Ass, King Donnie the Dumb 🍻FARK 👑💩🥔
0098 Human-like Walrus 🥓FARKer 🦍
0099 Hideous McSkank 🐱Twitter account "@Kclark0101" 🚫🚑🤡
0100 His Excellency, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump 🤡newspaper clipping of the San Leandro Times showing a letter to the editor from Leo T. West dated February 6, 2020, shared by a FARKer 🦃🛐🤡
0101 Hold-A-Grudge Jones Seth Meyers 🍼
0102 Human Sourdough Samantha Bee 🌂
0103 Ham Murder Helper 🥓FARKer ⚰️
0104 Huge Gaping Privileged Pampered Asshole[s] 🥓FARKer plural is for the Trump family and/or Republican party, singular is for the president himself 🎖📉☣
0105 His Majesty, President till Death, Chief Law Enforcement Officer, Dr. Donald J Trump, FSB, GRU, LSD, MPP+, Lord of the Beasts of the Stars and Oils of the Sands, Master of One Nation Under God, Conqueror of the American Empire in General and Florida in Particular 🥓FARKer ⚰️🦃🌎
0106 Hair Triggered of the SS 🥓FARKer 🐿🏳️‍
0107 Hot Mess John Legend 🖕
0108 Hair Tweeto 🥓FARKer 🐿📱
0109 [H]ead of state who says a lot of conflicting lies really fast, [A] 🖋Cedric Voets 🦃🗯
0110 Hot n Cold Running Asshole 🥓FARKer 💣☣
0111 His Royal Doucheyness 🥓FARKer 👑☣
0112 Hometown embarrassment Samantha Bee as compiled by Slate (starting on November 5, 2016) 🤦
0113 Heretical billionaire bully Samantha Bee as compiled by Slate (starting on November 5, 2016) 🐍📉☣
0114 Handful of Bleached Anuses Carelessly Scattered Onto A Plate Of Polenta 🐱Popehat 💩
0115 [H]igh-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production 🥓FARKer based on a quote attributed to Hunter S. Thompson 🗑🦍
0116 Hitler Leaving The Olympics 🥓FARKer what he looked like after the Emptysburgh Address 🗑🖕🏝
0117 Hunched Half Centaurian, The 🥓FARKer 🍔👴🗑
0118 His Holy Beefiness 🎙Tyler Templeton, anchor, Tooning Out The News 🛐💪
0119 HOMEA LONE WARRIOR 🥓FARKer with a macro featuring his deleted scene from Home Alone 2 🌂🏝
0120 Hairitage, Not Height 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍
0121 #H45BEEN 🥓FARKer 🗑
0122 Hate-filled Populist 🌽Chris, Republican Voters Against Trump 🏳️‍
0123 homo semi-erectus 🥓FARKer 🤡
0124 Hater Trump 🥓FARKer inspired by #CreepyTrump 🐤🏳️‍
0125 Hosenscheisser 🍻FARK 💩🐤
0126 highpockets 🖋Jeff Tiedrich
0127 Hammered Out Orange Leather Purse With Some Kind Of Fungus On It, A 🥓FARKer 🍊🚑
0128 Human Shit Stain, The 🥓FARKer 💩
0129 Hack Game Show Host / Shitty Real Estate Agent 🥓FARKer 🖕💸
0130 Hairball, The 🥓FARKer 🐿
0131 Head Clown 🥓FARKer 🤦
0132 Hero Of Every Crisis, The 🥓FARKer "... that he caused" 🐡
0133 Herpes 🥓FARKer based on a photo 🚑
0134 High-energy Smart Stable Genius Do-it-all-better-than-anyone Guy 🥓FARKer 🚨🥔💣🌂
0135 Human Embodiment Of Tension And Fighting Seth Meyers 🔨🔥
0136 Human Who Reeks Of Desperation More Than Anyone Else On Earth Seth Meyers paraphrase 🗑🏝
0137 Human Embodiment Of Yelling "Fire!" In A Crowded Theater Seth Meyers 🔨🔥
0138 Humanoid Anus 🥓FARKer 💩
0139 Horse Loose In A Hospital, A John Mulaney 🔥
0140 Hoardy Geriatric With No Moral Compass Who Imported A Hot Immigrant Wife Chelsea Handler 🐷👴🐍
0141 Human Trafficker 🥓FARKer
0142 Hooter's Diamond Club Member Trevor Noah
0143 Hateful, Racist, Uncaring Fucking Asshole 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍💣🖕☣
0144 Hateful, Racist, Paranoid, Delusional, Psychotic Old Man 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍🥗💣👴
0145 His Royal Heinous 🥓FARKer 👑💩
0146 His Royal Cheetoness 🎙Kylie Weaver, Tooning Out The News 🧀👑
0147 Heel Pro Wrestler, The 🥓FARKer "the President you love to hate" 🌂
0148 HAL After Being Disconnected Seth Meyers 🥗
0149 Host Of Celebrity Apprentice, The Jimmy Kimmel 🐡
0150 His Most Righteous King of Everything and Winner of TWO Noble Peace Prizes Which Should Have Been SEVEN Or EIGHT and Also The Most Humble President Who Ever Threw FOUR Touchdowns in One Game and Going to State Finals 🍻FARK 🚨🌂🖕🗑
0151 Hopeless Shell Of A Human Being 🥓FARKer 🗑🏝
0152 Hot Mess Inside A Dumpster Fire Inside A Trainwreck, A 🎙Jake Tapper both Donnie and his performance during the first debate, September 29, 2020 🔥
0153 High School Student Who Just Realized His Senior Project Is Due Jimmy Kimmel ⛳🖕
0154 His Lord Beefiness Trump 🎙Tyler Templeton, Tooning Out The News 🛐💪
0155 Highly Infectious President Who Is Actively Symptomatic With A Potentially Deadly Virus Seth Meyers ⚰️🦃
0156 Horrifying Demon 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🔥🦍
0157 [H]uman viral cesspool 🐱Keith Novick ⚰️🐷
0158 Hairpiece 🥓FARKer 🐿
0159 His orangeness, King Trump the First 🍻FARK 🍊👑🤡🎖
0160 [H]ideous humancheeto 🐱Imgur account "twocherrycokes" 🚫🧀
0161 Hypeman 🖋Brian Williams 🐡
0162 Hostile To American Democracy 🎙Steve Schmidt 🛑
0163 Hurricane Trump 🥓FARKer 🔨
0164 Hugely Divisive Asshole In The Oval Office 🥓FARKer 🏝☣
0165 Hurricane Asshole 🥓FARKer 🔨
0166 Horrible Guy 🥓FARKer
0167 Huge, Morbidly Obese Donnie 🥓FARKer 🍔
0168 Horrible, Horrible Thing That Happened To The Republican Party, The Jimmy Kimmel 🐢🖕
0169 Historic Government Blunder, An 🎩Governor Andrew Cuomo (D NY) both Donnie and his response to the COVID-19 pandemic ♾️🖕
0170 Hobo-in-waiting 🥓FARKer 🌈🗑
0171 Hate Filled Dick 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍☣
0172 Hairy Cheato 🥓FARKer 🐿🧀
0173 Hurricane Donald Roy Wood, Jr., The Daily Show 🔨
0174 [H]igh AF POTUS Noel Casler 🦃💊
0175 Head of KAOS 🍻FARK 👑💣
0176 Heffa 🥓FARKer
0177 [H]uman definition of tragic 🐱Twitter account "@DeadRandy" 🗑
0178 Human Version Of A Dog That Tries To Lift Its Leg To Pee On A Hydrant And Falls Over Into The Puddle Of Its Own Making 🥓FARKer 🖕
0179 House Trump 🎙A.G., Mueller, She Wrote Podcast administration 🎠
0180 Historically Impeached Ersatz President* And Purveyor Of Negligence 🥓FARKer 🎺🦃🌂🖕
0181 Happy Smiling Orange Daddy 🥓FARKer 🍊🛐💪
0182 Highschool Burnout Seth Meyers 🗑
0183 Horseman of Pestilence, The 🥓FARKer ⚰️🐍
0184 Human Error, A Seth Meyers 🖕
0185 He Who Shall Not Be Named 🥓FARKer (HWSNBN) 🏝
0186 HWSNBN 🥓FARKer He Who Shall Not Be Named 🏝
0187 Hypocr-alypse Jimmy Kimmel Donnie's desperate attempt to sue his way to a win in the 2020 election 🖕🔥
0188 Houdini Of Bad Business, The 🖋Sam Sanders, Jinae West and Jordana Hochman 💸
0189 Homo Hamberderus 🥓FARKer 🦍🍔
0190 Humorless' Version Of A Comedian 🎙Cody Johnston, "Some More News: The Movie" 🏝👽
0191 Hungover Bigfoot On Vacation Seth Meyers 💊🦍⛳
0193 His Lord Beefiness 🎙Tyler Templeton, Tooning Out The News 🛐💪
0194 Headache 🥓FARKer
0195 Hate Monger "Folks" according to the "Heat Miser" from Jimmy Kimmel parody of "The Heat Miser Song" from the 1984 version of "The Year Without a Santa Claus" 🏳️‍🛐
0196 Hippo Assed 🥓FARKer 🍔💩
0197 Human Buffalo Wing A Late Show with Stephen Colbert "Holiday Message For 2020"
0198 Hilarious Punching Bag That We're Gonna Once Again Underestimate, A 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News "Not a cautionary figure, but as ..." 🤦
0199 Ham Seth Meyers the larger part of the duo of "Ham & Milk" (with Mike Pence as "Milk"), the "Two cops thrown together and forced to set aside their differences to stop, or in this case start, a crime spree." 🍔
0200 Hemingway of 140 characters 🤡"Somebody" as regaled by Donnie himself 🛐
0201 Hole in One Term 🥓FARKer
0202 Handmaiden of Putin 🎩Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D CA 12th) 🇷🇺🔧
0203 Human Blowtorch Jordan Klepper Donnie, as well as Rudy Giuliani and Donnie Junior 🇷🇺🔥🔨
0204 Human Missile Crisis Jimmy Kimmel 🔥🔨
0205 Human Pelican 🥓FARKer with picture 🍔
0206 He Who Shall Remain Shameless Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🎖🐡💣
0207 Hilarious Sociopath 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🚨💣
0208 Husband Making Small Talk With The Doorman While He's Waiting For His Wife To Come Down To The Lobby, A Seth Meyers 🎖🐡
0209 Hoax Hogan Jimmy Kimmel 🗯
0210 Hairy Poppins Jimmy Kimmel as sung by Rufus Wainwright 🐿
0211 Hydroxy Horror Picture Show, The Jimmy Kimmel as sung by Rufus Wainwright ⚰️
0212 Hungry Hungry Hypocrite Jimmy Kimmel as sung by Rufus Wainwright 🍔🖕
0213 Hoohah Harassing Hoochie Haranguer 🥓FARKer
0214 Hitler's Cumstain 🥓FARKer 🛑👑🛢
0215 Humpty Trumpty On His Mexican Wall 🥓FARKer 🤡🏳️‍
0216 His Flatulence 🥓FARKer 👑💩
0217 Hair Furor Agolf Twitler 🥓FARKer 🐿💣🛑👑📱
0218 History's Greatest Monster 🥓FARKer both Donnie and the name of fake TV show ♾️🦍
0219 Horrible Yam 🥓FARKer 🍊☣
0220 Human Perjury Trap, The 🥓FARKer 🗯🐡
0221 [H]umorless narcissist, [A] 🗳️Jerome Kellner ".. who has totally mismanaged the COVID-19 crisis in this country from the start, the same way he's handled everything since he took office."; letter to the editor, Maui News, May 1, 2020 🏝🐡
0222 Hideous Boil Mick Foley "... right on the surface of the GOP." 🚑
0223 [Hope Hicks'] orange beau 🐱Twitter account "@raffine9" 🍊🛐
0224 House of Orange 🥓FARKer Donnie's family, disciples, etc. 🍊🛐🤡
0225 Hard-working, Genius Multitasker Trump 🥓FARKer 🚨🥔🖕🤡
0226 Human Equivalent Of A Skidmark In White House 🥓FARKer 💩
0227 [H]ealing crystal to Republicans 🍻FARK "... he does nothing, he looks weird and for no discernible reason, they report feeling better with him around" 🛐👽
0228 Hot Wheels 🐱Twitter account "@karr_md" with picture 🐿
0229 #HeWhoShallBeNamed Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🏝🖕
0230 His royal pain in the assholiness, King Shitbag Von Drumpfle Dump the Turd 🐱Twitter account "@BleedingMarine" 👑💩
0231 "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York" Actor 🐱Jocelyn Gile 🐡🎖💸
0232 Humongous-Fungus, The 🐱Twitter account "@pokeyjohn" "(Shroom of Doom & Dumb)" 🍄
0233 Highly Unqualified [Folk] In Office Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🖕
0234 [H]amberder connoisseur, The 🐱Twitter account "@kando84" 🍔
0235 Hypnotist, Except Instead Of A Pocket Watch [He] Used A Meatball On A String Seth Meyers 🛐
0236 Hot air hippo 🐱Twitter account "@kando84" 🐡🍔
0237 Hateful Turd 🖌Jethro Aloysius Sleestak 🏳️‍💩
0238 Human Hemorrhoid 🐱Twitter account "@TheeAlanSmithee" 💩
0239 Hold me closer Tiny Handster 🐱Jameson Peters 🔬
0240 Handse Pinocchio 🐱Jameson Peters "... because not only does he just "grab it" his hand get bigger when he lies" 🗯☢
0241 Hi-C Hitler 🐱Twitter account "@limitlessjest" 👑
0242 Hooter's Hitlerino 🐱Twitter account "@limitlessjest" from image 👑
0243 Ham Sandwich 🎙Tristan Snell, former Assistant Attorney General for New York State transcript and Every other parallel universe but this one, as revealed by Seth Meyers
0244 Honey-glazed Himmler Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA the closest color scientists have been able to determine for Donnie and, presumably, Donnie himself 🍊🛑
0245 Humpy Dumb-T 🐱Twitter account "@MCMikeSkywalker" 🤡🥔
0246 High Plains Grifter 🐱Twitter account "@MikamiChuckles" also this creature card designed by Edward Anderson and this parody digital trading card ("Traitor card") from Twitter account "@LiberalForce" 💸
0247 High-blames Grifter 🐱Chris M. Drain 🐤🗯🏝💸
0248 Heir d'trump 🥓FARKer 👑🎖🤡
0249 Huge Principles Guy 🥓FARKer 🚨🤡🐍🏝
0250 Honey Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA "Oh, honey move on; it's over." 🏝🥔🥗
0251 Howard Co-Sellout Jimmy Kimmel 💸
0252 Healthiest Man's Man That Ever Manned The GQP, The 🥓FARKer 🚨🐢🚑❄️
0253 [H]ouse that was always on fire 🃏Stephanie Grisham one of several metaphors Grisham used for both Donnie's administration and "everything" at the Trump White House, along with "clown car on fire running at full speed into a warehouse full of fireworks", "an insane asylum where you couldn't tell the difference between the patients and the attendants", "a roller coaster that never stopped" and "a hot mess 24/7"; from an excerpt from her book "I'll Take Your Questions Now" 🎠🔥
0254 [H]ot mess 24/7 🃏Stephanie Grisham one of several metaphors Grisham used for both Donnie's administration and "everything" at the Trump White House, along with "clown car on fire running at full speed into a warehouse full of fireworks", "house that was always on fire", "an insane asylum where you couldn't tell the difference between the patients and the attendants" and "a roller coaster that never stopped"; from an excerpt from her book "I'll Take Your Questions Now" 🎠🖕
0255 [H]ateful POS Imgur account "BStev" from a macro 🏳️‍☣
0256 [H]ateful, lecherous, narcissistic, megalomaniacal, nepotistic, rapacious, compulsively lying lifelong conman 🐱Twitter account "@Exhaling9" from a macro 🏳️‍🤡🐡🗯💸
0257 History's Worst Man, Donald J.O. Trump Jimmy Kimmel 🐍🤡
0258 Hair Farce One 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@NamedHeShallBe1"; from a screengrab of the tweet from the original Twitter account "@NamedHeShallBe" that no longer exists; many people had used the nickname previously, but for Boris Johnson not Donnie 🐿🤦
0259 [H]uman [gelatin] caked in make-up 🖋Tim Miller "Two human gelatins caked in make-up complaining about how unfair it is that their attempt to cheat wasn't successful"; with MyPillow guy Mike Lindell 🐡
0260 [H]uman Gatling Gun [of lies] 🐱Twitter account "@SpiroAgnewGhost" "He truly is the most insane pathological liar in the world. Non stop-lies, big & small like a human Gatling Gun, always." 🗯
0261 History's Taco Burp 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA on his Emmy-award winning program, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🛢
0262 His Male-pattern Fraudness Jimmy Kimmel 🐿🌂
0263 [H]uman equivalent of a fluorescent fishing lure Noel Casler 🐡
0264 Hitler, crossbred with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog 🖋Ian Gurvitz "Only instead of Robert Smigel's finger up the puppet's ass, it's Putin's."; from a photo of a page from his book Death To America!: How We The People Screwed Ourselves 🛑👑🎖
0265 [H]uman equivalent of the Stinking Corpse flower, The 🖋Ian Gurvitz from a photo of a page from his book Death To America!: How We The People Screwed Ourselves 💩🚑
0266 Human Avatar Of Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, And Sloth--And Also Stupidity, The 🥓FARKer 🐍🥔
0267 [H]urricane of corruption 🖌Pat Bagley Donnie and perhaps his administration as well as his family
0268 Husband Pitching A Three-way To His Wife And Her Best Friend Seth Meyers 🤡
0269 Honorary Russian Colin Jost 🇷🇺
0270 Hitler Without The Warmth Gilbert Gottfried 🛑👑
0271 [H]uman boner pill 🖋Ian Gurvitz "For those who felt politically and socially impotent..."; from a photo of a page from his book Death To America!: How We The People Screwed Ourselves 🛐
0272 [ONE OF] HISTORY'S GREASIEST [MAN] Unnamed announcer, promotion for the Piers Morgan interview as revealed by Jimmy Kimmel "HISTORY'S TWO GREASIEST MEN GO HEAD-TO-HEAD"; Donnie and Piers Morgan 🚑
0273 Hamburgler, The Jimmy Kimmel
0274 Hepatitis B Jimmy Kimmel with Sarah Palin as Hepatitis A 🚑
0275 Horrible Plague 🎩President Joe Biden ⚰️
0276 [H]uckster 🐱Twitter account "@Cheap_Knockoff" 💸
0277 Head Weirdo Seth Meyers who leads a "Party of Weirdos" and who "keeps going around the country reminding us of his relentless weirdness" 🛐👽
0278 Humpity Trumpity 🥓FARKer with nursery rhyme 🌂🤦🖕
0279 Half-peeled Tangerine 🥓FARKer corrected typo 🍊🚫
0280 Humble Little Turd 🥓FARKer 🚨🐡☣
0281 HATCHER of the LIE, the 🖌JR Duquette from cartoon cover of one of the future books about "how a fragile mayonnaise sculpture goaded a bunch of dopes into a violent white grievance pity party" 🗯
0282 HEZEKIAH YODER 🐱Twitter account "@StivaliRyder" from macro credited to "@HotPockets4All"
0283 [One Of] History's 10 Greatest Fuck-ups 🥓FARKer ♾️🖕
0284 Horse-fucking Candy Striper 🥓FARKer
0285 His Majesty Donald Jacqueline Trump Jimmy Kimmel [or Jacquelyn or Jaclyn] 🤡👑🎖
0286 Heifer 🍻FARK 🍔
0287 Hillary Trump Trevor Noah
0288 Harry Hou-dummy Jimmy Kimmel pronounced like "Harry Houdini" 🥔
0289 Hacker "Donnie" as channeled by Seth Meyers 🌂
0290 Horny Cockatoo 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA from his Emmy-award and JD-Power-and-Associates-Award-for-Initial-Customer-Satisfaction-for-'Quality-Mid-Sized-Sedan' winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🤡
0291 [H]ollowed out narcissist 🗳️Adam Kinzinger from his personal account not his official US Representative account 🐡
0292 Has been 🍻FARK 🗑
0293 Habitual Loser 🖋Charles Blow 🗑
0294 Heinz Express, The 🐱Twitter account "@LiberalForce" from parody digital trading card ("Traitor card") 💣
0295 Hotel Manager 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🌂
0296 Hollow Con Artist 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News "... who didn't live up to any promise and is now seeing some justice--maybe--for his many crimes." 💸
0297 Hoarder Seth Meyers 🐷
0298 Hulk Hoagie Jimmy Kimmel 💪🍔
0299 Hardened Fecal Matter Plug 🥓FARKer inspired by another FARKer 💩
0300 Hooting Baboon 🥓FARKer codename for FSB Agent #45345 🐡🦍
0301 [H]omegrown dictator Noel Casler 🔫👑
0302 Head Of A Violent White Supremist Gang, The 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA "... but in prison this time!"; from his Emmy-award and JD-Power-and-Associates-Award-for-Initial-Customer-Satisfaction-for-'Quality-Mid-Sized-Sedan' winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 👑🛐🏳️‍
0303 Horny Old Goat Jimmy Kimmel 🤡👴🦍
0304 HAIRAMBE 🥓FARKer from macro which reads "DICKS OUT / FOR HAIRAMBE" 🐿🦍
0305 Half-disabled 80-something Man Who Lives On Hamburgers 🥓FARKer 🚑👴🍔

Numbers - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


# Nickname Source Note Category
0001 Incoherent, Incorrect, Conspiratorial, Delusional, Self-Aggrandizing, and Underinformed 🖋Ezra Klein 🥗👽🐡🥔🎖
0002 Idiot in Chief of the United States of America 🥓FARKer 🦃🥔
0003 Idiot of The Black House 🏴 Al Qaeda press release FARKer posted screengrab of Al Qaeda press release 🥔
0004 Idiot Racist Reality TV Clown 🥓FARKer 🥔🏳️‍🤦
0005 Idiot Trump, The 🥓FARKer 🥔🤡
0006 Ignoramus In Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃🥔
0007 Illegitimate Leader Trump 🥓FARKer 🌂🤡
0008 Impulse Kneejerk Stalin Hitler 🥓FARKer 👑💣🍼
0009 Infuriator, The 🥓FARKer 🍼🤦
0010 It 🍻FARK 🦍
0011 I Am Become Girth, Shitter of Worlds 🥓FARKer 🍔💩
0012 Ignorant Cocksplat 🥓FARKer 🎖🛢
0013 Illegitimate White House Squatter 🥓FARKer 🦃🌂
0014 Inmate 4827-65 🥓FARKer 🌈
0015 International Fucking Embarrassment 🥓FARKer 🤦
0016 Irritable Bowel Syndrome Cotton Candy Furher 🥓FARKer 🚑👑
0017 IDIOTUS 🥓FARKer 🦃🥔
0018 Impotent 🥓FARKer 🤡
0019 Ignorant Dog-Eating, Goat-Fucking, Racist Pig 🥓FARKer 🎖☢🏳️‍☠
0020 Individual-1 🥓FARKer
0021 Illegitimate Baboon In The White House, The 🥓FARKer 🦃🌂🦍
0022 Ill-Fitted Suit President 🍻FARK 🦃📉
0023 Insane Clown POTUS Jimmy Kimmel 🦃🥗🤦
0024 Ignoramus Maximus 🥓FARKer 🛐👽👑
0025 Ignorant Fat Blob Of Congealed Spray Tan 🥓FARKer 🍊🎖🍔
0026 Ignorant Treasonous Orangutan 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🎖🦍
0027 Inmate 🥓FARKer 🌈
0028 Illiterate Conman President 🥓FARKer 🦃👽💸
0029 Impeachable Donald Trump 🥓FARKer ⚖🤡
0030 Incel Emperor 🥓FARKer 🛐☠👑
0031 Individual 1 🍻FARK
0032 Ignorant Orange Slimeball 🥓FARKer 🍊🎖🛢
0033 IQ45 🥓FARKer 🦃🥔
0034 Iron Yuppie 🥓FARKer 🎖🌂
0035 IDJIT 🥓FARKer 🥔
0036 Infantile Orange Assbag 🥓FARKer 🍊🍼💩
0037 Il Douche 🥓FARKer 👑🛢
0038 Individual Wank 🥓FARKer
0039 Insincere, Mealy-mouthed, Hypocritical, Narcissistic Dotard 🥓FARKer 🗯🖕🐡👴
0040 Isn't Even A Discount Adolf Hitler 🥓FARKer 🗑👑
0041 Idiot Evil 🥓FARKer 🥔💣
0042 Idiot Messiah 🥓FARKer 🥔🛐
0043 Integrity President, The 🎙Cody Johnston, Cracked Some News 🚨🦃
0044 Illegitimate President Trump 🥓FARKer 🦃🤡
0045 Impeached Yegg 🥓FARKer 🌈❓
0046 Incompetent Orange Schitstain 🥓FARKer 🍊🖕💩
0047 Imaginary Billionaire 🥓FARKer 🌂📉
0048 Incredible Small-handed Boy Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🔬🍼
0049 Inmate 5743624 🥓FARKer 🌈⚖
0050 Incompressible Jizz Trumpet 🥓FARKer ❓🛢
0051 international incident 🥓FARK 🖕🤦🔥
0052 impulsive, bad-tempered idiot 🖋Stephen King 💣🔨🥔
0053 incompetent asshat 🖋Stephen King 🖕☣
0054 Idiotic politician with ridiculous hair 🍻FARK 🥔🐿
0055 Insecure Old Man 🥓FARKer 👴🌂🗑
0056 Infected Anal Blister 🥓FARKer 🚑💩
0057 Invidious Prevaricator 🎩Rep. Al Green (D TX 9th) 🗯
0058 Impolite Ignoramus 🥓FARKer 🔨🥔
0059 Idiot 🥓FARKer "who doesn't know jack shit about running a auto factory" 🥔 or 🎖
0060 Infection Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🚑
0061 Illegitimate President 🥓FARKer 🦃🌂
0062 Illiterate Reagan Wannabe 🥓FARKer 👽🌂
0063 [I]lliterate clown 🐱Pam Keith 👽🤦
0064 Idiot Amin 🥓FARKer 🥔👑
0065 Idiod, The Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA an epic poem detailing how "Donald Trump is defeated by his greatest weakness his Achilles Mouth"; see also "The Oddity" 🥔
0066 Incompetent Boob 🥓FARKer 🖕
0067 Illegitimate unAmerican Cunt 🥓FARKer currently squatting in the office of the presidency 🦃🇷🇺☣
0068 Impeached Individual #1 🥓FARKer 🎺⚖
0069 Impeached Russian Puppet, That 🥓FARKer 🎺🇷🇺
0070 IMPOTUS 🥓FARKer 🎺🤡
0071 idiot, impeached idiot 🐱Twitter account "@WilDonnelly" 🎺🥔
0072 International Clown 🍻FARK with "National Concern" 🤦
0073 Infallible Dear Leader 🥓FARKer 🛐
0074 Insane Narcissist And A Giant Douchebag 🥓FARKer from a gif of Sarah Silverman from her show "I Love You, America" 🥗🐡☣
0075 Impeached Laughingstock, The 🥓FARKer 🎺🤦
0076 Imperial Presidency 🥓FARKer administration 🎠👑
0077 Ignorant, Lazy, Thin-skinned C*nt 🥓FARKer 🥔⛳💣☣
0078 Impeached One, The 🥓FARKer 🎺🛐
0079 Impeached President Trump 🥓FARKer 🎺🦃🛐
0080 IPOTUS 🥓FARKer 🎺🦃
0081 ImPOTUS 🥓FARKer short for "Impeached President Trump"; "The P in imPOTUS now stands for Planet, apparently." 🎺🦃
0082 Impeached Jesus 🥓FARKer 🎺🛐
0083 Impeached Trump 🥓FARKer 🎺🤡
0084 Impeached Scoop 🥓FARKer 🎺🍔
0086 Insane Freakshow 🥓FARKer 🥗👽 or 💣👽
0087 Impeached Daddy 🥓FARKer 🎺💪
0088 Impeached Cult Daddy 🥓FARKer 🎺🛐💪
0089 Impeached Pussygrabber 🥓FARKer 🎺☢
0090 Ignoramus Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 👽
0091 Incompetent, overweight world leader with terrible haircut 🍻FARK both Donnie and Kim Jong Un 🖕🍔👑🐿
0092 Incompetent-In-Chief Trevor Noah 🦃🖕
0093 Impeached Failed Excuse For A President 🥓FARKer 🎺🦃🗑
0094 Inept, Ignorant, Incompetent, Disingenuous Asshole 🥓FARKer 🖕🥔🗯☣
0095 Incompetent Piece Of Trash 🥓FARKer 🖕📉
0096 IMPEACHED President Pandemic-Recession 🥓FARKer 🎺⚰️🦃📉
0097 Ignorant, Corrupt, Narcissistic Threat To Our Democracy 🥓FARKer 🥔⚖🐡👑
0098 Ignorant, Fat-faced Bag Of Hate 🥓FARKer 🥔🍔🏳️‍
0099 Impeached President Death 🥓FARKer 🎺⚰️🦃
0100 Incompetent Pompous Ass 🥓FARKer 🖕🐡💩
0101 Infecter-in-Chief, The 🍻FARK ⚰️🦃
0102 Incompetent Giant Baby 🥓FARKer 🖕🍼
0103 Ignorant Moron Man-baby 🥓FARKer 🥔🍼
0104 Ishtard 🥓FARKer 💸🥔
0105 Ignorance 🥓FARKer based on a quote from Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol, "This boy is Ignorance."; also, another name for Kellyanne Conway's boss 👽
0106 Insane Clown President Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🦃💣🤦
0107 [I]gnorant clown 🖋Jeff Tiedrich 👽🤦
0108 Illiterate "president" 🍻FARK 🦃👽
0109 Ignoramus Trump 🥓FARKer inspired by #CreepyTrump 👽🤡
0110 Ignorant, Racist, Sundowning Rage Clown 🥓FARKer 👽🏳️‍🥗💣🤦
0111 Inspector Bunker Baby 🖋Evan Hurst 🌂🐡🐤🍼
0112 Ignorant, Debased Person Who Was Handed The World And Shat All Over It And Grinned Like A Loon Doing So 🥓FARKer 👽📉🖕🎖
0113 Ill-dressed, Pear-shaped Sack of Assholes 🥓FARKer 📉🍔💩
0114 [I]nfant in chief 🐱Imgur account "Chainhealer" 🦃🍼
0115 Incipient Nursing Home Resident 🥓FARKer 🥗👴
0116 Immortal God Of Physical Perfection Sculpted From A Block Of Granite By Zeus And Luke Skywalker As The Chosen One To Rule The Universe Just As The Prophecy Foretold 🥓FARKer 🚨🛐
0117 Infomercial President, The 🍻FARK 🦃👽💸
0118 Imbecilic Con Man 🎙Steve Schmidt 🥔💸
0119 Incompetent, Decrepit Moron 🥓FARKer both he and Pence 🖕🚑🥔
0120 Inchworm 🥓FARKer 🔬
0121 Impeached President Numbnuts 🥓FARKer 🎺🦃🥔
0122 Impotus Americanus 🎙Lincoln Project the small balled Trump, of the species Oompus Loompitica 🎺🔫🦃
0123 [I]diot surrounded by clowns, [A]n 🙈Gary Cohn, former Trump Economic adviser from Michael Wolff's book "Fire and Fury" 🥔🎠
0124 Idiot 🙈John Kelly, former White House Chief of staff based on Bob Woodward's book "Fear: Trump in the White House" 🥔
0125 Ivanka Trump's Amateur Gynecologist 🥓FARKer from a macro 🤡🐍
0126 Ignorant Ignominious 🥓FARKer 🥔🤦
0127 Impotus covidiot hydroxymoron doofus 🐱Twitter account "@donpbenz" ⚰️🎺🦃👽🥔
0128 Illiberal President 🎙Steve Schmidt 🦃👑
0129 Incest Donnie 🥓FARKer 🤡🐍
0130 Ignorant Ass 🥓FARKer with nursery rhyme 👽💩
0131 individuLOL 🥓FARKer inspired by a tweet Donnie deleted 👽📱🤦
0132 Individu lol 🥓FARKer inspired by a tweet Donnie deleted 👽📱🤦
0133 Individulal 1 🥓FARKer inspired by a tweet Donnie deleted 👽📱
0134 Idiot pResident 🥓FARKer 🦃🥔
0135 Insult To Shit, An 🥓FARKer 💩
0136 Incompetent, Grifting, Sociopathic Golf Ogre Seth Meyers also a terrible campaigner 🖕💸💣🦍
0137 Impostor Commander In Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃🌂
0138 Irredeemable Filth 🥓FARKer Donnie and his children 📉🐍
0139 Islamophobic, sociopathic, megalomaniacal, demagogue, [A]n 🐱Twitter account "@TruthnotBS2020" from a macro, with "the most unpleasant character in America: jealous, petty and greedy", "an unforgiving narcissist", "vindictive ethnic cleanser", "misogynistic, homophobic racist", "serial liar", "serial predator and proud of it", "capricious bully", and "self-serving repulsive con artist without a shred of conscience." 🏳💣️‍🐡🛐
0140 [I]mpulsive, childish dimwit Mark Hamill 🍼🥔
0141 Imposter In Chief That Sits In The White House 🎩Stacey Abrams 🦃🌂
0142 Idiot Blowhard Seth Meyers 🥔🐡
0143 Incompetent Liar Seth Meyers 🖕🗯
0144 Individule-1 Mile Island 🥓FARKer 🚑
0145 Idiotic Polyanna Dreamer 🥓FARKer 🥔🛐
0146 Incompe-Donnie 🥓FARKer 🖕
0147 Inveterate Gambler Who's In Deep With A Loan Shark Seth Meyers ♾️💸
0148 Incontinentia Buttocks 🥓FARKer 🛏💩
0149 Incompetent Idiot 🥓FARKer with an "at first he was an" (incompetent idiot) ... "now he's an" (unrepentant mass murderer) rant 🖕🥔
0150 [I]diot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing, [A]n 🗳️Ingrid Ryan 🥔🐡💣🌂
0151 INTERRUPTING COW 🥓FARKer from a parody movie poster promoting the next presidential debates; the movie is called "INTERRUPTING COW" 🐡🍔
0152 Imbecilic Shit-show 🥓FARKer 🥔🖕
0153 Imbecile 🥓FARKer 🥔
0154 Idiot Who Shouts The Loudest, The Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🥔🐡
0155 [I]nsanity 🩺Dr. James P. Phillips, MD Dr. Phillips is attending physician, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center 🎠💣🔨🔥
0156 Invincible Hero, [T]he 🍻FARK 🚨💪
0157 Immune From Being Intelligent Or Helpful In Any Way 🥓FARKer 🥔🐡
0158 Infected President Seth Meyers 🦃⚰️
0159 Inveterate Liar Seth Meyers ♾️🗯
0160 Il Donald 🖋Anne Applebaum 👑
0161 Ill Donald 🥓FARKer inspired by Il Donald ⚰️👑
0162 Idiot On Steroids Larry Wilmore ⚰️🥔💊
0163 [I]rresponsible, callous, murdering, son of a klansman Bishop Talbert Swan 🍼💣🔨🏳️‍
0164 [I]nhumane, murderous, degenerate, son of a klansman Bishop Talbert Swan 🔨🐍🏳️‍
0165 Illegitimate Cuck 🥓FARKer 🤡🗑
0166 Infectious Oprah Larry Wilmore "Throwing plague rags out to the crowd." ⚰️
0167 Illegal Immigrant Colin Jost, SNL starting at @1:07 🌈
0168 In The Pocket Of Big "End-Of-The-World" 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🔧🔥
0169 Impeached Unindicted Co-conspirator National Security Risk Cotton Candy Coiffed Failed Real Estate Developer/Reality TV Mascot/Steak Shilling Incestuous Pedophile Rapist Fat Fucking Failure* 🥓FARKer "... goes by many names, but all should end in an asterisk." 🎺⚖🌎
0170 Insane Person, An 🥓FARKer 🥗
0171 Incredibly, Astoundingly Uninformed 🥓FARKer 👽🥔
0172 Increasingly Angry And Belligerent Man Jimmy Kimmel 💣🍼
0173 [I]llogical and nonsensical 🖋Jennifer Rubin 👽🥗
0174 Image-obsessed Narcissist Who Also Has An Unhealthy Obsession With His Daughter 🥓FARKer 🐡☢
0175 Idiot Game Show Host 🥓FARKer 🥔💸
0176 Insufferable Pants-sh*tting Little Baby Seth Meyers ☣🐤🍼
0177 Incompetent Toddler Randy Rainbow 🖕🍼
0178 Il Douchey Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 👑☣
0179 [I]nscrutable derp 🍻FARK 👽🥔
0180 Impeached One-term Pandemic President Trump 🥓FARKer ⚰️🎺🦃🦆
0181 Iconic Con Artist Laci Mosley he needs to be up on "Scam Rushmore" 💸
0182 Infected, affected, injected, rejected, unelected, dejected Trump 🍻FARK 🦆🏝🤡
0183 Inspector Trumpledown Seth Meyers "... the worst private investigator ..." 🎖🌂🖕
0184 Impeached Loser 🥓FARKer 🎺🗑
0185 Impeached One-Term Former President Trump 🥓FARKer 🌈🍗🎺⌛
0186 Inspector Poon Smurf 🥓FARKer
0187 I Can't Believe He Was A President 🥓FARKer 🦃🖕
0188 Ivy Leaguer who requires a safe space to protect himself from painful speech 🖋Tim Miller 🎖❄️🐤
0189 Idiotic Schitt-stain Of A Man-child 🥓FARKer 🥔💩🍼
0190 Infamous Racist Rich Kid Grifter 🐱Matthew Cooke 🤡🏳️‍📉💸
0191 Illegally Orange 🐱Twitter account "@murphtoned" 🍊⚖
0192 Impeached lame duck toddler 🍻FARK 🎺🦆🍼
0193 Immoral Opportunist 🥓FARKer 🐍💸
0194 Idiot [Who] Is Good At Manipulating Stupid People 🥓FARKer 🥔💸
0195 Incredible Sulk, The 🖌Rich Ragsdale also a Dave Whamond cartoon, superhero parody of Donnie's collectible digital trading cards NFTs 🍼
0196 [I]mpeached lame duck President Trump 🍻FARK 🎺🦆🦃🤡
0197 Irrelevant Asshole 🥓FARKer 🏝☣
0198 Incompetent orange man 🐱Imgur account "Mech0T1" 🍊🖕
0199 Irrelevant Dinosaur 🥓FARKer 🏝👴
0200 [I]nsignificant arse-cockle on the scrotum of humanity "Scottish" Twitter Superstar, MetalOllie he's actually not Scottish 🏝💩🍒
0201 Impeached One Term, Loser President Trump 🥓FARKer 🎺🦃⌛🗑🤡
0202 Inveterate Gambler Begging His Bookie To Float Him For One More Race Seth Meyers 💊
0203 [I]rrelevant Arnold Schwarzenegger "... as an old tweet." 🏝
0204 Insufferable, Treasonous, Sniveling, Asshole 🥓FARKer ☣🇷🇺🍼☣
0205 [I]nfantile and unpatriotic president who can't handle the truth of his own failures 🗳️Michelle Obama "The day was a fulfillment of the wishes of an infantile and unpatriotic president who can't handle the truth of his own failures."; Elle magazine 🍼🏳️‍🗑
0206 Impeached**2 President Trump 🥓FARKer 🎺🎺🦃🤡
0207 [I]ncompetent, vindictive, mentally unstable, science denying, racist, traitorous egomaniac 🐱Twitter account "Stornoway_Cove" 🖕💣👽🏳️‍🇷🇺🐡
0208 Ingrate Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🎖
0209 Incompetent Psychopath 🖋Charles P. Pierce 🖕💣
0210 Incompetent Fuckhead 🥓FARKer 🖕
0211 Irrelevant President 🥓FARKer 🦃🏝
0212 Inmate 45 🥓FARKer 🌈🦃⚖
0213 ImpeaCheeto 🥓FARKer with macro 🎺🧀
0214 Inmate#xxx-xxxx 🥓FARKer 🌈⚖
0215 Inmate 8472 🥓FARKer from the description of the fake TV show "Orange is the New Orange"
0216 Immovable Stupidity 🥓FARKer "What happens when an irresistible force hits immovable stupidity?" ♾️🥔
0217 Incontidon 🥓FARKer 🛏 or 🖕
0218 Infirm Old Codger 🥓FARKer typo corrected 🚑👴
0219 Idiot Who Calls A Weed Dealer And Uses The Code And Then Uses The Real Word To Make Sure The Code Was Right Seth Meyers 🥔🐡🏝
0220 Inciter In Chief, The 🎩Rep. Jaime Raskin (D MD 8th) 🦃🇷🇺🛑
0221 Impeached Seditionist Republican President 🥓FARKer 🎺🦃🇷🇺🛑🐢
0222 Insane Demagogue Whose Malign Neglect Killed Hundreds Of Thousands Of People, Who Spent His Adult Life Committing Many Felonies, Including Multiple Rapes Of Women And Children, Who Was Involved With The Italian And Russian Mobs, And Who Recently Attempted To Overthrow The U.S. Government 🥓FARKer "... cheats at golf." ⚰️🥗🛐⚖☢🇷🇺
0223 Infestation That Took Four Years To Clear Up Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA "... and we still have an inflammed southern border." 🚑
0224 Irrelevant Stranger Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🏝
0225 Idiot Asshole 🥓FARKer 🥔☣
0226 Incompetent Killer 🥓FARKer 🖕🔨
0227 I, Donya Trevor Noah with parody poster
0228 Inmate 45D2021 of the State of NY 🐱Donald Frederick
0229 Insanely Narcissistic Sociopath And Extremely Insecure With A Fragile Ego 🃏Michael Cohen 🐡💣🗑
0230 Instigator, The 🐱Twitter account "@Millmanrocks" 🔨🛐👑
0231 I paid $130,000 for sex and all I got was this stupid tweet 🐱Jameson Peters 🤡
0232 I like small hands and I can not lie 🐱Jameson Peters 🔬
0233 I like big ties and I can not lie 🐱Jameson Peters 🐡
0234 Improvisor Who Has An Audience Plant Yell Out Suggestions Seth Meyers 🥔🖕
0235 Imus Dubya 🐱Twitter account "@InstantNadel" 🐡
0236 Ice Ice Donny 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" 🏳️‍
0237 Insurrectionist in Chief, The 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" "aka TIC"; also dubbed thusly by Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D MA 7th), transcript 🇷🇺🦃
0238 Insta-Pot Of Presidents, The Jimmy Kimmel 🦃🖕
0239 Insurrectionist Bradley Whitford 🇷🇺⚖
0240 Insurrection President, The 🎙Cody Johnston, Some More News 🦃🇷🇺⚖
0241 Ivankas stalker 🐱Twitter account "@MCMikeSkywalker" 🤡☢
0242 Insufferable Asshole, That 🥓FARKer ☣💩
0243 Illiterate Nero 🐱Twitter account "@extro_introvert" 🥔👑
0244 Insanely Stupid Human 🥓FARKer 🥔
0245 Idiot Wheel Of Fortune Contestant Who [Has] Most Of The Puzzle Revealed But Still Keep[s] Guessing The Wrong Answer Samantha Bee Donnie and other similarly idiotic "political leaders" 🥔
0246 Inestimable Human Failure 🥓FARKer both Donnie and Confederate general Robert E. Lee 🗑🖕
0247 Irredeemable, Unstable, Utterly Deplorable And Craven Sociopath 🥓FARKer 🐍💣🖕🐤
0248 Insane Person Who Spent The Last Year Trying To Unravel American Democracy And Will Absolutely Follow Through The Next Time He Gets The Chance Seth Meyers 🥗🇷🇺
0249 [I]nsane asylum where you couldn't tell the difference between the patients and the attendants, [A]n 🃏Stephanie Grisham one of several metaphors Grisham used for both Donnie's administration and "everything" at the Trump White House, along with "clown car on fire running at full speed into a warehouse full of fireworks", "house that was always on fire", "a roller coaster that never stopped" and "a hot mess 24/7"; from an excerpt from her book "I'll Take Your Questions Now" 🎠🖕💣🥗
0250 [I]mpressive Spectacle Of Fitness And Raw Maculinity, [A]n 🥓FARKer 🚨🍔🗯🌂
0251 Irredeemable Complete And Utter Asshole 🥓FARKer 🐍☣
0252 [I]ncompetent, criminal sociopath 🗽Richard Signorelli 🖕⚖💣
0253 [I]diot from New York City, [A]n John Fugelsang 🥔
0254 Irredeemable Fat Sack Of Crap 🥓FARKer 🐍🍔💩
0255 Impossibly-coiffed Furry Orange Troll With A Horrifying Visage, An 🥓FARKer named "GRIFTY"; "fleece around and fund orange" 🍊🐿🐤🚫
0256 Inflated Orange [Ball] Jimmy Kimmel 🍊🍔🍒
0257 [Rudy's] Idiot Emperor 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🛐🥔👑
0258 Idiot's Ideal "Genius," An 🥓FARKer 🥔
0259 Imbecilic 8 year old 🥓FARKer 🥔🍼
0260 Inflated Orange Poop, The 🐱Twitter account "@Handsome_Jock" 🍊🍔💩
0261 [I]nsincere dope who's drunk on celebrity and has no actual loyalty to anything or anyone, [A]n John Fugelsang 🗯🥔🎖
0262 Islamic State's "Man of the Year," [T]he 🎩Senator Lindsey Graham (R SC) 🔨
0263 I Can't Believe It's Not Hitler 🐱Twitter account "@andrea30656" from parody margarine tub 🌂🛑👑
0264 Idea Guy Michelle Wolf 🚨🌂🥔💸
0265 Irrational, Dangerous Former President 🎩Rep. Liz Cheney (R WY 1st) 🍗💣
0266 Impotent Orange Fool 🥓FARKer 🤡🍊🤦
0267 Idiotic, Racist, Xenophobic International Laughing Stock 🥓FARKer 🥔🏳️‍🤦
0268 [I]ntoxicated teenager who throws a brick thru the window and runs away barefooted but too stupid not to step on the shards of glass he created Noel Casler whereas "Ron DeSantis is a sniper in the woods with a laser scope and high caliber rounds aimed at the heart of USA" 💊🍼🖕
0269 Idiot of the century 🖌Mark Dolk Donnie and the "award" he received for being himself along with "worst racist bastard ever" and "most infamous unconvicted rapist"; from a cartoon ♾️🥔
0270 Insane Floridian David Alan Grier 💣🖕
0271 Idiot And An Incredibly Inept Liar 🥓FARKer 🥔🗯
0272 Incompetence On A Different Level 🥓FARKer or IOADL which is pronounced like "I waddle" 🖕
0273 IOADL 🥓FARKer "Trump is incompetence on a different level. ... pronounced like "I waddle" " 🖕
0274 Inadequate Fake 🥓FARKer based on quote from an Psychology Today article, "What Is a Narcissistic Collapse?" by Elinor Greenberg PhD 🤡🌂
0275 [I]diocracy personified 🥓FARKer from a macro featuring Leonardo DiCaprio and Cillian Murphy in the "squinting" scene from the movie "Shutter Island" 🥔🔥
0276 Ignorant Little Bitch 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA from his Emmy-award and JD-Power-and-Associates-Award-for-Initial-Customer-Satisfaction-for-'Quality-Mid-Sized-Sedan' winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🥔☣
0277 Icky bod Crane 🐱Twitter account "@diane_huebner" 🏝🚑
0278 Inadequate Dictator, The John Fugelsang 🖕👑
0279 [I]lliterate game show host 🖌JR Duquette 🥔💸
0280 International Criminal Seth Meyers
0281 Irony Man 🖌Dave Whamond superhero parody of Donnie's collectible digital trading cards NFTs; from a cartoon 🌂🎖
0282 Inmate # 010621 🥓FARKer
0283 Individual One Inch 🖌Paul Lander ⚖🔬
0284 Impenetrable Dome 🎙"Donnie's college professors" as revealed by Twitter account "@7Veritas4"] 🥔🍼
0285 Idiot Who Has No Idea What He's Talking About "a Trump spokesman" as reported by Jimmy Kimmel 🥔🐡
0286 Isn't Just The Guy Who Shouts "FIRE!" In A Crowded Theater, He's The Guy Who Lights The Match, Pours The Gasoline And Screams "There's A Fire And There's No Point In Leaving 'Cuz I Chained The Exits!" Seth Meyers 🔨💣
0287 Insufferable Fool 🥓FARKer 🤦

Numbers - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


# Nickname Source Note Category
0001 Jackaninnie, The 🥓FARKer 🐡🍼🦍
0002 Jerky Boy 🥓FARKer ☣🍼
0003 Job-Killing President, The 🥓FARKer 🦃🖕🔨
0004 John Barron 🥓FARKer alias 🐤🌂💸
0005 Joisey Orange Joick, The 🥓FARKer 🍊☣
0006 Jabba the Trump 🥓FARKer 🍔🤡
0007 Jeffrey Epstein's Once and Future Co-Defendant 🥓FARKer
0008 Jerk-Clod "Baby Hands" Duvalier 🥓FARKer ☣🔬👑
0009 Julius Cheeser 🥓FARKer 🧀👑
0010 JFC Trump 🥓FARKer 🖕🤡
0011 Jabba With A Comb-over 🥓FARKer 🦍👑🍔🐿
0012 Jan 🍺FARK 🗯🐡
0013 Jabba The Orange Thing 🥓FARKer 🍊🍔
0014 Junior High Bully That Never Grew Up, The 🥓FARKer 🍼
0015 John 🥓FARKer 🤡
0016 Junky, Misogynist, Racist, Criminal Paranoid, Narcissist Loser 🥓FARKer 🌎
0017 Joke of jokes 🥓FARKer 🤦
0018 Jabba the Hutt of privilege, A 🖋Nate White 👑🦍🎖
0019 Jive Pill Popper 🥓FARKer 💊
0020 Junkie 🥓FARKer "Major Don's a junkie..." 💊
0021 JABBA THE HUCKSTER 🐱Twitter account "@WesternCivil" from a macro using the notorious makeup-line photo 🍊🍔💸
0022 Jackal Who Is Said To Follow The Steps And Devour The Leavings Of Obama, [T]he 🥓FARKer 💣🍼🔨
0023 Jamaican Donnie 🍻FARK 🏳️‍
0024 Jamaica Donnie 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍
0025 Jamaican Joke, The 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍🤦
0026 Jonas Sulk Seth Meyers ⚰️🖕
0027 #JACK45S 🥓FARKer 🥔☣
0028 Jockey Jumping Off His Horse In The Home Stretch And Deciding To Run The Rest Of The Way Seth Meyers 🐡🎖🌂
0029 John Doe 🥓FARKer "AKA John Barron, AKA John Miller, AKA Daniel Dennison, AKA Sir, AKA The Not-So-Magic Mushroom, AKA Spoily the Brat, AKA The Deacon of Debt, AKA The Liar in Chief, AKA The Mulligan Man" 🐤
0030 Junk President 🥓FARKer 🖕
0031 John Doe 🥓FARKer alias 🐤
0032 John Miller 🥓FARKer alias 🐤
0033 jackass Dr. Stephen T. Colbert , DFA 🥔
0034 Jason From Friday The 13th 📯Unidentified Person familiar with Donnie's debate prep as reported by CNN's Dana Bash 🔨🥔
0035 Just Another Moocher 🖋David Frum 💸
0036 Junkie [Who] Argue[s] He Can Get Clean Any Time He Wants 🥓FARKer 💊
0037 Johnny Appleseed Of Covid Seth Meyers ⚰️
0038 [J]oyously self-absorbed goldfish-skinned ill-coiffured Boris Johnson 🥓FARKer as seen on the Donald Trump Insult Generator 🍊🐡🐿🇬🇧
0039 James Joyce Of Fantastical Bullsh*t, The 🥓FARKer 🐡🗯
0040 Jesus, If He Were Pumpkin Spiced Randy Rainbow 🍊🛐
0041 Jack(ass)-o-Lantern 🥓FARKer
0042 JACK-ASS-O-LANTERN! 🥓FARKer from a macro
0043 Judgemental Fat Guy With A Red Hat Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 🐡👽🍔
0044 Jerry Lundegaard 🥓FARKer with helpful video clip 🌈⚖
0045 Jack 🥓FARKer as in "Hit the Road, Jack", with helpful video of Ray Charles' hit
0046 Jerk-off 🥓FARKer with still from the movie The Big Lebowski
0047 Jello-o Pudding Pop 🥓FARKer 🚨♾️
0048 Joe Biden 🥓FARKer from macro that reads: "IN FINAL BID FOR VICTORY, TRUMP CHANGES NAME TO JOE BIDEN" 🌂
0049 John Waters of Adolf Hitlers, [T]he 🍻FARK 🛑
0050 John Waters Villain, A 🥓FARKer inspired by "... the John Waters of Adolf Hitlers" 🦹‍♂️
0051 Just The Face 🥓FARKer of the cult for which "His Russian FSB handlers are the brilliant cult organizers and exploiters." 🐡🛐
0052 jumbo 🐱Phill Goldberg 🍔⛳
0053 Jesus Allegory Lion, The 🥓FARKer "You go to war with the Jesus Allegory Lion you have, not the Jesus Allegory Lion you might want"; inspired by Lionhearted 🛐
0054 Jackass McLiarpants 🥓FARKer 🥔☣🗯
0055 Just Ousted 'President,' A 🥓FARKer 🍗⌛
0056 Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz's mobster overlord 🖋Jeff Tiedrich 🐢🌂🛐
0057 Jeff Epstein's Dance Partner Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA
0058 Jersey Shore Voldemort 🐱Twitter account "@KenzCarr4" 🌂🏝🐍
0059 Judy Doom 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" 🔥
0060 Jobba the Buttface 🐱Twitter account "@InstantNadel" 🍔💩
0061 John 130:000 🐱Twitter account "@InstantNadel" 🤡
0062 Jabba The Putt Jimmy Kimmel 🍔⛳
0063 Jaundiced Pedophile Rapist Traitor, The 🥓FARKer 🚑☢🇷🇺
0064 Jabba The Gut 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@jonblackfitness" 🍔
0065 John Wayne Lazy 🐱Twitter account "@MCMikeSkywalker" 🔨⛳
0066 Jesus H Trump 🥓FARKer 🛐🤡
0067 Jabbering, Cash-poor, Damp Slob Of A Human Being 🥓FARKer 🐡🥗📉🍔
0068 Jesus Trump, Christ In The Flesh Reborn, The True One Son Of God 🥓FARKer 🛐
0069 Jared's Wife's Father's Swollen Ego 🥓FARKer 🤡🐡
0070 Jagoff 🥓FARKer
0071 Jackass O'Lantern 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@kevinasbell"; although, Twitter account "@KozyALaMode" used it back in 2016 with slightly different punctuation before the hashtag
0072 John McLame 🐱Dan Junttonen 🗑
0073 Jackass Skellington 🐱Twitter account "@gene_leslie"
0074 Just Another Old Man In Florida Complaining About Things He Sees On TV Jimmy Kimmel 👴🍼👽
0075 John Barron Esquire 🥓FARKer 🐤🌂💸🎖
0076 Jerry Rice Of Transgressions, The Trae Crowder ♾️🐍
0077 Johnald J. Trump 🛐Stacy Garrity, Pennsylvania state Treasurer or Jonald J. Trump; May 6, 2022 rally for "Dr." Oz, Greensburg, Pennsylvania, starting ~1:02:28 🛐🌂
0078 Jabba The Putz 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@LatasaSean" 🍔🥔
0079 J.F.K.F.C. 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@Jakedgilbert" 🍗🍔
0081 Joker 🖌Mark Dolk 🖕🤦
0082 JOHN-ALD TRUMP 🏆"Dexys Midnight Runners cover band" from the Emmy-award and JD-Power-and-Associates-Award-for-Initial-Customer-Satisfaction-for-'Quality-Mid-Sized-Sedan' winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🤡
0083 Jeffrey Epstein's Molestation Buddy 🥓FARKer
0084 Jean Val-trex Jimmy Kimmel ⚖👴
0085 Jennifer Coolidge Of The Internet Wanda Sykes 🥔 or 💊 or 🥗

Numbers - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


# Nickname Source Note Category
0001 Kim Jong Trump 🥓 ❓ 👑🤡
0002 King Cheeto 🥓 ❓ 🧀👑
0003 Komerad Bonespurs 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🏆🐤
0004 King Donald, the Doll-Handed 🐱@ElectSanePeople 👑🔬
0005 Knobhead, the Dark Lord of Stupidity 🐱Dravens Tales from the Crypt 👑🥔
0006 King Minus 🖋Steve Silberman 👑🖕🗑
0007 King of Chuffing 📣unnamed rockclimber, Full Frontal 👑🥔
0008 King, The 🥓FARKer 🚨👑
0009 King Cheetos 🥓FARKer 👑🧀
0010 King CheeWee 🥓FARKer 👑🧀🔬
0011 King Donald I 🥓FARKer 🚨👑
0012 King Donny the Mad 🥓FARKer 👑🥗
0013 King Dope 🥓FARKer 👑🥔
0014 King Leer 🥓FARKer 👑🐡☢
0015 King of Empty Promises, The 🥓FARKer 👑💸
0016 King of the Hillbillies 🥓FARKer 👑📉
0017 King Trump the Paranoid 🥓FARKer 👑🤡🥗
0018 Knuckle-brained fart lozenge 🛡Scottish Twitter 🛡
0019 Kommander Combover 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🐿
0020 Kremlin [or Putin] Asset 🎩James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence 🇷🇺
0021 King of the Mouth Breathers 🥓FARKer 👑🥔
0022 Kommander Kombover 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🐿
0023 Kremlin Don 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🌂
0024 King Donald le Roué Faitnéant 🥓FARKer Google translation: "King Donald the Wrench" 🚨👑🔧
0025 King Donald le Roi Fainéant 🥓FARKer Google translation: "King Donald the Lounging King" 🚨👑⛳
0026 King Bloviator 🥓FARKer 👑🐡
0027 King Turd 🥓FARKer the "dead-ender" GOPer's King Turd (from another FARKer) 👑💩
0028 Kentucky Fried Nero 🖋Rick Wilson 👑🍔
0029 King / President Cheeto McTweeto 🥓FARKer 🦃🧀👑📱
0030 King Ding Don 🥓FARKer 👑🥔
0031 King Donny 🥓FARKer 🚨👑
0032 King Mierdas 🥓FARKer "and his turd reich" 👑💩
0034 Kim Jung-Ish Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 👑
0035 King Fecalmidas 🥓FARKer 👑💩🍯
0036 King Merde 🥓FARKer 👑💩
0037 King of Fakes 🥓FARKer 👑🌂
0038 King Trump 🍻FARK 🚨🌂👑🤡
0039 King Turd Donald 🥓FARKer 👑💩
0040 King Of Mierde De Chango 🥓FARKer (Spanish for "monkey shit") 👑🦍💩
0041 Kentucky Fried Asshole 🥓FARKer 🍔☣
0042 King Baby 🥓FARKer 👑🍼
0043 King of U.S. Not Pelosi Waterboy 🥓FARKer 🚨🌂👑
0044 Kumquat Gaddafi 🥓FARKer heard on Larry Wilmore's podcast 🍊👑
0045 Kotton Kandy Kaiser 🥓FARKer 👑🏳️‍
0046 King Donald The Unimpeachable 🥓FARKer 🚨🎺🌂👑
0047 Kommisar Krony 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🔧
0048 King Merdes 🥓FARKer 👑💩
0049 King Scatus 🥓FARKer 👑💩
0050 Kumquat Pol Pot 🥓FARKer from screengrab of tweet 🍊👑
0051 King Traitor Trump 🥓FARKer 👑🇷🇺🤡
0052 King Corpulence 🥓FARKer 👑💩
0053 king of "I meant to do that", the 🍻FARK 👑🌂💸
0054 King of Cucks 🥓FARKer 👑🗑☠
0055 Kid Nobody Likes Who Hamfistedly Bullies Himself Into Everything, The 🥓FARKer 🍼🏝☣
0056 King of the Sexual Sinners, The 🥓FARKer 👑🤡
0057 Kiddie-Diddler-in-Chief 🥓FARKer 🦃☢
0058 King of all Trolls, the 🍻FARK 🛐
0059 King of the Jews 🍻FARK 🚨🌂🛐
0060 King of Israel 🥓FARKer 🚨🌂🛐
0061 King of the Half-Wits 🥓FARKer 👑🥔
0062 King of Fake News Randy Rainbow 👑🗯
0063 King Dipshit 🥓FARKer The Madness of King Dipshiat 👑🥔
0064 Katrina 🥓FARKer "... and the world is New Orleans." 🔨🖕
0065 King Asshole 🥓FARKer the administration: "Merry Band of Assholes" 👑☣
0066 King of Debt, The FARK 📉💸
0067 King Shitbird 🐱Kim Sherrell 👑💩🦍
0068 Knuckledragging Ogre 🥓FARKer 🦍🥔
0069 King and Lord Donald, The 🥓FARKer 🚨👑🛐
0070 King Cockroach 🥓FARKer 👑🦍
0071 King of Bankruptcy, The 🍻FARK 👑📉
0072 Krombopulos Michael 🥓FARKer 🐡💣
0073 King Ahab 🎩Hillary Clinton
0074 King Donald 🥓FARKer from a parody movie poster for "The Madness of King Donald"; also from a children's book 👑🥗
0075 Krokodil Donnie 🥓FARKer 💊🇷🇺
0076 King of the #Coverup, The 🐱Twitter account "@BonnieBlueBell1" 👑🐤⚖
0077 Kwisatz Haderach 🥓FARKer 🛐
0078 King Dotard 🥓FARKer 👑👴🥗
0079 Kingston Klansman, The 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍
0080 Known Nincompoop 🥓FARKer 🥔
0081 King Nothing 🥓FARKer inspired by the song by Metallica 👑🗑
0082 King Kong 🙈Donald McGahn, former White House counsel 💣🔨🔥
0083 King Of All The Shitpile 🥓FARKer with poem 👑💩🗑🖕
0084 King Covid-Canute 🥓FARKer ⚰️👑🖕🎖🌂
0085 King in Yellow, The 🥓FARKer 👑💣
0086 King That Thinks He Is A King 🥓FARKer 👑🎖
0087 King-Of-The-Patriots Trump 🥓FARKer 🚨👑🇷🇺
0088 King With A Possum In His Head 🥓FARKer or "On His Head" 👑🐿
0089 King of Despair 🥓FARKer 👑🖕
0090 Kite-Man 🍻FARK ⚖🤦
0091 King in Orange, The 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0092 Kid Who Forgot It Was Show & Tell, A Seth Meyers ⚰️🖕
0093 King Diaperhead 🥓FARKer 👑💩🥔
0094 Kid Covid 🖌Milt Prigee ⚰️
0095 King Don Brian Stack, "King Don's Bible" commercial announcer 👑
0096 King Of The Economy, The 🎙Brian Tyler Cohen 🚨👑🖕
0097 Karen in Chief 🖋David A. Graham 🦃🎖🍼
0098 King of Cavernous Auditoriums, The 🥓FARKer 👑🏝🗑
0099 Kluxer Trump 🥓FARKer inspired by #CreepyTrump 🏳️‍🤡
0100 King Of Wingin' It, The 🥓FARKer 🚨👑🎖🖕
0101 Kid With Chocolate All Over His Mouth [Who Says]: "The Last Thing I Would Ever Do Is Steal A Cookie." 🥓FARKer 🍼🗯
0102 Kid Who Loses At Halo And Chucks His Controller Across The Room Seth Meyers 🍼🔨
0103 Klaxon Wearing A Tie Michael Spicer, The Room Next Door 🐡
0104 Kim Jong Un's Squash Partner Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 👑🏝
0105 Kanye West In A Room Full Of Taylor Swifts Trevor Noah 🐡
0106 King Of Failure Mountain 🥓FARKer 🎖🗑
0107 King Of The Ashes 🥓FARKer 💣🔨🔥
0108 Kid Who Lights Ants On Fire For Fun Seth Meyers "And when you catch him doing it he says, "It's not what you think, torturing living things brings me joy!" " 💣
0109 King Phoey The 1/16th 🥓FARKer 👑🗯
0110 Kid Who Just Started To Feel Better After The Stomach Flu, A 🥓FARKer 🍼🐡🗯
0111 Kim Jong-Don Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA 👑
0112 Kid Playing Grand Theft Auto Trevor Noah 🍼🔨
0113 Kim Jong-Donald Larry Wilmore 👑
0114 King of the Whoppers 🥓FARKer 🚨👑🗯
0115 King of the Oompa Loompas 🥓FARKer 🍊👑
0116 K-Mart Caesar 🥓FARKer 📉👑
0117 Klansman Bishop Talbert Swan 🏳️‍
0118 Kremlin's Acoustic Kitty 🥓FARKer 🇷🇺🔧
0119 King Of Super-low Bars, The 🥓FARKer 👑🗑
0120 [K]id in school who was a loser and who REALLY wanted The "cool" kids to like him, and would do anything to get that ... except with nuclear weapons, [T]hat 🍻FARK 🍼🏝💣
0121 Kinder Trump 🥓FARKer 🍼
0122 Kinder Surprise 🥓FARKer "... same egg shape, only filled with shit"; inspired by Kinder Trump 🖕💩
0123 King Of Unforced Errors, The 🥓FARKer 👑🖕
0124 Kind Of Guy Who Would Write In His Own Name Even Though He's Already On The Ballot, The 🥓FARKer 🐡🎖
0125 King Tutan-con-man Jimmy Kimmel "... a pharoah who wants to be buried with his minions." 👑
0126 Kid Who Keeps Changing The Rules Until He Wins, That Trevor Noah 🍼💸🏝
0127 Kid That Is Just Mad Because Somebody Don't Like Them Leslie Jones 🍼💣🏝
0128 King Hippo 🥓FARKer 👑🍔
0129 Kanye's Friend Donald Jimmy Kimmel 💸🌂
0130 King of Coronavirus 🥓FARKer in song form ⚰️👑
0131 Kardashian presidency, The 🥓FARKer administration 🎠🐡
0132 Kid Slowly Realizing That Nobody's Coming To His Birthday Party Jimmy Kimmel 🏝🤡
0133 Killer In A Lifetime Movie, The Seth Meyers "... who offers to lay his coat down in one scene, and then two scenes later shows up in the middle of the night staring at you through the window, swaying back and forth for some reason"
0134 Kodak Film 🥓FARKer 🚨♾️
0135 Known Slumlord 🥓FARKer 🤡⚖
0136 KOOKY CUCKOO COUP CREW, The Seth Meyers Donnie's legal team 👽
0137 KingDonald of the Diaper 🥓FARKer 👑💩
0138 Kenga 🥓FARKer "It's just like Jenga, except you do a bump of ketamine before pulling a block." 💊
0139 Kind Of Guy Who Would Channel Surf Past Independence Day On TNT And Think Aliens Were Attacking The White House, The Seth Meyers 🥔🥗
0140 King Donny Of The Diapers 🥓FARKer 👑💩
0141 Kid Who Refuses To Leave The Ball Pit At Chuck E. Cheese, A Seth Meyers 🍼
0142 King of Ventilators, The 🍻FARK ⚰️👑
0143 King Lear of Mar-a-Lago, The 🍻FARK 👑
0144 King Tangerine 🃏Anonymous former MAGAt 🍊👑
0145 King of all the Wild Things 🖌Peter Lewis 🛐🏳️‍
0146 Kentucky Fried Covidiot Jimmy Kimmel as sung by Rufus Wainwright ⚰️👽
0147 Ku Kucks King 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍🛐
0148 Kakisto the Malevolent 🥓FARKer 🛐🐍
0149 [K]lanspawn Bishop Talbert Swan 🏳️‍
0150 King Of The Whirled 🥓FARKer "... should be named King Of The Whirled (as in 'spun')." 🛐🐡
0151 Kid Who Woke Up From A Bad Dream, Wet The Bed, And Toddled Down The Hall To Tell Mommy He Needs His Binky 🥓FARKer "And is afraid mommy is going to spank him to boot." 🍼❄️
0152 King Baby Coward 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@KornackiPsaki" 👑🍼🐤
0153 Kremlin Kraft Dinner Hairdo Head 🐱Twitter account "@limitlessjest" from image 🍊🇷🇺🐿
0154 Kentucky Fried Chickenshit 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" 🐤
0155 King Dong 🐱Twitter account "@awhellgnaw" 👑🥔
0156 King of Chuff Mike Rubens, Full Frontal 👑🥔
0157 Kentucky Fried Commander In Chief Jimmy Kimmel 🦃🍔
0158 King Snowflake 🥓FARKer 👑❄️
0159 Kriss Burning Kross 🐱Twitter account "@MCMikeSkywalker" 🏳️‍
0160 KlanChowder 🐱Twitter account "@extro_introvert" 🏳️‍
0161 Kremlin Debt 🐱Twitter account "@extro_introvert" 🇷🇺💸📉
0162 Kovfefe le Pew 🐱Twitter account "@gerhiker1" 🥗🤡
0163 Known Charlatan, A 🥓FARKer 🏝💸
0164 Klanta 🥓FARKer 🏳️‍
0165 King Of The Dumbasses 🥓FARKer 👑🎖🥔
0166 king of Mar-a-Lardo, [T]he 🍻FARK 👑🍔
0167 King President Dad, The Second 🏆Eric Trump as interpreted by Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA on his Emmy-award winning program, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 🦃👑🤡
0168 king George 2.0 🥓FARKer 👑🇷🇺
0169 Kingpin 🛐Jeanine Pirro "... for elections going forward"; from a clip; Pirro was not a guest; also illustration by Paul Leigh 🛐👑
0170 King of Fa 🥓FARKer "He's Fa King." 👑🖕
0171 [K]leptocratic, power-crazed imbecile, A 🖋Ian Gurvitz from a photo of a page from his book Death To America!: How We The People Screwed Ourselves ⚖💣🥔
0172 Kim Jong Dumb 🐱Twitter account "@RealDonVader1" from a macro 👑🥔
0173 King Of Honesty 🎙Brian Tyler Cohen 🚨👑🗯
0174 KFC Packer Jimmy Kimmel 🍔
0175 Know-nothing 🥓FARKer 🥔
0176 Klan Chowder 🖌JR Duquette 🏳️‍
0177 Kellyanne Conway's boss Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA ("Ignorance is your boss") 🛐💪🥔
0178 King Shit 🥓FARKer 👑💩
0179 King Donnie 🥓FARKer 👑
0180 King Donald the Nonth, Son of Klansman (the Son of Pimp), Father of Eric the Gummy, Junior Fasttalker the Cokehead, Ivanka the Vacuous, Tiffany the Inconvenient and Putative Father of Barron the Suspiciously Tall 🥓FARKer 👑🛐🏳️‍🤡
0181 Kid Trying To Explain To His Teacher Why He Didn't Do His Homework Seth Meyers 🐡🍼
0182 Kleptocrat 🏆Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA "Kleptocrats In Cars Seizing Power"; from his Emmy-award winning program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert 👑💸
0183 King Of The Oathbreakers 🥓FARKer 👑🛐
0184 Kermit the Fraud 👂Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, DFA #HeWhoShallBeNamed entrant credited to Twitter account "@clevercomedy" 🌂
0185 King Of Snitching On Himself, The Trevor Noah 👑🐡🌂🥔
0186 King Of The "Lowered Expectations" Crowd 🥓FARKer 👑🏝📉🛐
0187 [K]nown traitor 🎙Sarah Reese Jones 🇷🇺
0188 King of dick moves 🍻FARK 🎖☣
0189 Kal-El Pollo Loco Jimmy Kimmel 🎖🍔
0190 Kanye West Wing Jimmy Kimmel 🦃🥗
0191 [K]ing MAGA boomer, [T]he 🖋Mark Greene 🛐👑👴
0192 King 🎙Cody's On-screen Text, Some More News 🚨👑
0193 King of the Losers 🍻FARK 👑🗑
0194 King Tuten-Conman Jimmy Kimmel 👑💸
0195 King of Scandals Roy Wood, Jr 👑🐍

Numbers - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Other Nicknames

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